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  1. Hey everyone! I’m looking to spice things up in my 30-gallon tank and would love some suggestions on what fish to add. I currently have a mix of tetras, a few guppies, and a couple of Corydoras. The tank has been running smoothly, and the water parameters are stable. I have been through this article https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/how-many-fish and it's quite informative but I wanted to learn more from community members. I’m thinking of adding something that would complement my current setup but also bring a new dynamic to the tank. Any recommendations for fish that are hardy, peaceful, and would get along well with my current residents? Also, if there are any specific tips or tricks to ensure a smooth introduction, I’d appreciate that too! Thanks in advance for your help! Best Regards What Is Jira
  2. Hello, I think your dwarf pea puffer. Both provide excellent nutritional value and variety to their diet. Just ensure that the cultures are free from contaminants and properly maintained.
  3. Hello, I think using vinegar to clean white buildup from hard water on a glass top is generally safe, even if some vinegar gets into the tank. However, it may lower the pH slightly. To minimize any impact, use a diluted vinegar solution and clean the glass carefully to prevent excess vinegar from entering the tank.
  4. Hello, I never seen this kind of things.
  5. Hello, You can clean the glass with an algae scraper and gently wipe the hornwort leaves. Control light exposure by keeping the lights on for 8-10 hours a day. Perform 20-30% weekly water changes to maintain water quality and reduce nutrient levels. Avoid overfeeding your fish and consider using a phosphate remover if needed.
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