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Posts posted by LumberZack

  1. Making a followup post on this in case someone's looking for the answer in the future.

    It's been 3 weeks since I added the med trio to the 10 gallon quarantine tank.
    The tank had 3 common plecos and 3 freshwater crabs.

    1 crab is alive, 1 escaped.. someplace, and one died from a fight, I think, since his large pincer was detached.

    So, I'm going to call it a success. 😛

    Med trio probably ok for crabs 🙂


  2. The lady of the house brought home some plecos, Siamese/Chinese algae eaters and crabs...

    Is the med trio safe for the crabs in the quarantine tank?

    I've Googled a bunch and just don't seem to find anything about it.

    Thanks for your input,


  3. I have a very healthy watersprite plant in my 55g that has spawned around 15 new plants.

    I took 2 of the 6-8" plants and moved them to a newish 10 gallon tank. It's been up for a month or so with 2 guppies in it.

    After a week the plants have just melted away.

    I've been adding 1oz of Flourish to the tank since I put them in there (I dose the main tank daily).

    I also added some Fritz 7 a few days ago to boost the bac. and increased the guppy count to 5.

    Same water source and the 10g has a bit of ammonia 0.25-0.5 I added the plants to help the water conditions.

    Any ideas on what could be the problem?





  4. Has anyone seen these before? LOL

    I had these appear and wonder if they are something new?

    I have 2 Cowboy/Colts and 2 Bengals/Buccaneers 😛

    The photos don't do their colors justice.

    Maybe they are MLB Guppies? Mariners & Marlins??

    NHL ? Philly Flyer $ Tampa Bay Lightning?

    ok, seriously though... some kind of Black Bar Endler cross?

    I bought a half dozen unbranded females of various strains a few months ago from 4 LFS and lost about 1/2 pretty quickly.
    Along with these several males almost gone.

    But as guppies will do I have many many little fishies now.

    I expect the drop these came from are just at maturity and I'm thinking about breeding them for these traits.
    I find them pretty interesting. 😄

    Any comment or thoughts welcomed!





  5. I have the Fluval Plant 3.0 LED on this 55g tank.

    I ran it full on from 7a-10p for the first few weeks. Which really helped the algae 😛 and my plant load was much smaller.

    When a firmware update came out, I changed the pattern to something like 7a-10a, off, 6p-9p,off. This gives around 6 hours of light and matches when I’m in the room and can watch the fish. (There’s a bit of fading in/out that happens so as to not startle them with sudden lights on/off. ) This has been the pattern for a month or so.


    They know now that about the time the light is full on, food appears. 😁

    Just spent an hour or more cleaning algae off of everything so the tank is a bit hazy: 



    • Like 2
  6. I have a plant that I don’t remember the name. While trying to clean algae off it several weeks ago I accidentally plucked one of the leaves off. 🙁

    so I just stuck it into the substrate to see what would happen. 
    It didn’t die off and is budding or something. 

    My question is if or when I should remove the sprout-root babies? It seems like they would do better at some stage getting their roots in to the soil. But I’m guessing they are feeding off the leaf at present. 





  7. I have the Fluval Plant 3.0 LED on this 55g tank. 

    I ran it full on from 7a-10p for the first few weeks. Which really helped the algae 😛 and my plant load was much smaller. 

    When a firmware update came out, I changed the pattern to something like 7a-10a, off, 6p-9p,off. This gives around 6 hours of light and matches when I’m in the room and can watch the fish. (There’s a bit of fading in/out that happens so as to not startle them with sudden lights on/off. ) This has been the pattern for a month or so. 48A7CFC8-8330-4418-A162-220626CFBE06.jpeg.ae9d56e08ddcbd72ddf3ef06dbef3f33.jpeg

    They know now that about the time the light is full on, food appears. 😁



    • Like 1
  8. Thanks.  Picked up some Flourish Excel at the LFS today and dosed the tank this evening.

    I believe I have a couple of types in there at present. Blackbeard and stag or thread, it's a crazy mess.

    clearing up in a couple of day would be awesome.

    I'm just getting back into the hobby after 15 years and I don't recall having so many issues before.


  9. I have a quarantine tank that killed all of my guppies (well they died at least). 
    lots of meds from the quarantine 3 had gone in there to save them, but no luck. 
    anyway, at least 1 90% change has happened since there have been no fish and I’ve just let it run in case the cycle had crashed. 

    it been a couple of weeks and there have been only a few live plants in there. 

    now there has been an explosion of worm things. 
    could they be parasites that had been killing the fish and now have life cycled back to worm form?

    would appreciate your thoughts before I nuke or trash everything within 10 feet of this tank 😜








  10. I only have Ammo-Carb in the bare bottom 10 gallon tank.
    I bought a 4 pack of reusable media bags to put them in.
    I put one in the intake basket and one against the sponge filter.
    Only been in there about a week so far.

