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Posts posted by MollyMomma

  1. On 6/21/2021 at 10:12 PM, Colu said:

    I would leave plants and driftwood in your tank  as you have tried multiple antibiotic medication I treat with api Triple sulfa  is the Cory that losing weight still ok @MollyMomma

    Which one is the triple sulfa? Is it like the general cure? 

    The thin Cory - I've had for 1.5 years and she's always been healthy, plump, with long barbels. It's very disheartening to see her look so bad since being added to this tank. She looks sick, but she's eating & hanging in there.

  2. The pleco- the "hole in her head" that JUST healed up looks good- but it started as a small white bump. She has 2 new white areas on her, the corydora also still has the white bump as well.. And the other Cory looks bad. Her stomach looks sunken in. And now her underside looks red. 

    What should I do now? I posted on another forum a few days ago & nobody has responded. (Except to ask a unrelated question) Should I remove the plants, driftwood, rocks, and try another medication? 

    I'm at a loss. I have no idea how to eradicate this problem. Symptoms now are small white raised areas, 1 Cory looks thin, both have barbell erosion, one's underside is red, corner hiding except when feeding. Some flashing. The Cory in photo up above is pale.





    • Sad 2
  3. Well I think I updated this 13-14 days ago. I think the pleco looks much better!! Her head has healed up quite a bit..But I'm still not out of the woods yet. Two cories left and one still looks poorly even after treating with meds. 

    I'm going to upload a few photos, maybe you all can help me figure out what is still going on. The pleco looks better. 1 Cory looks okay- but her barbels are much shorter than they were a few months ago. The 2cd Cory's barbels are eroding (she had a red/white spot on mouth but kanaplex helped) and now she has also developed a white spot on her backside--- which I thought was a common symptom with like columnaris? But if it was shouldn't of the meds cleared that up to? 

    I spent a small fortune on freshwater fish disease books & remedies by J.Noga, Dieter Untergasser & others.. Everything I'm coming across with matching symptoms was (in the books) from fungus or organic pollution. I added the extra sponge filter, I removed driftwood & baked it in the sun, added new sponge & ceramic rings. I stopped using liquid fertilizers. I added the Clip-on UV sterilizer. Also in the books it says to use malachite green or Formalin baths OR prolonged submersion, so I'm on the verge on trying ICH-X.

    (I have tried Maracyn, API-Furan 2, medicated food & TWO rounds of kanaplex now over the last 5-6 months & I just don't know what's left to do or why I cant get rid of this disease! Unless it's a bug, parasite, flukes or something & the symptoms popping up are secondary infections.. I just have no idea)




    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Hobbit said:

    Once a disease has a good foothold in one organism, it can more easily spread to the others. So even though your old fish didn’t undergo the stress of shipping, once the bacteria had built up in your new stressed fish, it became strong enough to infect the old fish, too.

    I’m so sorry you’re losing so many fish over this. 😞 I hope things clear up soon.

    Thanks, I re-dose with kanaplex (I used this once a few months ago) and today was my last dose and thankfully the 2 last cories are looking better & becoming active. I ordered a nano sponge filter, im going to add it to the tank & try to increase BB area. My filter is leaving "dead" spots in the back 2 corners. I think im going to turn this tank into a Platy tank Down the road because I've just lost all my cories. It's sad, I hate losing fish, makes me feel so helpless.

    • Sad 2
  5. Thanks Colu, it's been a rough time battling this. I lost 2 cories.. So now I only have 2 left. I started treating the tank with Kanaplex again & it's working, so far, I'm starting to wonder if I just can't keep corydoras, I have other tanks, with Livebearers and may just stick to them. I've been talking with other folks- because I'd like to know WHAT causes this. They said it may be copper in the water, so I purchased a couple new testing kits, other reasons mentioned may be: not enough BB space, more oxygen, something wrong with lower level of tank, copper or metal in water, over feeding, dead spots, filter not large enough. So after treatment, I'll see how the fish do. So far so good, but I was told to use Kanamaycin or Tetracyline (sorry I don't know if I spelt those right) because it's spreading internally & causing Septicemia, and he also said that the fish may not make it all. All my other tanks are doing well & thriving. Not sure why such trouble plagues me in the 29g.

