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Posts posted by Shogun3041

  1. Just wanting some input on this, as I had trouble finding contents posted by the Co-Op specifically on this equipment type.

    Not sure if the Ziss Bubble Filter counts, but I was thinking something more similar to this (just as a reference):




    Are they not talked much about because many of them have quality defects or user-friendly issues?

    Or is it in the Co-Op's opinion that sponge/HOB filters simply perform better? 


    I like my HOB because it takes little tank space, but it sometimes makes a lot of noise by vibrating against the glass or creating a waterfall when water level drops. That's how I became curious on internal power filters, but I don't want to waste money...

  2. 16 hours ago, ange said:

    Most stem plants are fine in any tank size, but smaller tanks may require more trimming......

    @ange wow first of all thanks for the detailed answer!

    I'm pretty new to stem plants, and after some Google on stems in general, seems like people say stems plants grow "indefinitely," which does make sense when I think more about it.

    My concern is choosing a variety that is just physical too robust (which I think Angustifolia may fall under......)

    I'm narrowing down to these 3 cultivars (they seem to have smaller foliage and remain green) - Compact, Siamensis, and Salicifolia. But finding places that carry them AND have in stock has been a challenge so far......

    People say Compact generally doesn't grow above 6", but user experience also seems inconsistent......

    This is the tank that inspired me btw (credit to George Farmer's video). I really like the dense green and narrow foliage in the back.


  3. Nice to see Anubias come out of the accent role and become the focal plant.

    I also thought about it'll look cool to have big Anubias in background, then gradually coming to the front with smaller species. And this just looks so good!

    I think Cory mentioned about someone growing a Anubias Nana "carpet" before. Might be a good long term addition to your tank 😃

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  4. Hi all, so recently I wanted to start a new 10 gallon tank, and I'm really eyeing on using Hygrophila to fill the background.

    However, after days of Google and Youtube, I can't seem to gather much comprehensive information on this species in general.

    All the information I found either missed certain data, or had conflicting info with another source.

    The only thing consistent across the board is that they are fast growing weeds. So I decided to come to the nerms for help!

    Here are some species/variations that caught my attention:

    Hygrophila Corymbosa

    Hygrophila Stricta

    Hygrophila Compacta

    Hygrophila Siamensis and Siamensis 53b (this one I'm most interested in)

    Hygrophila Angustifolia

    Hygrophila Salicifolia (Hygro Blue?)


    Some questions I have in mind:

    1. Key appearance differences? (many species just look similar to me, or I don't know how they'll look once established)

    2. Plant height and suitable tank size? (have a 10 gal, 12" tall tank)

    3. Growth when dosed only with Easy Green and no root tab?

    4. Some species say they make many "offshoots," does this mean runners, or the stem branches out?


    Many thanks in advance!



  5. 19 hours ago, Alec2cool said:

    I've had Seiryu Stones in my 55g since April. I have 3 large ones and around 3 dozen small ones. My water tests at 8.2 pH out of the faucet and my tank tested 8.2 pH just last week. I did hear of Seiryu stone affecting pH a few months back but after careful monitoring, it doesn't seem to be affecting my water.

    After some research, I found that 14.3 Rocks website and somewhere in that massive page, it explained how active rocks in placed in water with a high pH range will not change the pH at all so I relaxed a little. This also prompted me to start using stones I've found out in the yard as well as the nearby woods, a huge money saver! I've gotten the same results from these various stones, no change in pH.

    I'm not a scientist but this has led me to believe that rocks considered safe for fish/invertebrates placed in water with a high pH might as well be considered inert for my use.


    It does make sense, as more acidic water causes the rock to dissolve faster >>> greater fluctuation.

    Not worrying about hardscape rock sure is nice though! ($$$ add up fast)

    If I had 8.2 pH I wouldn't mind too much, just 8.6 makes me real uneasy.

