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Posts posted by Zac

  1. Hey all,

    I began treating for parasites with general cure a couple of days ago. However more symptoms suggesting bacterial infection have developed since I started treatment like bloating and flake peeling. Here’s my question. I’m supposed to put the second dose of general cure in today but I have antibiotics coming tomorrow. Can I discontinue treatment of general cure as long as I do a water change to get most the meds out, then put the antibiotics in tomorrow? I’d rather not have to wait another 3 days before I can put antibiotics into the tank and have an even bigger chance of losing the fish.

  2. On 4/9/2022 at 6:11 PM, Colu said:

    If his scales are peeling that. Could be caused by him rubbing of things in the tank or bacterial infection what I would do is after your Frist course of general cure do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 they are good antibiotics treatments for when fish aren't eating as their adsorbed thought the skin and gills of fish and repeat the the general cure in two weeks after the Frist course you could try soaking his food in seachems garlic guard to encourage him to eat

    Should I worry about the other fish getting infected if they aren’t showing symptoms and stress is minimal?

  3. Hey all,

    I have an Apisto who isn’t doing too well. Nitrates are 10ish, nitrites and ammonia are at 0. He’s been isolating himself for 3 days and hasn’t been eating. Once in a while he will flash and make a squirming movement. I’m treating with general cure but today I noticed his scales are peeling away on his left side. The area is pale around it. I noticed some odd behavior a week or so prior to this happening however I pushed it off thinking it was no big deal. For example, when I stirred up the substrate while doing a water change he would flash once and then he would act fine until I stirred up the substrate again a week later. So I figured maybe a small amount of debris got in his gill or something. Also, he would hide but still come out to eat so I thought he was fine. He shares a 30 gallon tank with tetras, corys, a pleco, and some otos. They’re all doing great except for him. What kind of infection am I dealing with? I’m treating for parasites (not ich). 

  4. Hey all,

    I’m treating my tank for a suspected parasite using general cure and raising the temp to about 82. I know the tetras, pleco, otos and cichlid will be fine but what about Pygmy corys? Will they be able to tolerate it?

  5. On 3/13/2022 at 1:41 PM, Jennifer V said:

    The water cures the super glue and makes it safe for your aquarium so I don't think it suffocates the roots or affects the rhizome. Is the rhizome mushy at all or discolored? Are the leaves detaching at the base where they connect with the rhizome? 

    It seems to be a brownish color. I just got the plant on Friday. It may be because it wasn’t kept in the best conditions before but I can’t say for sure


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  6. Hey all,

    I recently super glued some anubias to a piece of driftwood. It’s my first time with this kind of plant and using superglue. From my knowledge, the glue will eventually dissolve and the roots will take over. How long does this process generally take? And does the superglue suffocate the roots and prevent the rhizome from sprouting new leaves? I only superglued the base of the plant along with the roots. The plant was in okay condition when I bought it from my local pet store. It seems to have brown spots in the  center of the leaves that are slowly melting away so that’s why I’m inquiring.

  7. Hey all,

    I have a consistent blue green algae issue in my tank. I’ve blacked it out which helped tremendously. However, when I started giving the aquarium 6hrs of light it came back. So I’m considering treating it because I’d like to have a planted tank. Once I treat the tank, how do I keep the blue green algae away? I feed flake food once per day, zuchinni for my ottos every other day, and 1/2 an algae wafer every day

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  8. Hey all,

    I have a small blue green algae problem. It’s mainly on certain areas of gravel. I haven’t seen it anywhere else. I need to do weekly water changes/gravel vacs so that kind of keeps it under control. But I’ve noticed it slowly start to get worse. Light is at 7-8 hrs per day. Sometimes I’ll turn the gravel over to prevent it from getting light.

  9. On 2/1/2022 at 1:05 PM, Gannon said:

    Have you tried dimming the lighting, or shutting it off and then feeding? For some fish lighting plays a huge role in their level of bravery. In my case my archerfish are extremely afraid in the dark haha. I never walk in front of the tank when the lights are off because it leads to splashing and freaking out. But this is not a common occurrence and most fish prefer it darker. 

    If your fish gets any thinner I'd higher recommend quarantining him and fattening him up in a very controlled environment like that. 

