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  1. I have no problem dosing with prime! Just wanted to make sure that was my best course of action. 🙂 I just ran the trio in my main tank - I've been having off and on issues and didn't want to just add them to a clean tank. I'm still pretty new at this so just trying to figure it all out and not have sick fish. I plan on cycling the tank after they're out so it's ready for new inhabitants and can be a hospital tank when needed.
  2. Hi! I just started a small (5 gallon) quarantine tank and did the med trio with 3 fish pretty much right away (no cycling - my main tank needs tank mates and that was more important at the moment than cycling). Anyway, it's day 4 (dosed on Sunday night, today is Thursday), and my ammonia is starting to rise. Do I dose with prime? I know no water changes and I want to make sure the fish are healthy. Thanks!
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