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Over Grown Aquatics

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Posts posted by Over Grown Aquatics

  1. The most important thing with them is a good quarantine and preemptive treatment. I have never seen another species of fish as prone to ich and bacterial infections as they are. 

    If you get them to live they are super chill and you just want to avoid any fish that are too boisterous and very agressive eaters that might steal all the puffers food

  2. Phase 1 of the fish room is nearing completion! My original rack from my last fishroom built around 7 years ago is 3 tanks away from being filled again. The beast holds 16 20 long tanks and 8 29 gallons. Once it's done I'll get a picture of it assuming I can stand far enough back to get it all in one shot lol 


    In the mean time here is another one of my "only makes sense if you are selling whole sale" projects, snow white "parrots" aka short body white convicts 🤣 I am glad I get to play with them though I love their personality. Shown here is momma quickly grabbing her babies to get them away from the big scary phone hovering menacingly along the front glass!


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  3. So one way you'll approach breeding for profit differently when you are selling direct to wholesale is there is now no such thing as a fish that can breed too prolifically when your customer is selling nation wide and even internationally. With that in mind angelfish will be a nice reliable income stream and to that end one of my first investments was 5 Green Avatar Turkey Smokey angels. of the 4 that made it through QT I have yet to get a pair but I'm hopeful for at least one here soon.


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  4. Hey fish nerds, I wanted to start a informal journal to chronicle my fish room I think my situation might be interesting enough to follow for any aspiring breeding for profit fishrooms out there, and its always helpful to have other inputs on future decisions I make for the room.

    Without writing out a whole autobiography here basically between me and my wife, we have a combined 16 years and counting in the fish industry. I worked in aquarium maintenance and for a fish store here in Tampa. I met my wife at said fish store where she was in charge of the freshwater department for the majority of the time we were there. She now works for a local fish wholesaler. 

    So long story short I'm a stay at home dad these days so as of 2 months ago I dusted off my collection of tanks and re set up the fish room in my garage. If I'm going to be home all day I may as well breed some fish for profit! I've already had a deal worked out with the buyer at the local fish wholesaler to buy anything I make (freight costs a fortune these days so wholesalers much like fish stores would rather have local sourced fish)

    So since I'm approaching breeding for profit form a different angle than a lot of fishrooms you'll see and because I'm in Florida I can, and plan to, expand into a partial outdoor fishroom I hope this will be interesting enough to follow!


  5. Yep, welcome to the literal only downside of outdoor fishkeeping. those darn visitors. Racoons are particularly annoying because they can get pretty smart and are dexterous, if those poly lids you make are loose fitting they will probably figure it out might want to devise some kind of locking mechanism. a motion security light might keep them away for a while too 

  6. Considering its both shrimp and snails declining that narrows it down quite a bit. For both to be effected it has to be food or water quality assuming you don't have any predators in there. If the tank has been successful for 20 months Ill assume that the test results are typical? Personally id want to see the water a bit hard and higher PH but if they were doing well before now that shouldn't be a big deal. Id vary up the diet, maybe spread some leaf litter around for the shrimp to graze on all the time to supplement your feeding 

  7. 3 minutes ago, stowcenter93 said:

    @Nature Coast Aquariums  @H.K.Luterman oh that's amazing. Totally fine with reclusive. Would they be okay in 80 degree water? I keep my betta warm. 

    huh, true enough the internet does say no warmer than 75. that's somewhat surprising to me because the fish store I worked for always carried them and they were kept around 80 all the time and did well for us 

  8. If its a planted tank, the yellow shrimp will show up better against the plants. As for the fish unless you are wanting a large number of 1 species for your own preference there is no reason you couldn't go with both, like a group of 6 pygmy cories, a pair of clown killies, and heck even some nano mid water fish like maybe tinwini danio, CPD, or chili rasbora 

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Various Vivaria said:

    Do you have any limia? It looks like a hybrid between a mickey mouse platy and a limia.

    I don't myself, but the group of fry I took to start my group came from a group of platy that originated from a mixed lot of platy from a wholesaler so whos to say what genetics can be floating around in there. I know limia belong to the same family but can they actually cross breed? 

  10. Thanks for the replies guys, Just wanted to throw it in front of some other fish nerds to see if it already existed before I tried working the line a bit. It was a colony a couple hundred strong that started from 8 individuals so I thought there was a small chance a relatively narrow gene pool might show something when concentrated. Hopefully something comes of it!

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  11. Hey all, recently after breaking down a 90 pond I had some platy's over winter in (I live in Florida lol) I found this guy. I worked in and ordered fish for an LFS for 5 years and never saw a platy like this with the thin tiger stripes and a distorted "mickey mouse" tail. I also found 3 other juveniles that have the same pattern. I'm planning on throwing them all together and seeing what happens but I'm wondering if anyone has ever seen this strain before? Sorry the quality isn't the best but the darn things just wont sit still.


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