    Thank you all who have helped.

  6. On 5/23/2021 at 1:15 AM, Colu said:

    Ich x will have no effect on bacterial infection Cory can get red blotch disease recommend treatment is a broad spectrum antibiotic kanaplex or furan2 is what I would treat with @MollyMomma

    Yes I already did treat this tank with API furan 2 in conjunction with Medicated Kanaplex in the food, and it worked, but now fish are getting the same infections again. I had the above Cory die on Sunday & then this morning another Cory die. Both had red blotches. But the one this morning had an inflamed red vent which is a new symptom. 

    This illness has just wiped through my stocking. I have now lost: 5 cories & 5-6 ottos to this red blotch/ fungus looking disease. 

    Im going to add a couple photos of the fish who had symptoms (they have all passed) the very first one is of the Cory with a black background in photo. As im looking over these older photos tonight, im noticing his color was not right, he looked yellowey. 

    Once this infection present red spots- they die.

    On a side note the pleco's head looks better today, starting to look like it's healing. Hopefully this turns around.

    I lost my last male Cory today 😞 so that's a real bummer.




  7. I already used Maracyn in march and it did not help.

    Because we had these red spots before.. and in April I had to use API-Furan 2 & added kanaplex in the food & it did clear up the cories, but now its been 1.5 months and its back? 

    The API furan is all gone, I have maybe 1/4th bottle of Kanaplex left. And I have Jungle fungus fizz tabs & ICH-X

    Could the ICH-X be used as an antibacterial?

    Im not sure what is in this tank that makes them become reinfected? 

  8. Tonight I saw one of my cories with red patches and raised white areas, also a white line down forehead.

    4 cories in this tank, I noticed they have stopped breeding & are corner hiding. I think something is really wrong. 

    So pleco has a hole in the head, and now the Cory looks like it has Septicemia or something along with something on forehead. 

    WHAT DO I DO?!?!

    I ordered the API fungus, is that the correct medication for this? Has not arrived yet. 



  9. 7 hours ago, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    @MollyMomma personally I've used my waste water no matter what was in it (and I've treated Ich) on my container garden to no ill effects. 

    Okay, good to know, Thanks! I was just curious to what other people do. 

    I did indeed hear back from the manufacturer & they said to wash it down the drain. I explained we have a septic tank. But some of our water goes through a system & outside- like the shower & Washer, they said it should be okay.

    On a side note after 3-4 days of using ICH-X ALL spots were no longer visible. All the new ottos look fat & happy except the one who had ICH the worst, he is still very pale so I'm not sure if he'll make it, hopefully he'll pull through, time will tell. Thanks to all who helped!

    • Like 3
  10. Okay, so I spoke privately with a pleco specialty member who I reached out to, they said to stay away from any more antibiotics or medicine where I have already ran a few through the tank.

    They said something in this tank is a particular stress trigger causing them to get sick, whether it be aggression, food, water quality, other sick newcomers, so we talked and went through some scenarios. 

    He said to just keep the water really clean & maybe try to add melafix as an antibacterial but not to use it as a cure-all...

  11. 1 minute ago, Fish Folk said:

    It appears to be a fungus problem. I've got something similar going on in one of my tanks. Sometimes an injury gets a fungal infection. I'm treating with API Fungus Cure. For Active Ingredients, it contains: 3 mg Victoria Green B and 30 mg Acriflavine per packet. It stains your water crazy green . . . looks like antifreeze. See photo of a 40 gal breeder treated just this week. Got to act decisively. Your little fella is not looking good. Unless you hear otherwise from more experienced aquarists, take fungus into serious consideration and treat. If you have a QT tank, all the better.  

    Screen Shot 2021-05-16 at 12.04.12 AM.png


    Thank you for responding! The cories has small bits of fungus on them first. I tried Maracyn with no results. 30 days later treated the cories (the whole tank) with API-Furan2 & kanaplex and it cleared them all up. But then the pleco started getting that spot on her head. I was hoping if it was fungus those meds would have cleaned the pleco up too. I added driftwood & haven't seen her much, then she came out tonight & looked terribly bad.

