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  1. Hi Cory! I read on your website that a second run on your ACO heater will be coming. Is there a timeframe when that might be? I'd rather wait until then to get one. Also, this might sound silly but my BF asked me to mention a suggestion and that's to have your ACO logo printed on the back of the heater instead of the front. He said his aquarium is starting to look like NASCAR with all the logos on everything...lol I told him that's probably asking too much and that he could just paint over the logo with a fish safe black acrylic paint but he made me ask anyway... lol Thank you!
  2. I looked at the 20 long. I loved it, but yah I don't have the space for it on the cabinet I have and need to use.
  3. Thank you everyone. I plan in doing this this weekend. I'll take some pics when I can 🙂
  4. HI s1_ Thank you. I'd love to keep the 10 gallon as a quarantine tank for other new fish or even as shrimp tank but unfortunately I don't have the room right now for both tanks. 😞
  5. Hiya everyone. I know this topic has been discussed before but I wanted to get advice on the best way to do it with my specific set up. My 10 gallon tank has been established for about 2 months. It was one of those starters kits that came with a corner filter, which works, but also I purchased a Co-Op 10 gallon small size sponge filter with an air stone that's been in the tank for the last 2 weeks. I wanted to eventually replace the ugly boxy corner filter with the sponge so that's why I have two filters in the tank. I can see the sponge filter has been doing a good job of collecting some of the gunk so far. Now I'd like to upgrade to a 15 gallon to give my fishies some more room (I have 2 Mollies and 3 guppies but I perhaps plan on a couple more in the future). With that and if I have this right, I'd drain some tank water from the 10 gallon into separate a container and place my fish in there with an air stone. Then, move over everything from the 10 gallon in to the 15 gallon. Substrate, decor, live plants and both filters..etc? I will obviously need a lot more substrate from what's in the 10 gallon. Can I then just add new media to the older stuff and mix it all together in the new tank? Also, I know that the water column itself doesn't hold a lot of BB but would it still be okay to move over like half of it over from the 10 gallon to the new tank and then fill it up the rest with new temperature matched dechlorinated water? It kind of make sense that it would essentially be like doing like a 50-75% water change. My other question is what else should I add to the new tank as far as chemicals go? I have Prime, Prime Stability and also API products like Stresscoat, Stress zyme, and Quick Start. Finally, do I need to do any acclimation for my fish before they go in the tank after that? Thank you for any advice and guidance to my questions. 🙂 ♥
  6. Hiya everyone. I don't have a picture yet, but I'm happy to say that my little boy guppy seems to have made a recovery. His tail looks a lot better and is filling in, no longer hiding at the bottom of the tank and swimming around and eating like normal. When I went to my LFS they also said perhaps get another male guppy to spread out any aggression. I did just that and my girl Mollie has seemed to stop picking on him so much. I've also been doing 30% water changes and my nitrates have dropped to around 20ppm (might even be 10, its hard to distinguish between those two colors sometimes on the API test kit) Ty again for all the replies. ♥
  7. I went to my local aquatics store this evening and showed them the pictures of my guppy. Two gentlemen both said it looks like fin nipping to them too and that he should be separated for a little while to help him recover. I'll be setting up a hospital tank for the little guy tomorrow and I have some antibiotic meds on the way. Thank you again for the replies. 🙂
  8. Perfect. Thank you. And I guess my last question thus far is, would I just use fresh treated tap water and Prime for it? Or, I also have some UV purified dechlorinated/ chloramine ammonia free water from my local fish store. Would that be okay to use as well? Also how much aquarium salt for 2-3 gallons of water?
  9. Thank you for the replies. I unfortunately don't have a hospital tank set up. 😞 Right now I just have him in a Fluval 0.3 gal breeder/isolation box with an air stone and heater. Could I use this for now as a small hospital tank? If so, how much salt would I use for just 0.3 gallons? The salt I have on hand is the API aquarium salt.
  10. Hiya all. I have a male guppy who has what looks like tail nipping or rot. I'm not entirely sure. A little back story. When I first introduced him to the tank he chased my female Mollie everywhere all day long to the point where she's begun to chase him away. I really can't blame her, she looks very annoyed with him. The male Mollie doesn't really have an interest in her however. So I decided why not get the boy guppy a girlfriend and see what happens. Maybe he can shift his "hornyness" elsewhere and leave the girl Mollie alone for a while.. lol After getting him a female guppy, she now chases him too. To the point where he is constantly hiding and on the bottom of the tank. He swims around once and while as normal but gets chased no matter where he goes unless he hides. He will eat a little but won't go to the surface to feed because he gets chased away and relies on getting the food that has gone to the bottom, which isn't very much since the other fish gobble it up. I've tried sinking pellets near him and while he might get just one, the other fish zoom in a steal it from him and he goes back in to hiding and stays there on the bottom for the most part. I noticed today his tail is frayed which leads me to believe he's being nipped and bullied by these two girls. I've put him in an small breeder/isolation tank to see what's going on and to hopefully keep his stress level down from being chased so much. Here are my tank parameters: 10 gallon, 4 fish in total 2 Mollies: 1 male, 1 female 2 Guppies: 1 male, 1 female Water Temp: 78 degrees Live plants: Anubias ,Java Fern and Anacharis Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate around 30ish+ ppm Ph. 8.0-8.2 His tail looks clear of any gunk or ich as far as I can tell, just ratty and I've tried to get the best pics I can but of course he moves his tail and it's hard to get a perfectly clear pic. If anyone can offer any advice if this indeed looks like tail nipping or perhaps rot, your help it would be appreciated. 🙂 ♥
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