    I need to find some resources on having a quarantine tank setup and running that doesn't crash or ammonia spike when I put actual fish in it.


  11. @Wesley I'd say they look normal except for the ammonia level.  I think the cycle crashed.

    My main tank is cycled and has fish / shrimp in it.
    It's a planted tank and using an undergravel filter.

    This 10 gallon is a quarantine tank and I'm afraid of introducing something into the main tank if I move them there.

    I tried initially doing the water changes from the main tank to this tank, but stopped when we thought the issue could be that the water was too soft.

    Since then it's been figured out to be an ammonia problem.
    I believe Cory's salt suggestion is to address bacterial or fungal issues that might they might develop from the ammonia burns.

    Two days ago I added hang on back filters to each tank with the idea that in the future I'd have filter medium I could move to a quarantine tank if needed.
    The 55 now has a double wide Marineland 375 and the 10 has the 125. 
    I'm also using sponge material (like what's on the Coop's sponge filter) in them instead of the filter cartridges they come with.
    Again, with the idea that I can pull one side from the 375 to jumpstart a tank if needed.

    I'm down to 1 male and 3 females, plus the 1 fry I extracted from the tank.


  12. Been busy this week. But here's an update.

    Did some big water changes, 80% then 90% then about 80% and another 80% this morning.

    Used the tablespoon per 5 gallons of salt, but I just reread Cory's post saying a tablespoon per gallon... So I guess I need to increase the salt level some.

    Still can't seem to eliminate the ammonia. It's somewhere between the 0.25 and 0.50 color I think.

    Added some cabomba to the tank as well.

    Still holding out hope to save a couple of them. 😄


  13. ok, @Cory that's crazy.

    I'd been using water from my main tank for this quarantine tank with lots of water changes in the 25% range.

    How is the ammonia so high? 


    These are, from left to right, tap water, Main tank, quarantine tank (before change), quarantine after 80% change.

    I'm even dosing it with Fritz Complete to kill the ammonia .... ?
    API quick start, and Fritz Trace too.
    I did add the 1 Tbsp per 5 gal of  aquarium salt too.

    On a bright note, there was a tiny little fry today that I extracted to main tank in a hang on breeder box. 🙂



    API Ammo-carb in those baggies. Knocked off the sponge filter during the water change.


  14. Hi @Pete, on Friday I had the water tested at a LFS and the ammonia was 0.
    I have a test kit that will be here on Thursday that can check ammonia levels.
    In the mean time I added some of that white rock stuff that is supposed to remove ammonia, just in case.

    I'm thinking of adding a bit of aquarium salt to the tank this evening.

  15. I picked up some Fritz Trace and added it to the water.
    Maybe this will help quickly against the shimmies.

    I tested the outside hose water against the inside tap water and the GH difference is quite large.
    The tap water is GH: 30 ppm
    While the Hose is GH: 180+ ppm
    KH on both is 240+ ppm
    Looks like I might need to use the outside hose water for water changes to bring the GH up in this and my main tank as well.

    I also put some plants and a bag of carbon and ammonia rocks in the tank.

    Here's hoping they stop dying soon ...





  16. Hi Cory

    Here are the water conditions:

    GH: 30
    KH: 240
    pH: 7.5
    NO2: 0.5
    NO3: 0
    Temp: ~76

    I didn't have access to your med trio, so I used what was available here. (need to order yours for the future).
    I didn't know what was killing them so I just tried to cover the basics.

    Now for the embarrassing part 😄  I was in the hobby for 15 years, 15 years ago. and just setup a new 55.
    When I thought it was ready I bought a dozen "feeder guppies" from LFS to test the setup.
    They all died, but I realized it wasn't the tank.

    I also saw they were Endlers with crazy colors and I was hooked. I needed to have those fishes.
    I was not able to find them online, so I went back and bought 100 more to put in quarantine (ended up being about 200).

    I've been treating them and trying to keep some alive for about a week now.
    I think I'm down to about 40 from the original 200.
    I know it's a long shot, but... man, I'd like to have a pair survive.

    I'm rambling...

    Thanks for looking and here are some pictures.










  17. I have what I think are Endlers and they will go to the bottom of the tank and wiggle like they are swimming in a strong current.

    This will go on for 1/2 a day or so and then death. 😞

    They are in a quarantine tank and I've dosed them for Ick (3x)[kordon], Erythromycin (3/4x)[API], and parasites (2x)[API].

    Any ideas what could be going on?



    Wiggly Fishes video

    These are the meds I've used on them since Thursday:



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