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Posts posted by EmJay

  1. Hi guys,

    I have an albino pair of Kribs that have laid eggs twice now. The first time my yoyo loach broke in the cave and took it over and the second time the eggs hatched and the parents tended to them constantly protecting the cave. But after about 4/5 days they've completely abandoned the cave and I don't see any sign of fry. 

    Is there anything I can do to prevent this next time around? Or is it just the pair learning how to raise them?

    Thanks 🥲

  2. On 3/12/2022 at 8:45 PM, Patrick_G said:

    I’m glad it’s doing better! My wife says she’s treated fungus, but it’s been a while and she can’t remember what type of meds she used. 

    Me too! That's ok, I'm Canadian so we don't have a lot to work with over here. Just trying what I can

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/12/2022 at 8:30 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    ok 👍 I just didn't want a hurt froggie.

    Me too, I've been freaking out since I saw him like that. I don't want any of my other frogs to get it either so i seperated him after i finally found him again

    • Like 1
  4. On 3/12/2022 at 8:07 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    Did someone recommend using Pimafix on frogs that has experience with it? If not I'd probably recommend against using it- it's never helped anything I've ever used it for and could be toxic for the frog, as previously stated they are much more sensitive to medication than our fish friends are. (Melafix hasn't done any good either) I'd highly recommend Indian Almond Leaves though (Catappa). 

    (both are herbal remedies but even those can be toxic)

    I did some research and all the answers I came across was it was safe for them. I only half dosed it to be safe. I will try the leaves though

  5. On 3/12/2022 at 7:22 PM, Patrick_G said:

    My wife says fungus. Sorry 😥

    I just found him and he did shed! It looks like most of the fungus came off too. I half dosed my tank with some Pimafix and a bit of salt. Did a water change before that though. Still the only frog/fish in my tank that has any signs of this. Hoping he recovers


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  6. On 3/11/2022 at 7:48 PM, laritheloud said:

    Fungus on African Dwarf Frogs is not like fish fungus. Fungus on frogs is likely to be chytrid, which is deadly to the frog. I don't think this is chytrid, and I wouldn't use fish treatments on a frog before researching what is safe for the amphibian. They are incredibly sensitive creatures.

    @EmJay I don't know for sure what that is, but the area looks like the post axillary gland area in a male frog. Is it swollen/does it look inflamed, or is it just a clump of shed skin?  I haven't seen this in a frog before and I hope someone else with more experience can help you.

    Maybe this image can help you pinpoint the location, because it does appear that the 'white spots' can stick out a bit -- not as much as in your photo, but this is a start. I'm also going to tag @Patrick_G because I know he keeps ADFs!


    From what I could tell, it was more on TOP of his arm/onto the back area

    On 3/11/2022 at 7:58 PM, Patrick_G said:

    It's hard to tell if it's shedding. I'll ask my wife, she is the true frog lover in our house.

    Around his bum and legs I could see he was starting to shed, so I'm kinda hoping it might just shed off it him? Not sure though. Never seen it before and I have many frogs

  7. Hi Guys,

    I have an African dwarf frog that has this white spot on him. It appears to be starting to shed, so i'm hoping this sheds off it but has anyone seen this before? All my other frogs look healthy. Is there anything I can do to help? 


    p.s sorry if i don't reply immediately, heading to work after i post this. Just noticed it while getting ready.


  8. On 11/12/2021 at 10:30 AM, lefty o said:

    whats the tap water test at? what kind of substrate, plants etc?

    I just tested the tap water, comes up around 6.5. It has rock substrate, and we recently started adding plants maybe a month ago. Should I do a huge water change?

  9. Hey guys,

    So I'm trying to redo my dad's 75 gallon tank cause we call it the death trap tank. Everything he seems to put in dies. I've tested his levels and everything comes back fairly ok minus his pH is insanely low. Like 5.0 low. I've rushed out and bought some ph up stuff but it will only rise to about 6.0 and then the next day falls again. We removed the carbon as we read that can affect it too. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

    The weird thing is that I don't understand too is that I also have aquariums in the same house, and my pH is high compared to his. Mine comes in around 8.0. Any advice? I don't want his fish to keep dying.

  10. I have 2 Clown Pleco's but I have absolutely no idea regarding their sex. I have one who has recently started fanning, all the time. It doesn't have a "Cave" But they each stay on opposite sides of the tank and have created their own little space. I have ordered a Cave for them but Idk. Is this a mating thing? Or is it just content? 


  11. 8 minutes ago, adamh said:

    I can’t speak to if there is a problem, although if you watch @Cory on ghost shrimp, you could have all different kinds. I hope it’s not a problem because I think that shrimp looks really cool!

    Yea it looks super cool, just hope I'm not doing anything wrong😬

    • Like 1
  12. I have several adult ghost shrimp, and I have one in particular that has turned like a blueish colour. I have others who are a bit brownish or have flecks of brown. Also one who is kinda cloud white, who actually just hatched a bunch of eggs. I read online like reddit and such people saying it's a molting issue, or water parameters etc. I tested my waters and everything looks good, where it should be. Only thing I didn't test was like hardness as I don't have that test currently. I also read it could be because of old age? I have no idea.

    I saw many had shrimp that looked like mine, but I've seen several molts so I know they are successfully molting. I don't know 🤦‍♀️

    I have a video buttt I can't upload it here.. 

  13. It's kind of a recent thing, probably 3 weeks now. She's actually been improving while by herself, seems like the males really made her hate it. I see her more and more swimming but of course when I come closer she sits at the bottom. I'll probably just let her stay by herself.

    Is adding salt with snails and shrimp okay? 

    • Like 1
  14. I have a female guppy who prefers to lay at the bottom of the tank. She can swim, eat and I've seen her poop, none of my other fish are effected at all so I don't think it's stress or anything. I had her in my bigger 32 gallon and moved her to a smaller 5 gallon as it has sand substrate vs gravel to lay on. She swims around just fine but just prefers to sit at the bottom. At first I just assumed it was to get away from males, thus me moving her away from them but nothing's changed so I'm not sure. 



  15. Hey!

    My name is Emily and I'm from Canada! I got into fish keeping last year after all this pandemic stuff inspired me. I have a 32.5 gallon community tank.

    I have an absolute LOVE for shrimp and rabbit snails. 

    Happy to have found this forum!


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