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Everything posted by Chad

  1. That would be perfect @Rube_Goldfish but I don't think my local club does meets any more. Just a fish swap twice a year and I'm not on that level to be trying to set up a booth or anything.
  2. Thank you @Odd Duck! This is great info!
  3. I added a trio of high-fin kohaku swordtails and a pair of yellow king tiger cobra guppies (both from Dan's fish) to my 33 gallon community tank a couple months back. They are stunning and, not surprisingly, prolific. There are lots of fry and juveniles (30-50 of each) and I'm sure in a few months I'll need to start moving them out. My initial intent was to sell them to my local fish store. They were interested when I asked originally but after my last chat they seemed lukewarm to the idea. It might still work out, but I want to have a fallback plan. I was curious what options others have selling locally and/or directly to customers? Are there web sites you use? Local forums? Facebook seems like the way but they don't allow this. I have a 20 gallon quarantine tank I'm using to lighten the load and grow out the fish. But in 2-3 months I'll need to start moving them. My next step after this is to consider selling via mail and with a web site. But one degree at a time 🙂 Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  4. Well, I propogated/cut the anubias on the far right of my tank. Thanks @nabokovfan87 for the words of encouragement. And yes, it was very simple to do and looks great. Turns out there were two stems growing out so snip and snip. I glued the two stems to a rock and placed it behind the wood on the left of the tank to help fill in the space the tiger lily resides. I also rounded up the java fern bits and put them in an AQ Coop plant pot that I had laying around. Putting them all together in the pot hopefully helps them grow a bit. Hey, there's a first time for everything, right? I really like how I can now see the christmas moss behind it now. I threw a couple java fern stragglers in another pot back there. Not sure what to do with it yet, the other pot is full up. Aannd, I shrieked like a three year old when a sneaky amano shrimp decided to climb up my arm as I focused on cutting the anubias. Sure, I think they're great, but yeah, they still creep me out. So pathetic 🙂.
  5. Thanks @nabokovfan87! Appreciate that. I'll give it a go this weekend and see what happens.
  6. Thanks @Schuyler! I've been playing with adding plants more than fish lately:) I just cut the red rotalla (sp?) a few weeks ago and am impressed with the speed it grows. The corkscrew jungle val is also fun, got very tiny shoots from an online seller (very disappointed and not AQ Co-op) that barely hung on for a few months and then took off. Seems like all plants for me take forever to get going. Except the frog bit and tiger lily. Those loved my water and hit the tank at full speed. That said, I can't grow java fern to save my life. It exists in my tank, that's about it. I need to read up on how to propagate anubias. Didn't realize how much the one on the right had grown until I saw my then and now pics. I want to cut it in half and move the top half somewhere else.
  7. Thanks @Guppysnail! I gave myself a lot of smiles seeing the before and current looks so I figured it was time to update. Finding the right mix is wonderfully tricky. Meaning I do find it fun to figure out and learn from. I also added amano shrimp. They're a lot busier and fun to watch than I was guessing they'd be. Got 'em solely for cleaning algae, love watching them.
  8. Ok, it's been a WHILE and I've been wanting to update my aquarium situation. Thought I'd show what the tank looked like a year ago and what it looks like now. Here's the before: and here's now: Some things are still where I left them, some have grown way more than I realized. But here are the biggest changes. No more rummy nose tetras, platies, guppies or neons. Hello rainbow shiners, green neons, cpd's, ricefish and endlers. No more heater. Way more plants. The cory's, shrimp and bs pleco remain and are as silly as ever. For me, the rummynose's as a centerpiece school just didn't work as I'd hoped. They're so skittish and docile that any dither fish or small thing scared them off. Seriously, I had one cpd bullying them to one side of the tank. @Fish Folk sold me some incredible shiners a few months back and the change in tank behavior was immediate. They have yet to color up, but I think they're incredible already. Those in the know understand how tricky behavior in a community tank is. I get it now and am looking at parsing things down. But, since things are going well I'm in no hurry to do so. I do see how keeping two species together or less works better. But asking a novice to pick only two types of fish? Or one? Big ask 🙂
  9. Thanks for that info @RockMongler. I didn't know that.
  10. Hmm, that might be it @nabokovfan87. I'll let one grow out a bit and see what happens. Mine are too small to say for sure at this time but if it does grow a bit I'll let you all know. Crazy, a freshwater sponge?! Thanks for the help everybody!
