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Posts posted by KentFishFanUK

  1. On 3/8/2023 at 5:56 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

    I have a stream setup. You need significant height gain to have gravity do the work. I would focus on just what type of stream setup you’re looking for.

    Mine has an island to break up fast flow areas with emergent plants. But you could set up the island to have the water pump through it and create an actual stream. Plants in the stream itself are limited. I just have a mini java fern attached to a log that grows my maidenhair fern. With some christmas moss slowly, verly slowly colonizing the rocks. Most streams setup just let algae grow into mature mats. Alot of the stiphodon gobies and hillstream loaches love to eat this stuff. These are very slow to mature tanks. Mine I anticipate will take about a year before everything is grown in and looking the way I like it.

    Here is mine for some ideas:







    3 months growth. The snakegrass puts out new shoots once a month. Waterwillow from clemson in the foreground.


    This tank is absolutely amazing! I love it it's even better than what I had pictured in my mind. Best stream tank I've ever seen!

    What size tank is it? 

    When you say you need significant height gain what do you mean exactly? Did you ever make  a thread with your process? Will have to look through your posts and see if I can find one haha. If you didn't but have pics of how you did it I'm sure everyone would love to see! 


  2. Any hydrologists out there who could point me in the right direction for learning about flow in aquariums? 

    I'm trying to figure out ways of setting up a fast flow hillstream type set up and just wondering if there's a method to setting up hardscape etc to control the speed and direction of the flow (without just trial and error). 

    Won't be setting up the tank until I move so got plenty of time to figure it out but I love learning anyway

    • Like 1
  3. Good to have a first hand report @Guppysnail! I actually bought a spixi snail some time ago to help deal with ramshorn overpopulation (didn't want assassin snails as didn't want them to breed or go for my nerite) as I read online that they eat other snails sometimes but it was hard to know whether it was actually eating any of them as I had so many and information about it online is sparse. The ramshorn population has stabilized now and I'm not overrun but whether the spixi had any affect I have no idea, it's still a cool snail either way (other than regularly playing dead making me worry only to find it playing dead the other side of the tank another day)

    • Like 2
  4. I got some moina eggs very similar (though from a guy in Europe on eBay whereas these are from Thailand I believe) and they seem very easy - I have them in a small tank just to feed as an occasional treat so not producing large amounts or anything. The culture crashed at one point and I just left it alone then noticed it recovered and started producing more again. It's slowed down now I think because it's getting colder and I don't have them heated. 

    I think you can pretty much feed them straight away but if you're doing the yeast method then only feed a small amount (I've just kept them in a green water type set up and not used yeast). 

    From what I understand they are much easier/hardier than daphnia. 

  5. On 10/24/2022 at 10:22 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    You’re also English, so you’ll understand this: 

    It’s all L-number to me! —William Sharkspeare.

    Saw some of my latest BN pleco fry today🥰


    Very nice! 


    And yes I love them no matter what they are but for the GBP equivalent of $90 each I hope they are what they were sold as! 

  6. I have a long list of 'someday' fish but the ones at the top for me would be indostomus crocodilus/crocodile toothpicks (or one of the other almost identical indostomus species), elassoma okefenokee/okefenokee pygmy sunfish to keep in a pond (are these illegal to export from the US? or maybe they are illegal to import to the UK or something because I can't find them anywhere). 

    But my main one is biotoecus opercularis (or the very similar biotoecus dicentrarchus) which seem to be difficult to find in the UK and don't even have a common name - hard to say why I love these so much by all accounts they aren't hugely colourful and probably more difficult to keep than anything I'd usually consider but been in love with them since I first discovered them online. I have a couple LFSs on the lookout for me for if they become available from their wholesalers but no joy yet. Pic for prosperity: 


    So cute!

    • Like 4
  7. Figured I should make myself a record of my new tank (and show it off to whoever sees).

    Starting at the bottom including aqua soil in bags: 


    Then some hardscape:


    Adding some epiphytes:


    Then some other plants:


    More plants and leaf litter:


    Top it up and it's done!:


    Some other shots and fish:









    and that's my South American River inspired nature aquarium!