    I will have to try that. My only other tank is a 10 gallon with shrimp and chances are he’ll gobble them up. I will have to try the light trick and then take it from there

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  10. Hey all,

    I’ve had a cockatoo cichlid for quite a few months now and all of a sudden he’s gotten very skittish. Primarily during feeding time. He shares a 30 gallon with about 15 smaller tetras, 4 ottos, a few pygmy, corys, and a clown pleco. There’s caves and whatnot for him to hide in as well and water is clean and toxin free with the exception of low nitrates. Anyways, he used to always be an aggressive eater along with the tetras, going up to the surface to get flake food, frozen food, or whatever it was. Now it seems the the smallest bump of the lid sends him darting off. Or he’ll see a fish coming over when he gets some food and darts off. He used to have a nice round belly but now he’s gotten a bit skinnier. He still shows enthusiasm to eat but his skittishness has drove him to eat less than he used to. He was attacked by my clown pleco a couple of times because he tried to steal his algae wafer but other than that the clown pleco leaves him alone. I have a hunch that might be causing the skittishness during feeding time. I try to separate the tetras and cichlid by luring the tetras to the other side with food. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. But I’m usually able to get the cichlid to eat a bit more if I do that. Any thoughts/suggestions?

  11. Hey all,

    I recently purchased 5 otos for my 30 gallon aquarium. Right now they are in quarantine in a 10 gallon with shrimp and some Pygmy corys. I’ve had them for about 2 days now. Some of them seem to be glass surfing quite a bit still and I can’t really tell if they’re eating. I know they are more skittish fish but I just am not sure if it’s normal behavior, or how long it takes them to settle down. The shrimp cleaned almost all the algae out of the tank so I’ve dropped an algae wafer, green beans for a day, and I just put some zucchini in there. They’re not fat but they’re not skinny either. Is there anything else I should be doing?

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  12. Hey all,

    I got a couple live plants and ever since I began added fertilizer regularly algae has been a pretty big issue. Looks like it may be blue green along with some hair algae possibly. I’ve reduced using easy green to once a week because I have a very small amount of live plants. I’ve reduced feeding to once a day. Light is at 10 hrs a day. I did a deep clean a week ago and it’s starting to look bad again. Any ideas on how I can curb this algae growth? I have a clown pleco but he’s not keeping up to well. I would add some shrimp but they would probably get eaten by my other fish.

  13. Hey all,

    I’m considering getting a koi angel with my tetras. I have 5 lemon tetras, 7 king blue tetras, and 8 ember tetras. My tank is 30 gallons and I have some bottom dwellers too (4 Pygmy corys, 1 clown pleco, and 1 cockatoo cichlid). Will I have any issues with overcrowding/fin nipping?

  14. On 11/20/2021 at 7:38 PM, Colu said:

    I   don't think you need to fast him if your just feeding him algae wafers or half of one every other day I don't think he's getting enough variety in his diet I would feed him some cucumber blanched lettuce or some zucchini and some frozen blood worms every now and then for some protein I feed my bristlenose every day with a variety of food I have never had any health issues with them and they breed let me rabbits

    He probably gets some flakes that fall to the ground from normal feeding time. How should I put the cucumber in the tank so it doesn’t rot 

  15. Today I found my clown pleco just laying on his back like he got tired of latching onto the driftwood. I tested the water and Ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate about 20-30 (water change day is tomorrow). I’m not super worried at the moment because he zoomed off when I opened the lid to the tank and he’s active regularly. Has anyone else seen this? He is looking a little chunky so maybe that’s it? I feed him usually half an algae wafer every other day and sometimes a whole one. I’m probably going to fast him for a few days because me thought is that he’s just sluggish from too much food. What are your guys’ thoughts?


  16. Hey all,

    I’ve had this dwarf sagittaria for about 2 weeks now and I noticed some of the leaves are turning brown and yellow and melting. Now I know this is part of the natural adaptation process to water but how long does this process generally take? I have a hygger planted tank light on the 24hr cycle and I dose 3 pumps of easy green twice a week per the instructions. I just want to make sure it’s not malnourished or dying.


  17. On 11/16/2021 at 11:18 PM, Isabelle said:

    I added one dose of Seachem ParaGaurd this morning since I didn't know what was wrong at first, but I do also have some Fritz ParaCleanse on hand--should I maybe start treating the tank with this instead? And could I leave my pleco in the tank while I start treatment?

    Either should work fine and I would leave the pleco in there in case it is sick as well

  18. Hey all,

    Looking for plants that can live in temperatures of 84°F-85°F (if there are any). Trying to see what options I have for a discus tank. Also, sand. I’ve heard both no and yes. Do plants grow okay in sand? I know you’ll have to root tab the sand if they’re root feeders and prevent toxic bubbles by combing out the sand once in a while. But I’ve heard both they can’t and can’t grow. Thoughts?

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