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Everything posted by Evan

  1. @Sacah The temp has been 80F - 82F the last couple days and I would like to bring that down to my usual 75F - 78F. I have a South American community tank with Tetras, Cories, BN Plecos, Apistos and Angelfish.
  2. I’m considering getting a chiller to keep my 55 gallon planted tank cool over the summer. Can anyone give a recommendation? I would also appreciate any thoughts about aquarium fans. TIA
  3. Yes, it's a planted tank. In addition to the phosphate remover I did some other stuff (trimmed the plants way, way too much) and completely threw off my balance.
  4. I recently started using phosphate remover pads in my filter and now I have a major string algae breakout. I would say these are connected but I wanted to ask the forum whether it made sense. Thanks.
  5. I would like to hear opinions regarding when is the “right time” to buy fish from a local independent LFS (i.e., not a big-box store). My LFS puts fish in the sale tanks early in the week, usually Monday or Tuesday. It’s hard for me to get there during the week so by the time I get there on the weekend the fish have been “on the floor” for 5 or 6 days. Every time I buy fish, particularly if it’s a Sunday, I wonder if all the good ones have already been bought and I’m looking at the least desirable specimens. Am I nuts?
  6. What is your opinion of the ACO strips?
  7. There are a lot of posts on the forum discussing ACO test strips vs API Master Kit but I haven’t found any discussing ACO test strips vs API test strips. I’ve tried both and found the results to be very different, especially for Nitrates and GH. I’m interested in hearing others experiences and opinions. Thanks.
  8. I’m thinking about having 2 male and 3 female A. trifasciata in a standard 55 gallon tank with an apisto cave on either side. The tank is moderately planted. Thoughts?
  9. My Amazon Swords are developing holes in their leaves so I’m stepping up Easy Green and Root Tabs as recommended. My question is: what’s next? Do the holes close up (seems unlikely)? Do I trim the affected leaves? Something else? Thanks!
  10. Which model of SicceShark ADV do you use?
  11. You’re right about the length of the 55 being an issue. I use two circulation pumps to keep the water moving. Admittedly, I had the aquarium overplanted and that was obviously part of the problem. Over the weekend I tore out all the plants except for a couple Amazon swords. Now I’m waiting for my nitrates to spike. You gotta love this hobby!
  12. I’m presently running a Fluval 307 on a 55 gallon planted South American community tank. It just doesn’t seem to keep the water clear enough for my taste so I’m thinking about upgrading to a Fluval 407 or FX2. I would greatly appreciate thoughts, comments, opinions, etc. Current stock is Angelfish, Apistos, tetras, BN plecos, Ottos and Corydoras. Thanks!
  13. Thanks @Colu I want to make sure I understand the schedule and dosing. Each time I add the medication I follow the dosage instructions on the package. Is that correct? And then on day 5 I do a double dose of each? How long after can I do a water change and add carbon to the filters? Should I discontinue the Maracyn 2 medicated food while doing this treatment?
  14. I’m treating as directed and the white spots seem to be lessening except for a large solitary spot on a Neon Tetra which is new. Now I’m noticing that the Rummynose Tetras have saddle shaped patches on their bodies. Columnaris?
  15. It’s going to take a couple days for Maracyn 2 to arrive. Is there anything I can do in the meantime?
  16. Can I do Maracyn in a Repashy gel? I added salt to the tank earlier today at 1 tbsp per 3 gallons and Ich-X at 5 ml per 10 gallons.
  17. Here are some pictures. You might be able to see that one of their eyes are a bit buggy. Apologies for the poor quality. I’m also battling black beard algae.
  18. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 (tank is heavily planted, I dose Easy Green every other day) KH 80 ppm GH 60 ppm
  19. Thursday I noticed one white spot or bump on one Rummynose Tetra. Friday I noticed an additional spot or bump on the same fish. Today (Saturday) I noticed one spot or bump on another Rummynose tetra. When I saw the first spot on Thursday I thought it was “stress Ich” but now I’m not so sure. However I thought that an Ich outbreak proceeds faster than this. Toughts? Should I start treatment with Ich-X just to be on the safe side? Thanks in advance. Evan
  20. Evan


    Apologies if this has been asked and answered already but .... The directions on the bottle (and on the ACO website) say "a single dose lasting 5-7 days is normally sufficient, repeat as necessary but no more than once every 3 days." When do you start counting the 3 days? Is it 3 days after the 5-7 day period ends or is it 3 days after you did the first dose? If the first one is correct it means that your second dose is done 8-10 days after the first dose. If the second one is correct it means your second does is added 2-4 days before the first treatment has run its course. Help! And while we're here we might as well ask how the treatment ends. All the other meds I've looked at say something like "One complete course of treatment will take 5 days ... Day Six: Perform a 25% water change." Do I end the treatment by doing a water change 5-7 days after adding PraziPro? Do I end the treatment by putting the chemical filtration media back 5-7 days after adding PraziPro? TIA!
  21. I’m considering fairy shrimp as a new live food. Can anyone in the forum recommend a source? I’ve looked at A*****a Fairy Shrimp but based on their website they look kind of sketchy. TIA!
  22. Is popeye contagious? Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi all. I hope someone can answer my questions. I have a sand substrate maybe 2 or 2 1/2 inches deep. Recently, after 3 years, bubbles have started coming out of the sand. I assume this is a result of anaerobic bacterial activity within the substrate. Is this harmful to the fish? If it is, what are my options? Thanks!
  24. Standard 55 gallon. Pretty heavily planted.
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