    (I DO have a QT.... It's currently occupied with a new batch of ottos I purchased a 1.5 weeks ago , one of the new ottos was carrying ICH and that QT is being treated with ICH-X right now. ) so im stuck in a bad predicament right now. 

    I dont have the meds you mentioned above. I do have some kanaplex and jungle fungus fizz tabs. I may have to order the API fungus cure then.

  12. I have a 29g planted tank, it only has ottos, corydoras & 1 baby super red BN. After adding new fish this tank broke out with fungal infections. A combo of Kanaplex & API furan-2 knocked it out. But at the end of treatment my pleco started showing signs of something odd on her head.

    Ammonia: 0ppm   Nitrates: under 20ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Chlorine: 0ppm.  GH: 150ppm.  Alkalinity(KH) 60ppm PH: 7.6- Temp 76°-78° 

    I'm going to upload a photo of the tank & then of her progression. This has happened over the period of 4-6 weeks. I don't know what it is or how to treat it. I keep posting on Fishlore & nobody is responding! & I am starting to be consumed with worry & panic!

    the last photos are from today. Is this a parasite, fungus, bacteria? HITH?










  13. Just now, Mitch Norton said:

    I think you are ok spreading on your dirt. On a typical water change I use the water to feed our landscaping. The plants love the nitrogen rich water.

    When I dose meds I typically just spread that water in a particular spot of my yard and I have not seen any problems. It is an excellent question though. I try to treat with aquarium salt when possible, but Ich really requires something more aggressive like Ich-X. 


    Okay & yes a typical water change I use the dirty water to water my 30 houseplants and then my flower beds & gardens. But medication waste water I was worried about, I Emailed Hikari solutions Also, ill see what they say.

    • Like 1
  14. What have you & or others done with the waste water after WC the meds? Im removing 1.5-2 gallons per day (I try to keep it under the 2g mark when siphoning into my bucket) and I have a lean-to out back, with dirt/rocks so I've been spreading the waste water onto the dirt. I have a septic tank & I don't think i'm supposed to put anything down the toilet OR drains... So i thought the dirt was a better alternative. UNTIL I just read a huge FAQ sheet that said to pour waste into a container + seal with lid & take it to appropriate disposal company. Are they talking about like old expired bottles of ICH-X or the waste water?

  15. Just wanted to do a Quick update, been dosing the ICH-X for 4-5 days now and the spots have already drastically lessened. I had to move my light to inspect the ottos better because I can no longer tell the two ottos who had spots apart from the ones who did not. The heavily effected one now only has a couple spots on fins. That's incredible!!

    Thank YOU guys!

    Last time I had ICH was on 2 mollies whom I had for 3 years, it came from 1 new black molly my hubby brought home from petco, years ago, but I had no clue what It was. They were covered & also soon had secondary fungal infections. I took a photo, showed the girl at petco what was going on, she rudely prompted me to buy a huge box of salt, and 3 different bottles of medicine. They were expensive & later on I realized they were "herbal" all natural tea tree oil or something. I remember exhausting myself with 50% WC & re-adding salt & calculating meds..after 3 weeks of that all my fish died 1 by 1... So when I saw white spots this time I was not messing around... And it has already paid off by reaching for the ICH-X and not asking petco. I love this forum!

    • Like 4
  16. 1 hour ago, Hobbit said:

    I agree with @Colu. Don’t add any more salt at this point, and every time you do a partial water change, the concentration of salt will go down.

    Your dosing plan and amounts look good!

    Awesome Thanks so much! Hopefully I can nip this in the bum quickly and be able to add these ottos (who survive) with my older ones in the 29g in a month or so. Whenever im sure the ICH is gone!!

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  17. Could you guys please help me & tell me If I predicted the dosing correct?

    It says 5ml treats 10g, 1ml- treats 2 gallons? Every 24 hours to change 1/3 tank & re-dose.

