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  1. Started noticing my betta in the past month or so developed symptoms of clamped fins. Other than that he's moving around and eating normally. How should I go about treating this? Things I've done so far : 40% water change, will start doing 25% water changes more frequently if needed Purchased betta mirror so that he can flare and stretch his fins out for a couple of minutes per day or every couple of days Following are my tank parameters which seem pretty normal and in good shape : Tank size: 10 gallons Heater and filter? (yes/no): yes Tank temperature: 79-80°F Tank Parameters: Used API Freshwater Master Test Kit ⁠ Ammonia: 0 ppm ⁠Nitrite: 0 ppm ⁠ ⁠Nitrate: 2.5 ppm How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?: Had the tank and betta for 8 months How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?: Approximately 25% water change every 2 weekS. Should be doing it more often to be honest. I use a gravel siphon every week and scrub the walls about once every 3-4 weeks Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: 7 Pygmy corys 5 neon tetra 2 nerite snails 3 Amano shrimp What do you feed and how much: Tetra BettaMin small pellets. I feed him once per day with 4-5 pellets Decorations and plants in the tank: red root floaters, frogbit, Java moss, Java fern, annubias, dwarf sagittaria, spider wood, chola wood
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