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Posts posted by FishyJames

  1. When replying to a post, in the bottom left hand corner is a "Add Files" button.  When I click it nothing happens.  I use an android device, is anyone else having this issue?  I see many photos being uploaded so I know its working for some...

    PS  This button was working last week.

  2. I found this on an different forum..


    As I understand it, from reading Seachem's support forums, they initially added the suggestion to buffer after some tanks experienced pH spikes (high pH) with regenerated Purigen...
    However, they later found that the actual culprit was the chlorine in common bleach products had increased. After increasing the suggested dose of prime, the pH buffering wasn't really necessary anymore.. That said, they still keep the suggestion around, and it is probably a good idea if you are using very low KH water that can be easily swayed..

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  3. I have a 55 gallon planted tank.  I have 6 albino Cory's and 2 emerald Cory's, 8 black tetras, 4 platty's, 6 guppies and a large piece of driftwood.  The last 2 bristlenose lasted about 2 weeks.  Water checks good per the api test and all fish are doing well.  I fed the pleco algae wafers and he hung out on the driftwood most of the time.  My fish have not been quarantined, are plecos more susceptible to internal parasites?  

  4.  I use it during water changes to spray down the algae on glass before wiping it down so any algae is dead if it makes it into the water column.  How many of you use hydrogen peroxide in your tank?  


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