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Posts posted by Tiffany

  1. @ChefConfit I will definitely give boiling a try!! Thank you!!

    @Edward Steven I will add some to the substrate again. Boxing..?? ( I am a green horn in the hobby so not 100% sure what that means, however, after reading the rest of your comment and hearing Cory say the females look a little more square before dropping the fry I guess that is the term) I hope they are going to spit some babies out!! They both look plump! The last time I seen a female act like that she died..never seen any fry. Do you know approximately how long they do this before hatching? Anyway, thank you for the info!! 

    @Wmarian I think the aragonite is the same as the coral as far as 1lb per 10gal. I will get a media bag or 2 to put into the tanks. I added some a while back but I don't think it was a pound. I am using the tetra test strips and that is giving me med/mod gh & kh. The temp I keep both tanks at is 78 degrees, the zero chlorine, nitrite and 20-40ppm of nitrate. (dose using easy green for plants.) Thank you for the info!


    Thank you all for your replies!! I will give all this a try and keep my eyes on everything!! 😁

  2. Howdy everyone,

    I am curious about raising my ph (without adding "chemicals"). I have med/mod hardness in the water and my ph is around 7..I have a community tank, all of which can live in neutral ph but prefer a little higher. I would like it to go to 7.4 if possible. I added some aragonite to the tank but did not see much difference. Any ideas?

    My second question is about a couple female guppies. Yesterday I noticed 2 female guppies breathing rapidly and one laying on the ground..the other is not much higher off the ground. I got home from work this afternoon and noticed that they are still breathing rapidly and not much has changed. Any ideas? Everyone else in the tank seems to be doing fine still. 

    Also, I got 3 pieces of cholla wood to add to my tank..it floats.. I kept it submerged and soaking for 3-4 days..still floated. What did I do wrong??

    Thank you in advance for your help!!

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