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CJs Aquatics

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Posts posted by CJs Aquatics

  1. Hey all, anyone have any fun/ interesting ways outside of storing that they downsize on some of the miscellaneous things they collect regarding the hobby but don’t want to get rid of? I was cleaning up and saw tubs and tubs of filter foams and old sponge filters and caves and hides and clay pots and tunnels etc and thought I would ask the forum if anyone has things they do with stuff they don’t necessarily want to get rid of but don’t want taking up room either…

  2. I would leave the stems alone until the plant is thriving. Root tab supplementation probably would help in this case as I believe banana plants are primarily root feeders that store nutrients in the “bananas”. Could be wrong on that but that’s how I’ve understood them. With this being said, couldn’t hurt anyway to attempt to add nutrients to correct the deficiency via the substrate. It would make sure your plant is getting them and with the easy green (water column dosing) as well as the lighting schedule you have would attack quite a few of the listed ways for optimum growth. 


    also make sure your tubers or (bananas) aren’t suffocating 

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  3. I used to use that one a long time ago, make sure your using the correct amount of salt then honestly it’s just sit and wait. I feel like (unconfirmed) due to the lack of an airstone and water movement this one takes on the higher end of the 24-36 hrs but it works. You will probably also find when they hatch you have to scoop multiple times to get the vast majority of them.  

    Also probably a bit slower hatch at 72 then 78-80

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  4. Lol it’s alright the info seems still beneficial in a way bc they love live worms and the caves provide line if sight breaks/ hiding places for the rest to get away from my aggressive dominant male… can’t hurt 

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  5. My cyano was black just fyi not saying that’s the case for you just saying in case it turns out to be…hopefully someone still comments if not maybe I will test pristine myself and come back to the page, I can never get enough seachem products IMG_6442.jpeg.06a42f2cd9ab9e172f7aceca78e3e292.jpeg

  6. Sounds like Cyanobacteria, could be wrong but that was my first thought when you said sludge that wipes off, I had that, treated it with Maracyn…could be something different in your case just thought I would mention it… I haven’t used pristine yet but I swear by seachem so I’m also following to see what people say…

  7. In theory I believe yes depending on all ingredients…I use a natural clay based kitty litter in quite a few of my tanks as a substrate when I run low on sand or gravel or just to build it up/ possible ammonia nullification so I think something along those lines could work if applied properly…it sounds similar just it’s kitty litter bio balls in a hob as opposed to kitty litter as a substrate…I’m no expert but that’s my 2 cents lol

    • Thanks 1
  8. Hey all, so I just got to watch my Scarlet Badis breed after a feeding of grindle worms. Pretty cool. Problem is I don’t see any eggs. What are the chances that the fry hatch if there are any, and survive in a tank with other scarlet Badis in it? I think I already know the answer but figured I would ask anyway.

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  9. Yes it does appear to be “abscess ish” and did occur randomly. I’m wary bc there are two that appeared around the same time. They almost identically resemble a “pimple with a white head”. Appearance wise they haven’t changed but he’s had them for a week plus. I started leaning towards the possibility that it could be a possible parasite of some sort just due to the number of live micro organisms in the tank I’m sure I can’t identify them all they’ve just came in overtime. The tank has always been stable. It used to house 2 more puffers but both passed this year sort of suddenly. I suspect one of them had parasites his whole life that I was unaware of bc of a crazy appetite but never putting on size like the other. The other one was sort of shocking and not long after. Undiagnosed but at the time it appeared to be some sort of infection possibly caused by an abrasion that didn’t heal. He’s been by himself for a while and earlier this year did have some spots those included on the skin which cleared up fast with kanaplex but these 2 were different and more recent and I’m clueless. They don’t seem to bother him too much. I will say he used to love caves now he rarely ever goes into one he uses the leaves of an Amazon sword which is slightly strange but nothing terribly worrisome just seems to be a new preference. Appetite wise he eats when he’s hungry. It’s about every other day, used to be daily but now it’s every other or in 2 days. He comes up and begs like a dog for food. 

  10. No other fish just some micro things like planaria, seed shrimp, scuds, etc. parameters are stable and haven’t changed I’ll have to get a strip and send numbers when I can…

    Yes he’s eating and active only thing different is he’s decided he likes a plant leaf more then his cave and he looks up at the top of the water quite often 

  11. Hey all, one of my puffers appears to have two lumps on his abdomen, one one each side. They very similarly resemble a pimple on a person, slightly raised with a red ring and a white center, just wondering what this is/ possible treatments if necessary… all other behavior is normal and he or she appears in good health…IMG_6448.jpeg.0adecac1dc204049d342a1274a5542a0.jpegIMG_6447.jpeg.bdff4e361edc935b36053ea81b71e6a2.jpegIMG_6446.jpeg.1e8181b718f7e4791a00de1f95ead967.jpeg

    @Colu first person that comes to mind…

  12. Hey everyone, wondering if for educational purposes you could positively ID a few types of algae I found in the fish room. I’m aware of a few but just want second opinions. Also feel free to comment on the possible cause/ how you would tackle eliminating it… thanks 

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    Photo 4: (front glass)


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