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Posts posted by Lifeisgood

  1. 3 hours ago, Fish Folk said:

    I think it’s just drawing nutrition from the water column. Check to see if it is really planted in the substrate. 

    Great insight!  I have it in pool filter sand so I usually put root tabs in root feeders, but haven’t for this because I thought it was more of a stem plant.  I will give it root tabs and see if it supports the plant better.

  2. I am trying to plan out my community tanks so that the inhabitants feeding habits compliment or at least do not cause health problems for other fish or invertebrates in a given tank.

    Love that Rilian, but he pigs out on whatever worm I feed the spiny eel or the panda Garras.  He is good at hunting them down and it looks like he swallowed a grape afterwards!😬

    What have any of you learned from your experience with feeding bettas in community tanks?

    I can feed small earth worms by tweezer to the eel. But to give her variety I do feed live black worms and frozen blood worms once or twice a week and can’t feed the small worms by tweezer.   That’s when Rilian gorges.  Am I going to cause him health problems keeping this routine?


  3. I am keeping black worms in a sterilite container in my basement.  Presently I change about 2/3 of the water everyday.  (Which is a necessary pain.) And I feed them fish food that my fish have rejected. An air stone might help keep water quality better.  I might set up a bigger plastic tub with some kind of filter too to lessen maintenance. 

    I watched Dan’s Fish video about keeping them alive.  And he recommends keeping them like we do fish—in a tank with a filter and some kind of chunky substrate that they can get comfy in but is too big to not get sucked up in the tube or turkey baster that you use to harvest them with.  I think he used some lava rock.  I use pea gravel because that’s what I had on hand.

     The fish certainly adore them, so I will work on a better set up.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Fish Folk said:

    Thanks! No, I don’t think they’re juveniles. Maybe they could grow a bit... but they really are quite “Pygmy” — max size, 1-inch. They’ll probably just hide a lot 😅

    Are you planning on putting together a native community tank?  Or do you already have one you are going to add these to?

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  5. I thought about keeping ropefish being that they have been suggested as possible tank mates with small to medium spiny eels which I have one.  Their eating habits and behavior seem similar.  They are certainly fun to watch! It will be fun to see how you set up their tank and all.  I will advise (as you probably already know) to make sure the lid has no gaps for them to escape and that they can’t access filter intake tubes. I lost one spiny eel to a gap that seemed unlikely to be a problem but he did find it. 😔. I am afraid that the cats found him soon after.  (And they never confessed!😐)

  6. On 3/24/2021 at 12:02 AM, Sallierebecca said:

    Sorry! He is incredibly difficult to photograph. Lymphocystitis was mentioned  on one of my betta Facebook pages almost 2weeks ago. I’ve been watching and waiting  for the areas in question to develop into the telltale growths but none have. The bigger white patches on his ventral fins/body have remained flatter and look more ulcerated to me. 
    He is a giant pain in my butt so far ☹️ 

    Are the spots increasing in number and size or staying the same?

    What are your temp and water parameters?

  7. I had three goldfish get sick recently.  Lost one and the other two pulled through and are doing well now.  I had at least three stress factors going on, too cold of temperature for fancies which stressed them all out, gill flukes and then a heater malfunction.  My Moor was getting a hazy white slime coat.  It appears to be that they produce more when stressed and it sure shows up on the black colored scales. He looks fine now.  
    I examined the one fancy that died and it had lots of mucus around the gill area.  And the Oranda got sick and listless but is doing fine now.
    After doing what research I could and learning from people on the forum,  from now on I will keep temps low to mid 70s all year.  If I were to do it over I would purchase larger goldfish.  They seem to be more fragile when they are small.  I have had goldfish before which grew to large sizes in my tanks  but most of them were not fancies.

    Anyhow, each time we learn something that can make the experience better for the fish and for ourselves in the future.  It’s rewarding when it works well but it stinks when disaster strikes.  So sorry.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just now, Lifeisgood said:

    Wow, from white or platinum to blue and red?!  Didn’t know they could change like that!  Mojo is colored up like my Rilian, on who I just noticed a growth of some kind on the flesh part of his tail.  It looks like I have to do some research on tumors and growths on bettas.  I put description and pictures up in “Diseases”.

    I forgot to add that it is encouraging to know that they can still enjoy life and carry on with some benign growths.

  9. 6 minutes ago, H.K.Luterman said:

    The Mighty Mister Mojo and his unfortunate head tumors. He's a good kid. The tumors don't slow him down; he's still frisky. 






    Here's what he looked like when I first got him 2 years ago...


    Wow, from white or platinum to blue and red?!  Didn’t know they could change like that!  Mojo is colored up like my Rilian, on who I just noticed a growth of some kind on the flesh part of his tail.  It looks like I have to do some research on tumors and growths on bettas.  I put description and pictures up in “Diseases”.

  10. Aquarium Coop or Tetra test strips work pretty well and are cheaper.  If your water parameters are good, know that Paracleanse or Prazipro works for gill flukes and is easy on invertebrates and plants.   I used it to treat my barb tank because they were flashing and they are much more comfortable now.

    • Thanks 1
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