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  1. So apparently, the Fluval FXI have been using for biomedia was absorbing the Cupramine. I've heard folks say both it dosen't do that and that yes it does. However, since I took it out I have not seen the level drop or change. Fish are already looking better now that they have been at a steady dosage
  2. I did add aquarium salt as I thought that would help. Does it really make the Copramine more toxic? and would that explain why using the normal freshwater dose is not working because I have added the salt?
  3. OK here are the stats. Tank: 75gal freshwater no plants, 3 Blue Acra, 1 Gold Severum, Driftwood, gravel substrate, running a Fluval 407 The question or the problem I guess, I have Ich going on and I'm using Curpamine as the my current medicine. I've followed instructions very carefully. The problem is that the level is not staying put. 24hrs after first dose was .24 48hrs later it was .11 added the second dose per instructions. Tested later in the day and it was .26 Came home today and test again 24hrs after 2nd dose and it was .16 What the heck?????? I have removed all carbon or other chemical media. Fish are showing more and more white spots. Please help. BTW parameters are: PH 7 Nitrate not showing on test strip Nitrite not showing on test strip Ammonia checker thing reads fine. Temp 79
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