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Everything posted by TESTPLUG

  1. Wish I was a better plant guy, I’ll put up a pic if you can name them that’s what there are as far as I know😂
  2. I guess the more I think about it, the question should have been is there a plant that would be more comfortable for Molly’s maybe to encourage breading oh and I updated the picture (posted an old one)
  3. So I want to start a Molly tank what are some other plants that I could/should add to the tank everything in picture is live but willing to change some things out if needed
  4. Hey Cory for a few weeks of just plants and Algae what temp would you suggest, I was keeping it just under 80 for the fish
  5. and that was the big question, I think Ill be ok, I have a large planter in top of the aquarium that the tank feeds and that water cycles back onto the tank so Ill do the necessary cleaning and leave it be for a few weeks check LVL's here and there but if the plants all die well then HARD restart
  6. thankyou for getting back to this so quickly, I live in Edmonds and would have come to the store...but the other part of the fever mention was that I had to go get a coved test and am quarantined till results so you don't want me there...was freaking out a bit 😅 but it looks like it time to start the guppy tank I always wanted
  7. So I was down with a fever for a couple days but just before that I put in a beautiful piece of wood to make my tank pretty, in doing so I must have knocked the thermostat out of the tank and over the couple days I was out of commission and didn’t worry about my tank, it went up to 120° so I literally cooked my fish...... what now? I mean I know to get all the fish death out but how much of a functional ecosystem do I need to disrupt
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