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Posts posted by Tiffany

  1. Lol, thank you.. I hope I can catch them from the qt tank..😬 Do you have any recommendations of types of sand?  I think I am going to have little islands for them to hop back and forth to. I am also thinking about putting some of my plants in pots. 

  2. I just purchased some kuhli loaches and am setting up a tank for them and my other community fish. I wanted to add some sand for them to be able to sift through. What would be the best for them? Thank you for your help in advance!!

  3. Soo im new to the hobby so i could be 100% wrong..☺

    Hard to see from the pictures..but if it's a flat suckerfish maybe it's a hillstream loach..but hopefully someone with more knowledge will let you know!! If you can try to get more and better pictures it would be easier for people to tell.☺ best of luck!!

  4. I use the merck manual for my horses and dogs. 😃 Thank you for the information tho! I never would have thought about it for the fish!! 

  5. On 7/27/2020 at 10:37 AM, Brandy said:

    Cholla took a long time to sink for me too. I finally stuck a small rock in the middle of the largest piece to help hold it down.

    Regarding pH and coral/argonite. Depending on the starting pH and hardness of your water that can be a slow shift. Be patient there. The mechanism is that more acidic water will dissolve the coral/argonite and as it does will raise the pH and GH/KH, and the process will slow. If your water is fairly hard with close to neutral pH it will take longer to have an effect. This is a good thing, as sudden shifts are harder on the fish. If you keep adding more and more you may blow past your target. How long has the argonite been in there?

    I got 1 piece to partially sink so I stuck in in the tank with IT (That is the name for the clown pleco currently.) I left the other 2 pieces in the water for a few days now and am going to boil it again in hopes it will go ahead and give up. lol.

    I have had the other in there for about a month. I have done some water changes (1 was a total accident and basically done a 98% change, the other was about a 20-30% change) I haven't added any more since then but the parameters do not seem to be changing much if any. I ordered some filter bags from the coop and am going to add some aragonite to the bags and dropping them in the tank. I'm honestly not sure if I added a pound for the 10 gal so that might be why I did not see any changes.🙄

  6. On 7/27/2020 at 11:20 AM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    What do consider a "chemical" and why not use them?

    Something, like Ph up/down etc. I feel like products like that can sometimes cause more problems then its worth if you have planted tanks with snails and fish.  Of course, I should add that I am totally new and don't know much of anything about products in general. I'm very much still learning and am trying to not kill off to many if any of my aquatic friends..lol

  7. On 7/27/2020 at 7:57 AM, gcalberto said:

    I did some research on clown plecos and they look similar to the second pic indeed, but so do a few other Ls 😅

    Identifying plecos can be such a hard task to do, since so many of them are similar to each other...

    Still, despite liking all the plecos I have, I was hoping to breed them, but unfortunately that might not prove possible if I have different species...

    That is a true statement!! 😆

    Yes it can. I did not realize there were so many different kind until I go on the site and started looking. Mind blown. 🤯 I feel like I should go ahead and get used to it tho..lol

    Well best of luck on finding out what these guys are!! Hopefully you will solve the mystery!☺️

  8. I am located in southern Alabama! Here is a little background. Several years ago I adopted a 55 gal tank with 3 common pleco and 3 powder blue gourami. It was abandoned in someone's house and was brought to the vet clinic where I worked at the time. Anyway, not knowing anything about fish I did my best, unfortunately I eventually lost them all.

    Thanks to the recent discovery of Cory and aquarium coop I have 2 10 gal community tanks with live plants, fish and snails..looking to upgrade so I can have 2 empty 10s and stock those!! Between horses and fish, I might end up on the street. Lol

  9. Hi kbozzie59,

    I agree, aquarium coop is to blame 100% for my plant addiction too. And they refueled my addiction to fish keeping..the fact that I have resources to good knowledge that will keep my aquatic friends alive is not going to be good for my wallet..😆

  10. Well as an update..

    One female spit out babies last night, the other had a weird white bump (didn't look fuzzy) Come up on her side so she got tossed into the quarantine tank.

    I boiled the chills wood and the crap still floats..I boiled it 4 times.

  11. I have nerites and they burrow under my gravel..??

    I feed green beans and algae wafers as well as have some algae growth around the tank..guess they are just special..

    Also..what kind of small snail come in aquarium coop plants? I will go research he snail video to see the difference between small snails.

  12. I live in south Alabama so I have some of the similar weather/heat that Tx has. I also have horses and wanted to keep some fish in the tanks however, I am curious what you do about the algae in the tank. Maybe I wont be worried about the algae if I know I can keep the pesky mosquitoes at bay. How often, if at all, do y'all do "water changes"? do you worry about dechlorinator when you top off/ refill the tubs? Also, do any of you have "water splashers"? I have 2 that will stick their feet in the troughs and paw and splash water....Im worried about the fish..😒


  13. I have the same issue, except I also have staghorn algea (well it looks like staghorn) along with the hair..ugh..I cut the light off for several days in a row (the tanks are semi close to a window so they get some natural light) but it did not seem to help. I have guppies, nerite and otos. I have been pulling as much out as I can. I tried not fertilizing my tanks then I watched a video about algae and they said it could be lack of nutrients..so I dosed..no luck as of late, so I will continue to do it once a week for a few weeks ( I remember Cory saying you won't notice a difference for a few weeks). Let me know if you find something out!! I am a novice so I am reading and trying to gather all of the information that I can without risking the lives of the precious creatures I have purchased!! 🙃


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