    For a 5 gallon, would that be 2-2.5ml of ICH-X? And to remove 1/3 water would be around 1.5 - 1.6 gallons per day??

    It says to continue treatment until 3 days have past symptomatic free-- do I treat for a certain amount of days? When I searched it up- a reviewer said 10-14 days +3 extra days. 

    I've also raised salinity to 7tsp for 5gal. I did it slowly over the course of 3 days, adding 2.5 tsp per day. Do I need to keep readjusting the salt with water changes- or since starting the meds is it okay to leave the salt alone?

    Sorry, I have no idea what im doing, im trying my best to save these juvenile ottos. ICH is yucky to deal with 😞

  18. 8 hours ago, Hobbit said:

    In terms of Ich-X smelling: I don’t remember any sort of smell. My tank also had no lid when I used it. 👍

    Thanks! For a 5g I don't think I have yo use very much of the medication. I have tomorrow off from work & think I'll do some research & give it a try. I've been using salt so far for 2 days that's it.

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    The only other water conditioner I have on hand is a tiny trial size of API Stress coat with Aloe Vera, should I do a 100% 5g water change, swap water conditioners out & then try the ICH-X

    Right now I think it's only effecting 2 ottos, but I've seen how it can spread & take down the whole tank. So I know I need to just treat the entire tank.

    I have other meds on hand too, but I'm not sure if any will treat ICH. I have; Maracyn, kanaplex (not much left) , Jungle Fungus clear fizz tabs, fritz paraclense, Tetra lifeguard all in one treatment(but says NOT safe for scaleless fish) and I have the ICH-X. So out of my options I figured using ich-x was my best option.

    It labels Formalin as an ingredient, that's the water version of formaldehyde, right? The tank is in my living room, will the ich-x stink real bad or anything? There's no lid on this tank because it has a clip on LED for the RRF.




  20. I have a 5g QT set up. It's been running since November. I sometimes use it to house fry, treat a fish, but mostly it just grows out plants for me. So I purchased some ottos 48 hours ago. They looked okay, got home settled them in & the next morning at least 2 have spots on them. I have 4 ottos in my 29g & was just purchasing a few more to enlarge their school... My 29g looks pretty empty.

    I purchased Aquarium coops med TRIO so I have ICH-X on hand. The spots are white and mostly on fins, a few on body. I've had ICH before on mollies when I first started & did not know what it was or how to treat it, & it killed all my mollies years ago. I remember exhausting myself with WC, Salt, and herbal remedies petco gave me that didn't do anything.

    -How do I dose ICH-X in a 5g with scaleless fish? Should I use half doses?

    - I started by slowly increasing my salinity, right now it is at 1/2 teaspoon per 1 gallon.

    - My water conditioner is Prime, is it safe to use Prime, salt & ICH-X together? The only other additives are Easy Green liquid fertz & two Seachem root tabs.

    - lots of anubis & RRF plants Live in here. 

    -No, my heater is not adjustable. Its a 100W aqueon 78° preset

    Parameters are: Nitrate: under 20ppm. Nitrite: 0.   Ammonia 0ppm.   Chlorine 0.   PH: 7.4.   GH: between100-150ppm (not degree) KH: 60ppm. Parameters have been the same & stable for a long while now.


  21. Just now, Ken said:

    I just finished up a bottle of EZ Green that I bought 8 months ago, other than a little gunk drying up on the pump spout it was a good as day one. It is stored in a cabinet under one of the tanks.

    Thank you! That was the type of answer i was looking for! Lol

  22. Oh no they ALL did not get clumpy, just the Marcusfishtanks one is. Its a white pump bottle with tons of white floating clumpy bits. I actually E-Mailed him about it & he said to add a few drops of flourish excel to it. He said he is also experiencing this in his own products & his team is trying to figure out how to stop it from happening.

    I store them in a dry cold cupboard downstairs 

    The flourish- it says to store in the refrigerator after 4 months of it being open if it's not all used. It did not clump BUT 2 different bottles produced 2 different colored products which I thought was very odd.

    But my question is, will Easy green fertilizer clump up or stay okay after a few months? (Inside bottle not on the pump tip)

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