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  8. On 10/21/2022 at 3:29 PM, Colu said:

    EBO youngster grow paste and EBO plankton tab's are great for hypancistrus they like more protein in there diet the grow paste has a protein content of 60%IMG_20221021_152830.jpg.770c5fb5159c813d95e34997681ac717.jpgIMG_20221021_152855.jpg.43baa98b556dcc5045ee85de201b1b9b.jpg



    Where do you get yours? I've never seen it in shops and can only find it from Germany, do you have a UK supplier?

  9. On 10/21/2022 at 11:36 AM, Guppysnail said:

    Planet catfish is the best source as well as Seriously fish and Aquarium Co-op if they cover that one. The rest of what I find online is either copied from those or complete junk written by folks who never kept them and simply regurgitate what they read from other non-reputable sources. 

    I think planet catfish is where I saw they like it warmer, aquarium co op and seriously fish are my go to's but weren't on either of them 

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/21/2022 at 11:16 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    Didn’t see picture , my bad 🤦‍♂️


    I had the same problem. What did you keep it with?

    As in livestock? I have a nerite snail and a spixi snail and some pink ramshorns but they leave all my other plants alone

  11. On 10/21/2022 at 11:04 AM, Guppysnail said:

    I can’t add info to care since I’ve not kept this beautiful L#. 
    I can offer some hiding the cave info. 

    I use these since they are less “offensive” to a natural scape. 0EB02917-9865-41B6-8C2D-C57D03AFD54B.png.b18e1fb093408ba0ff5bfb43f6f80861.png

    I tuck them between plants so you really can’t see them. 

    If you are not breeding them they will use any wood that has an underside sort of like a cave. 


    Both of these tanks were just re-scaled last week so not filled in yet but it gives you an idea of what I mean. 

    This pic the wood is Mom n Dads hang out. Tucked behind with accessible opening is their breeding cave. The terra cotta pots actually belong to my snails  mom n dad don’t use those  2AA26F98-639C-42F6-9C9A-7DDD1256983B.jpeg.6c2a715bc7ddd44ff523c4279a10dd2c.jpeg

    Angel (male) has the breeding cave in the right tucked between Val that when it fills I won’t be able to see the cave. Lefty (female) is my only girl that likes being in a cave. She has one in the left (to the left of the cholla) but they breed in Angels cave. 54A583B4-73AB-42D6-8FB4-98625470BD8D.jpeg.1eb042579c6a6d21a69d9dfce9e3b614.jpeg

    Thanks! How big are those caves? Hard to picture scale but if they are quite small should be able to hide them. 

    Also can I ask an unrelated question, in your first pic is that blyxa japonica? If so what's your secret? Each time I've tried it it's just melted away and disappeared within days.

    • Like 1
  12. On 10/21/2022 at 7:06 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

     They are super easy fish (most times)!

    I think the best advice I can give any pleco owner, especially for fry, is to have some wood in there for the tanks.  They like to hide and be covered during the day, when the lights get dim you'll see them a bit more and they usually pop out of a log or something.  Temps can really vary, but most catfish like it cooler rather than hotter.  For these ones specifically, I have no idea, but please be sure to look that up!

    Those two things combined, they should do really well.  Something like Repashy Bottom Scratcher, Repashy Soilent Green, Hikari algae wafers, or something similar once or twice a week and they should do really well for you.

    That's good I have most of those anyway. 

    I actually turned the temp up a little because I read online they like it warmer?? How do I find out for sure, any trusted source for temperature etc?

  13. Hi all! New pleco owner here and had a few questions!

    So I don't know a whole lot about plecos yet, never really planned on getting any but my wife was showing a little more interest in my new 75G tank than usual and asked if she could choose a fish for it so obviously I couldn't refuse! She decided she liked plecos so she ended up buying two labelled as L236 Super White Plecos which are apparently Hypancistrus sp. They were not cheap so I'm hoping they do ok!

    First of all is there any general tips or things I should know about them? Obviously I've researched them but it's good to hear personal experiences as info online is a bit variable. I'm normally the sort that would have researched for weeks before even looking for them but my wife is not and she was at a fish shop while I was at work and decided to pull the trigger, I don't want to discourage her so I let her even though it makes me feel a little uneasy. 

