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  1. Any chance you'll be getting Adolfoi corys any time soon? I'm trying to add to the gang, but I haven't seen them anywhere local in a while and I prefer Aquarium Coop 100% for my fish!
  2. Any word on test strips? I saw they were out of stock online, but any chance they’re still available in the store?
  3. I have a half-grown SAE who's really cool. At first he thought he was an oto and would school with them, but unfortunately he's gotten too comfortable and has become a bully. I have other tanks I'd love for him to clean but try as I might, I can't catch him. Anyone have tips for homemade fish traps so I can try my best to trap him?
  4. Actually that’s exactly what happened to me. I’ve bought several anubias from them over the last few months as I set up a tank. Then one by one they slowly started to rot away. Ive thrown most of them away without photos but I’ve still got a few. Not sure if it’s something I did but everything else is doing well including an anubias from another tank. I’m hesitant to ask for replacements bc a) it’s plants from several purchases and b) Id hate to get more and have the same problem (assuming it’s something happening in my tank I just haven’t figured out).
  5. I was researching an issue on the blog and it said something to the effect of "if this happens to your plant, contact us with pics and we'll be happy to replace it!" That's an awesome policy, but how long is too long before a customer could be considered to be taking advantage?
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