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  1. Hello! I have a sick female honey gourami that I am concerned about. Yesterday I noticed that she was lethargic and hovered in one place, near the surface (there is enough space at the top for her to breath from). When I went to feed the tank, she did not react which is very out of character. She seemed to have a milky left eye that I did not notice before. Admittedly I was not at home the day before yesterday, so symptoms could have started then. When I disturbed her, she would swim but otherwise she just hovered. This morning I discovered her laying on her side on the bottom of the tank. I am very concerned. She is breathing a little fast. Her mate is unaffected and behaves normally. I have no noticed any bullying between the two. If anything, the female is more food aggressive than the male. I have attached images for reference. Here is some background information on her care: Pictures of the fish: https://imgur.com/a/hlNEVvb https://imgur.com/a/3F9jT36 TankWhat is the water volume of the tank?10 gallonsHow long has the tank been running?A year and three monthsDoes it have a filter?Yes, Aquaclear 50Does it have a heater?Yes, Eheimjager 50 wattWhat is the water temperature?81F (Fluctuation of about a degree)What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.)M/F Honey Gourami pair, six Amano shrimp, various Cherry shrimp, bladder snailsMaintenanceHow often do you change the water?Once every week and a halfHow much of the water do you change?Varies between 25-30%What do you use to treat your water?Seachem primeDo you vacuum the substrate or just the water?Substrate*Parameters - Very ImportantDid you cycle your tank before adding fish?YesWhat do you use to test the water?API Freshwater Master Test KitWhat are your parameters? We need to know the exact numbers, not just “fine” or “safe”.Ammonia: 0 ppmNitrite: 0 ppmNitrate: 0 ppmpH: 7.3FeedingHow often do you feed your fish?Once a dayHow much do you feed your fish?1/8-1/4 of a cube of frozen foodWhat brand of food do you feed your fish?HikariDo you feed frozen or freeze-dried foods?Frozen mysis and bloodwormsIllness & SymptomsHow long have you had this fish?Five monthsHow long ago did you first notice these symptoms?YesterdayIn a few words, can you explain the symptoms?Lethargic, not eating, floating in one place/lying on the ground, milky eye (?)Have you started any treatment for the illness?No, tried feeding live brine but no interestWas your fish physically ill or injured upon purchase?NoHow has its behavior and appearance changed, if at all?Lethargic, now laying at the bottom, seems fatter but no raised scales, not eating
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