    They are about 2 inches now so about half or bit under their eventual size, what sort of size do they need to be for me to sex them? I've tried looking up pics but the differences to my eyes are really subtle at the moment. 

    My tank has a bunch of hidey spots but I think I should get them some caves, has anyone found a type or DIY'd themselves some caves that are fairly discreet? Or natural looking? I have a nature style scape and don't really want to spoil the look with some random ceramic/plastic/slate tubes or caves. 

    Some pics of our new pets:PXL_20221020_150607872.jpg.089df2a3d7a91f40c2a55c68da854a11.jpgPXL_20221020_150941648.jpg.35c96c1100c7457968b8eaed3123e35e.jpg

    Thanks in advance!!

    • Like 2
  14. Ok so I have a mix of colours in my cherry shrimp colony - started out as some orange and some green and the future generations have been all sorts of variations. 

    Today I noticed one in particular that looks especially amazing, I think it was a male (it was rather large but couldn't see a saddle or anything) that was half green and half orange - top half was green and the bottom half orange, I didn't even realise neos could be multicoloured in that way (except rili's which interestingly I have a few of that have developed by chance, but they are coloured and clear rather than two different colours plus the 'stripes' are vertical these were horizontal). 

    Is it possible to try and breed this one to target that same colour/pattern? I'm guessing if it's even possible it's probably one of those things I unfortunately won't have time for but I love the idea of establishing a line that breeds true looking like this one did. 

    Any thoughts/ideas?

    If I can find him again (he's in my new scaped 75 Gallon) I'll try and get a picture to add! 

  15. For me it has to be Japanese ricefish! Breed as readily and easily as guppies but they aren't live bearers so aren't quite so prolific. For high production you have to remove eggs and raise fry up separate as some will get eaten but totally not necessary to still get a bunch make it. There are some super cool looking strains out there if you can get a hold of them! 

    One of my current strains: (but not my photo)


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  16. On 10/3/2022 at 9:39 PM, Ninebreaker said:

    Well, honestly I am about 80% confident it's correct because the club itself I got it from is well known and the person who kept them had a lot of interesting things that were super fish nerdy. If that makes sense. I might reach back out on Facebook to see if they have time to chat or are on FB.

    Yeah definitely makes sense - much more likely to be correct than a random import from an LFS that could be incorrectly indentified/labelled. 

  17. On 9/25/2022 at 10:52 PM, Ahughes1805 said:

    Hello, I get RO/DI water from local pet store and using the Seachem products to buffer water for the first time. Products are Seachem Acid Buffer and Seachem Alkaline Buffer. I could only find info on YouTube for Seachem Malaysia discussing the dosages to reach KH and PH with the videos one example. Does anyone have formulas for 5/10/20gal situations? I know it’s a broad question. I’m just looking example situations so I can understand the math behind it and be able to see the formulas visually. I’m a visual learner to see it and then try it on paper to understand.


    So on the seachem website if you go to the instructions for the Alkaline buffer there is a calculator you can use to figure out how much to use to target a specific KH. You work out how much alkaline buffer first.

    Then there is also a chart with the ratio of acid buffer/alkaline buffer to use to target a specific pH - for example for a neutral pH you would use half as much acid buffer. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. Few days late but thought I'd revive the thread and add mine:

    Have bred/currently breeding:

    Wild type Endlers, a few strains of Japanese rice fish, panda corydoras, cherry shrimp

    Not tired of breeding any yet, my Endlers are breeding well but certainly not overrun yet and think I should be able to sell them to an LFS I've spoken to when I am. I've only successfully raised 2 panda cories so would love to figure them out and raise a few more. I've got 4 different strains of Japanese ricefish and two are breeding and the other two aren't mature enough yet and probably won't get fry from them until next spring now the weather is getting colder. 

    Want to breed:

    Soo many things. Would love to do some rams or apistos or some Biotoecus opercularis (don't think they really have a common name). Would also love to try some really fancy uncommon guppy strains and cherry shrimp strains. Also would love to try scarlet badis, peacock gudgeons, pea puffers, annual killies.... I could probably list a hundred different things I'd like to try one day but I won't haha. 


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