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  1. I see! I am currently on vacation but I will measure my hardness when I come home, I am fairly certain I have pretty hard water. Doesn't the volume of the tank play in as well, due to smaller tanks fluctuating easier? Also, how can walstead methods work when they never do any water change but the water must evaporate because it happens to all tanks?
  2. Interesting! I did not know that fish absorbed salt. Is this fine for more sensitive species too, like discus or german blue rams?
  3. I have heard different takes on this so I am curious as to what you guys think. Do you think it's problematic to fill tanks with new water when it evaporates? I have heard some people saying you should not do this and just do a waterchange instead of refilling with water, because the concentration of minerals, especially salt, gets higher.
  4. Thanks for the answer it helps!
  5. That's a very good idea! I'll see of I can find something similar in my country, if not I'll make my own by cutting a plastic container and gluing with aquarium silicone 🤔 I'm also a bit shaky with my hands due to medications so I think it's also scared them and makes it harder to hand-feed them so this is a great solution!
  6. What do you mean by tank raised? I got my second handed, their previous owner were selling them plus the tank. I've heard that introducing new puffers to an already established group can be hard because they're territorial? How many do you think would be a suitable number on mine? I am actually not sure how to get my hands on live food 🤔 Thanks! I'll check the links and read them
  7. Is that enough? I do that as well but can't see if they're actually eating them
  8. I got my pea puffers a couple of days ago. But they are so insanely scared of me, when I use my tweezers and try to feed them blood worms they get scared and hide. How do I get them to eat? They are 4 in a 60L tank, approx. 16 gallons (it's a low boy tank so more spacecious)
  9. Is there a way to affect what color they change to? Before moving here, one of my vampire shrimps were white. Now both of them are brown. It would be pretty cool with blue ones
  10. Maybe Corydoras agassizii? Or maybe Corydoras melanistius...
  11. I haven't really put any effort to scaping it, I just wanted to set up the tank so that I can put the fish in there. It's second hand so the fish came with the tank
  12. Yeah I don't really know what word to use since I have only ever heard people refer to it as "cycling a tank" in english🙂 In my language it is just called "starting a tank"
  13. So I am a beginner in this hobby and there is so much I don't know. My problem is that there isn't a lot of good resources about fishkeeping in my native language. Many sources, both in English but also the few I find in my language, makes explanations more difficult than it has to be. Information are also spread on many different pages and I find it difficult to navigate and find easy-to-understand texts that can be found on the same page. I was thinking of actually creating a page of some sorts, in my native language, with the essentials on fishkeeping and to keep it simple for beginners to understand. I was wondering if I could get input from you guys? I have some topics that I was thinking of including but I could very well miss some points! I would also like if someone could explain some things for me that I find difficult to understand, then I will be able to simplify it for the aquarium guide. What do you guys think? Topics I am going to include: How to start a brand new aquarium and the different methods of cycling, why cycling matters The nitrogen cycle Tank maintenance and how to properly clean a tank (avoid overcleaning etc) Aquarium stuff: lamps, what to look for in a good lamp. Pumps, what kind of pumps exists. Filter, what kinds of different filters exists as well as mentioning more uncommon ones, pros and cons. Filter materials. Heaters, what kind of heaters exists and to always turn if off when it is outside of the water. Coolers. Thermometers. Water parameters and why it's important. What everything means (ph/kh/gh etc) in a very simple and easy-to-understand text. Getting fish: what fish can you house together and that it's important that they want similar temperature and water parameters. To not get fish that will get too big for your tank. Is there something more I should include? Also I would like to get help to explain different terms like lumen, PAR, PUR, PPFD, kelvin, CRI, Electromagnetic spectrum, spectral distribution... I am trying my best to read about these things but it is so god darn confusing, especially when different sources uses scienc-y and difficult words. What specs are important when you're looking for a good lamp for your tank? I really want to make it a thorough guide yet keep the explanations simple.
  14. Yeah that sounds logical. It's sad what humans do to animals for "entertainment" :( What does IIRC mean? Understandable! Blue acaras are so stunning, I have actually been thinking of getting one but my biggest running tank is already pretty crowded. I'm tempted to get a blue betta as my next betta haha. I also want those blue endlers guppies, can't remember what they're called, but they also look so pretty! I see, so all labyrinth fish are aggressive to some extent? I have 3 gouramies (3 spot, blue gourami and gold gourami) and they always chase eachother around but I have heard it's normal behavior. They have "kissed" but I have never seen them attack eachother to the extent of anyone getting wounded. (To clarify, they live in another tank and I would never think of keeping them together with the betta) My tank is 55L so approximately 14 gallons I believe. Is it still too small for a betta plus some other fish? He hasn't touched the bristlenose pleco yet or the amano shrimps that also lives in the same tank. There's also alot of plants as hiding spots but my corys were very active (swimming up and down on the glass) and I suspect that's why he attacked one of them. Isn't dwarf gourami and honey gourami of similar size?
  15. Wow that sounds like a gorgeous tank! Maybe you should try a low boy too 😉
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