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  1. Welcome to the forum! Mystic is a beautiful betta fish! Good job on the aquascape and decor! They are lucky fish! :)
  2. I don’t know what that is but I messed up and bough fish at the lfs without have a quarantine set up so I just took stuff from my existing tank to cycle it and I saw that foam too not as much as you have. Might be something with cycling make sure all your snails are okay. You could possibly filter it out with like a fish net to remove it just googled it and it could be poor water quality, bubble nest, or water agitation. Do a large water change
  3. Have you tried freshwater aquarium salt? might kill your plants tho and any invertebrates expel p might work
  4. I got someone to feed my fish but I was terrified cause 2 weeks no water change. My fish were okay! You can always get an automatic feeder if they don’t need live food or like repashy or something! Also if you’re afraid of someone over feeding your fish I use those weekly pill boxes to store the food for the week Glad all your fish are okay 🙂
  5. Seachem Equillibrium raises kh and ph (and gH), and it should last you about a year. I haven't used it but I've heard of people using it! Good luck!!!!
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