    Hardness doesn't bother me, it's just the pH ☹️


    17 hours ago, Lynze said:

    I have never had issues with Seiyru stone altering my water. My pH can range anywhere from 7.6 to 8 with a GH of 350-500 (depending on the time of year) but had always been consistent with my tap readings. I had always just assumed the same as @Alec2cool, my pH, GH and KH were high enough already for it to not really matter. Curious, did you test directly from tap, or let it sit for 48 hours. There can be a significant change to pH after sitting for a couple of days.  

    My lack of change in parameters could also be a result of being in larger volumes of water. Most of my Seiyru stone is in a 75 and 40 gallon tank. I think I would have to put some in a 5 gallon tank to see if my parameters change.  Would be interesting to try. 

    I tested straight from tap. I can scoop some water and let it sit over weekend tomorrow, see how it turns out.

    It makes sense for bigger tanks to have minimal impact. Nano is probably where problems are imo.

  6. I just posted a thread touching on similar issue.

    Mine was due to (or at least the most logical explanation) using Seiryu Stone as part of hardscape, which is a leaching rock that can greatly increase pH.

    I have exact water as yours from tap, and my tank pH refused to drop below 8.

  7. Hi all,

    So I'd had a tank on my desk for roughly 21 months, and it contained Seiryu Stones as part of the hardscape.

    Now some may already know that Seiryu is known for its water altering property, and I figured to share a little bit of my experience so far.

    Moreover, I'm also interested in hearing everyone else's experience of playing with Seiryu!

    Thanks in advance for anyone willing to read through all this.


    Here is my tank specs along with water parameter RIGHT OUT OF tap. Tested with API Master Kit + Tetra Strips

    Standard US 5 gallon

    7.4 pH

    Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: all 0

    ~300 ppm GH

    100-150 ppm KH

    Inert gravel substrate with Lava Rock main hardscape, with a small handful of nano Seiryu Stone for accent.

    Planted with Myrio Green, Water Sprite, and Japan Clover


    So yeah, my water is literally liquid rock, but pH is not bad at all I think. This tank had been a solo betta tank.

    I did quite minimal water changes; if water test showed 0 for ammonia and nitrite, I just top it off unless nitrate went crazy.

    When my betta hit 2-year, it suddenly passed over weekend with no signs of sickness, so I did a water test to try find a root cause.

    A little confession, I had been neglecting pH test for a long time (shame on me). When I did test, I only used regular pH bottle (APT Master Kit), not the High pH one, this will be important.

    All parameters were normal, except for pH, which I read as 7.8 (deep blue per regular pH test). 7.8 wasn't too bad I thought, and boy was I wrong. Pull out the High pH bottle and the pH was a whooping 8.6!

    While I do believe in stable > perfect parameters, I'm pretty sure my betta did not come from Lake Tanganyika. Full test results from tank:

    8.6 pH

    Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: 0, 0, 20

    ~300 ppm GH (could be more, strip can't test any higher)

    100-150 ppm KH


    Since I have inert substrate, have pH 7.4 tap, and don't add anything in my water besides Easy Green, I narrowed my suspicion to my hardscape rocks leaching. Since Lava Rock is inert, it had to be the Seiryu Stones.

    Soaked one stone in distilled vinegar, yup it fizzed right away alright.

    Since Seiryu is a type of limestone, which is composed of mostly calcium carbonate, quick Google search revealed that calcium carbonate dissolving in water can reach pH equilibrium about mid-8, sometimes even around 9 or more.


    So that's my experience working with Seiryu Stone. Not saying it's "bad," just that I don't believe it was serving well for my case.

    I plan on getting some Ohko Stones instead (nice looking and also inert) and completely redo the tank. Maybe can trade-in the Seiryu in my LFS, who knows.

    How is everyone else's experience with Seiryu Stone?


  8. Wondering if anyone experienced similar thing?

    I grow mine floating. One piece broke into several, and I have like a dozen crowding on top of my tank.

    Yet I noticed that all the floating pieces have very long stems at the base (leggy) and very small leaves.

    They send new shoots every day, but they all look leggy.

    None of my water sprite grow in that lush and bushy fashion that I see on pictures.

    Any thoughts?

    Water 82F, 7.8 pH, 40ppm nitrate.


    PS. First time in the forum. Greetings fellow fish nerms!

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