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Zac P

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  1. I’ve read you can do it with most moss I’m not sure if there is better ones that others I’m currently experimenting on my first piece of driftwood moss slurry using flame moss
  2. Yeah that seems to be green hair algae and moss slurry is basically moss blended up with some binder to help paint it on (literally with a paint brush) on hardscape and it grows under the right conditions high humidity and most of misting takes a while 6-8 weeks maybe more maybe less all depends on conditions I’ve read you can do it with most moss I’m not sure if there is better ones that others I’m currently experimenting on my first piece of driftwood moss slurry using flame moss I’ll post a pic of my humidity dome shortly
  3. From my experience most fish have varying parameters they can thrive in I’ve found it’s always best instead of trying to change things constantly just keep things stable I also have high gh and low to virtually no kh around 7 ph 0 ammonia and nitrite around 10-20ppm nitrate which my plants consume and I keep two different live bearers mollies and guppies who have bred and I have various sized fry all growing and doing well even msytery snails that have bred and some baby are growing nicely numerous ones all ranging from dime size penny size and nickel size
  4. Very cool I had picked up a hitchhiker guppy when I got some new floating plants someone told me it was a silver guppy? Not too sure but about a month or so later there was guppy fry swimming around I have now about 6-8 fry all various sizes the bigger ones are starting to get color patterns with I thought was super cool two of them have blue and orange on their bodies one also has a white stripe on the top of its tail fin some others have symmetrical black dots on each side of body and back of tail right before the tail fin! There are two like these pictures except only one of the two have that streak of color on the top of tail fin … some of the others only have the black dots
  5. Hey all new to this forum I currently have a 20g long planted tank with guppies mollies harlequin rasboas and mystery snails… slowly working on changing and rearranging plants and hardscapes emphasis on the slowly as to not disturb the balance of bacteria. So on to the actual topic, I’ve started a moss slurry about a week ago now on some driftwood that I have in a DIY humidity dome that I mist every morning and evening with fish tank water and the correct amount of api complete fert for the volume of water in the mist bottle. I also have it under an old led aqueon light for about 12 hours a day.. has anyone ever done a moss slurry and was successful? If so what did you do? How did you do it? I know it takes a long time and persistence and patience but wanted some further insight and advice/suggestions let’s discuss and pick each others brains!
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