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  1. I would personally consider adding a heater if your room temp is below 74 CPDs can range between 68 to around 80. panda cory cats can go between 72 to around 77. The shrimp and snails are gonna be super hardy.
  2. Will Bristlenose Plecos eat micro sward like they tend to do with other sward plants? I am wanting to add micro sward to one of my tanks but i also plan to add a Bristlenose or two to that same tank.
  3. You probably do not need a heater in a room with those temps for that stocking selection.
  4. One big question what is the average temp of the room the tank is located in?
  5. Personally I would just clean off the old silicone as good as I could and then put a nice thick bead of new silicone on all of the interior edges. But I do understand your concern with it being an old tank. But like you said it being a hex and the fact that those old tanks where built really good I would do what I suggested above. Best of luck its a very cool tank.
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