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Posts posted by Amelia

  1. Isaly, I also have a Finnex 24/7 planted light. Have had it only 9 months. Loved it till last night when it stopped working, literally just stopped. After reading more reviews, I discovered that this seems to be an common issue around the 8-9 month. Very disappointed so be aware. Hopefully you won’t run into this issue. I’ll be getting a fluval 3.0 faster than I expected  

  2. Sorry for my delay s1,  it’s the motor! I keep the water level to the lip of the entrance to keep the waterfall noise down and I have removed the cover over the back top portion to keep it from rattling. I have even placed a piece of cardboard under the edges where the filter meets the tank to keep the vibration to a minimum 

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  3. Advice please- 36 gal bow front with large sponge filter in left back corner and over-the-back filter back right corner. I like the setup and everything is meshing ( in place for a year now) but the noise of the hang on filter drives me up the wall. I am seeking advice before experimenting. Could I eliminate the hang on? Or replace with another sponge filter? 



  4. A bit tricky getting the sweety in hiding!




    Any help with sexing these babes would be appreciated! I’m just bummed that they were affectionate towards each other ; I thought they were pairing and now I have a bully!

  5. I don’t know how to sex them properly although I’ve tried to watch videos explaining how. The aggressive one is completely flat under the belly but the subservient one has a tiny “tube-like thing “ near its anus. 

  6. So I’ve had two angels for about 11 months from the time they were very young. They have always gotten along and have even started being affectionate to each other; like they are kissing and such….. until about 6 days ago. Now one of them is bullying the other to the point that the subservient one is hiding. If I try to give the underdog attention, the bully gets mad and immediately starts to “peck” the other with his/her mouth and chases him/her away. Will this behavior stop? Or do I need to remove the bully? 

  7. KBOzzie59- I have had several tanks with sick fish from the store in the past and acted too late, so to be proactive, as Cory says he does with all of his fish , I thought that the med trio would be a worthy approach. The fish looked healthy and the private fish store had had them for about 10 days prior to my purchase 

  8. I am going to break down my quarantine tank with a small sponge filter that I want to put in my main tank as it is full of bacteria and in case I need to re-establish another tank. I recently bought 4 Oto’s and the first day added the trio of meds recommended by aquarium coop- ich x, maracyn, paracleanse. Three died within 24 hours and the fourth died five days later. Is the filter ok to put in the main tank or is that a horrible idea? I had previously quarantined four angelfish in there and everything was perfect. Water parameters good. I have no idea what happened to make the Oto’s kick off, very disappointing. Penny for your thoughts peeps and thx for your help 

  9. Swivvr, I have green algae on the sides and starting to see some brown algae on the plants. I’ve never gotten overly excited about algae but I want to keep the plants healthy and don’t want to get overrun with it. I have adjusted the lighting down a bit and am backing off the ferts too - by the time I get Oto’s quarantined I’ll probably already have it under control lol but I’d still like to have them 

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  10. I have started my first planted tank in a 36 gallon bowfront with 9 platys . I will add 3 angelfish this weekend. When I started fertilizing I got a big growth in algae and am thinking about adding some Oto’s to help balance things while I fine tune lighting and fertilizer . I dont want to overstock but I’m not sure that they count the same as other fish because they primarily stick to the bottom and sides! I do have a few nirite and mystery snails as well. Would appreciate any help/ thoughts on the subject! 


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  11. I purchased a Finnex 247 programmable light . I originally started with the auto setting but after about a week I had time to observe all times of day and night and noticed it never turned completely off. I am not at all knowledgeable in this area but I am thinking it might be best to have the light completely off for 6 hours and then 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening for low/med light . My concern is that I don’t know “how much” of each color to set during the most bright part of the day? I was hoping the light would come with guidance but it didn’t. Any suggestions are appreciated!

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