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  1. I got some in on Friday. They worked great on that stubborn glass algae that even Nerites have a problem with.
  2. Thank you for the clarification.
  3. Cory has mentioned this website in his videos and recommended people buy shrimp from this site. That is how I found the site. If the mods feel like it needs to be deleted, so be it.
  4. I didn't see a video with those shrimp in it. Do you know the name of the video or can you send a link to it?
  5. I received my first "fish" order yesterday. I emailed Erik a question last week before I placed my order. He was very responsive and a pleasure to talk to. I ordered some Ocean Blue and Amano shrimp. The shrimp are gorgeous. They were very healthy and active. They were also very well packaged. Go check his website out first next time you are in the need for shrimp.
  6. I decided to try the Tubifex worms after one of your live streams or another video where you said that fish with smaller mouths would probably like the Tubifex worms more. The Acara is in with some Pearl Danios and they like them more than one of my other aquariums with Rainbow fish and Cherry Barbs - bigger mouths vs smaller mouths. I love the hard work and the research you put into your products. I've been buying from you since we got into aquariums about 4 years ago. Great education and great products.
  7. That was my other option. I'm getting lazy in my old age...lol.
  8. For cleaning algae off of the glass, do you prefer Bristlenose or Nerite snails or something else? Mystery snails are not that great for keeping the glass clean. I already have Ottos. Thanks.
  9. I got the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms over the weekend and fed them for the first time last night. I stuck a cube on the glass. Our small Electric Blue Acara went nuts for them. He would tear off chunks and take it over to a corner to eat. The complete surprise was the Green Cory. He swam up to the cube and sat there and ate off of the glass. I've never seen him do that. It was awesome. I also have the Aquarium Co-Op Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp Cubes and I have to be honest that I'm not as much of a fan. The shrimp are bigger than I thought they would be, they float for a long time and my fish aren't really crazy about them. If you haven't gotten the Tubifex worms yet, smash that link above, add them to your cart and checkout! You won't be disappointed.
  10. I’m not new to plants. I mostly have Anubias and stem plants. I have a new Amazon Sword fromACO and I’ve heard they can be root tab hogs. Currently in my 40 breeder to keep my nitrates at about 25, I use Easy Green every 3 days or so. How often do you think I should I be putting in root tabs?
  11. I can't claim the this is an original idea, but I wanted to get some feedback if this is good or bad. I either read this here or saw on a video or something similar that gave me this idea. I use HOB on our 40 breeder, 29 and 20L. I have a couple of ACO sponge filters. I used to keep a small size in our 40 breeder to use if I need to setup a QT. Honest, the only reason I don't like the sponge filter is the appearance - I don't like the way to look in the tank. In the 40 breeder, I have an Aquaclear 70. In the basket, I normally keep 2 sponges, then a filter pad, then a bag of bio media on top. This tank stays crystal clear. Recently, I replaced one of the sponges with 2 sponge filter sponges (side by side and smashed down a little). I only need one, but I put two in there to take up the space. This way, I can take one of them out to put right in the QT when I need it. Does anyone else do this?
  12. I’m kind of leaning towards axelrodi because of the color, but the pics I’ve seen, the yellow goes more towards the head. I’m thinking it might be a mix between an axelrodi and a bosemani.
  13. I bought a this guy from an “assorted rainbow” tank at the LFS. Can someone help ID him? I don’t think he’s a Bosmani because he’s not orange enough and no blue up front.
  14. Can someone tell me why my inserted photos are showing black, like below? I’m using Chrome on an iPhone, as I always do.
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