  11. No, never had it in there and it was stuck to the glass. Scraped 4 off last week, found about 3-4 on there this morning.
  12. Very interesting, never seen this before. Seems to pop up overnight. Figured it was eggs or an organism of some sort.
  13. Anything is possible I suppose. It does rub off fairly easily but stays together, kind of like rubber cement.
  14. I was hoping more experienced eyes might know what these little semi-opaque blobs stuck to the inside of my aquarium glass are? I would've guessed snails but bladder snail eggs don't look like that. Could there be a trumpet snail or 3 (million) that only come out at night hiding in my aquarium? I'm stumped.
  15. I’ve had mystery snails eat plants, but I came to learn that it was eating plants that were dying. I’ve had Anubias rhizomes melt. I needed to get the nutrients figured out better in my tank. I think your snail is telling you what mine told me, my plants weren’t healthy.
  16. I don’t think rummynose tetras in a 20 gallon long will be a problem. They are amazing schoolers because of their skittish nature. I do recommend looking for the platinum variant, they really stand out and above the general rummynose tetras in my opinion. I love ‘em.
  17. Great advice as always, thank you! I don't have a quarantine tank at the moment since I have two being currently used on fish. I could add them to those tanks maybe. Again, really appreciate the advice.
  18. I have Amano Shrimp coming in from Aqua Tuna in the next couple of days. Should I quarantine them? I have cherry shrimp and I swear that I read you didn't need to since they're so different from fish. But now I have a very solid cherry shrimp colony and wouldn't want to disrupt it any more than the new shrimp will anyway. Thoughts?
  19. I think you're right on the money @Guppysnail, thanks! I was thinking of cichlids but in super miniature form:) Oh well, unfortunately I can't add more since I just started going down another path of fish to keep. I only bought a few extras with my order to keep it a minimal school at least. But along with them I bought 10 platinum rice fish that came in very healthy and so far I'm excited to try and raise up their fry as my winter project. Anybody have any experience with rice fish in here?
  20. So I had to put down the injured CPD yesterday. I had quarantined him but unfortunately he just wouldn't rebound. It did allow me to very closely inspect the tumors, and sure enough, they weren't tumors but scrapes. Chalk it up to old man eyes I guess, but it seems I have one dominant CPD that's reigning terror onto the others. Not sure what to do. I did recently add Endlers to the tank and those little buggers are all up in the CPD's face which certainly gives it lots to think about other than messing with the remaining CPD's. They're in a 33 long tank but I'm down to 3, with 3 more in quarantine at the moment. Should I remove the dominant one and see what happens?
  21. Let me start off by saying this post has quickly become a favorite of mine. Great info, well written responses, very insightful. So I have to share mine. My biggest surprises are my background fish, the tetras, and the cherry shrimp. Turns out I love to watch fish school more than I like to watch beautiful fish swim. The rummy nose tetras and green neons have topped my list so far. My biggest disappointment would be bettas and guppies. The bettas got boring for me (lots of personal preference here, please don't hate:) and the guppies' erratic swimming got tiresome to watch. Again personal preference. Also, I had lots of trouble with both species regarding their health. I think both are super awesome fish, but I would say to the inexperienced that you should be prepared and very observant when dealing with both. I'm amazed that the fish and shrimp I got to round out my aquarium turned out to be my favorites. So my advice is to try keeping as many as you can in as few a tanks as possible 😉
  22. It's a fair concern @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. I'm guessing it's ok but I can't be absolute on that. I learned in a past aquarium what too little current/water movement does and I didn't want to replicate it. I use a canister filter on this tank but I have lots of slow spots and hides which the cpd's do utilize. My guppies and clown killi's don't seem to mind so I figure it's not too fast but I'm not experienced enough to say this with total certainty.
  23. Actually I bought them from a reputable online store that I have had nothing but a great experience with. Nobody local sells them. They came in great health and have been just fine as far as I can tell. Again though, they’re shyer than most of the other fish I have in there so I wasn’t keeping as close a watch as maybe I should have. It’s a 33 gallon long tank.
  24. Thanks everyone for the help! I appreciate it all and will start with trying to quarantine. I’ve got those meds in hand too so once in their own tank I’ll get it started.
  25. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea Not fuzzy or fluffy, bumps so not flat but they are smooth. I'd say light grayish? Certainly not bright white.
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