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  1. Update: I found my poor little angelfish. He must have gotten wedged behind my spiderwood tree. One of my Kuhli's knocked him loose swimming. Not sure if he had died before or after getting stuck. 😞 At least I know he didn't get out and nibbled up by the cats. I've been watching the others very carefully and they show no signs of illness. They swim together and even play-it's adorable.
  2. I don't think so. I have the plastic edges on the back of the tank lid. It is slightly raised in one corner where the air tube is but not enough for the fish to get out. I did double check the back side just in case but no sign of it. I do have a cat however so...
  3. Unfortunatly, I woke up this morning to find my angel completely missing. I have two Aquarium Co-op sponge filters and an internal tthat also has a sponge so it's not in a filter. I gently shifted some things around just in case it was stuck but no sign. 😕 Would the other have eaten him???
  4. I'm new to "serious" fishkeeping-I've had tanks before but was not as careful as I should have been. I have spent the past few weeks fishless cycling a 75 gallon. I have added 6 otocinclus, 4 kuhli loaches (my LFS only had 4 on had but I will be adding a couple more eventually), and my angelfish. There are six total, all nickel sized. One gold, one marbled (I think that's what it's called) and four blue zebra. This afternoon when I came home, the marbled's top fin is laying back-looks windblown almost. He is easting and still swimming with the others. Should I be concerned? If it's something that can make them sick, I want to treat it quickly. I just tested my water today. It's a planted tank but the plants are still young so not heavily yet. pH 7.6 Ammonia 0ppm Nitrites 0ppm Nitrates 10ppm Kh/GH max out on test strips, we have very hard water! water temp: 80F
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