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Posts posted by Jdogtrainer

  1. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the wonderful staff at Aquarium Co-Op!! I posted here hoping to get some of these beautiful little fish when I saw they were in stock, I also sent Candi an email.

    When I walked into the store today I browsed around but didn't see them so I asked where they were and the nice gentleman who helped me knew right away I was the person who had emailed and/or posted here and went and got them for me. I did not expect that the employee would already know of my inquiry. I really wish I had asked his name - sorry that I had not as he deserves a lot of credit for his great customer service.

    Anyway, I got my dream fish today! They are so gorgeous and healthy! I **just** got them into my quarantine tank and right away they were looking for food and found and errant black worm or two to eat. Not even colored up they are prettier than I thought they would be.

    Thank you so much!👏👏👏👏👏🤗


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  2. I got this wisteria 2-3 months ago and I have enjoyed it as a nice tall background plant. I've been adding Co-Op root tabs every 4 weeks and it's been growing nicely. 

    But 2 weeks ago started looking like it was having some melting then shed most of the leaves except the last 6 inches at the top. The leaves continue to deteriorate with melting from the center. All other plants are doing really well. Will it recover?



  3. I can't figure out why these easier to grow plants die 100% of the time in my tank.

    I've purchased beautiful and healthy Anubias and Crypt from the Co-op and elsewhere. So, it's not a plant source issue - it's me lol

    Crypt immediately melts and dies. Anubias gets the rhizome covered in that white cocoon that driftwood develops. The goop encases the rhizome and the leaves fall off, the rest of the plant goes to mush and is done. (No I'm not planting the rhizome I've always attached it to a rock or wood)

    I have very hard water with a tap PH of around 8. Any thoughts?

  4. 5 hours ago, Maggie said:

     @Jdogtrainer many of my other plants have died or aren't doing well. I guess the sprite loves my water and is forgiving of my lack of knowledge of aquatic plants. I hope yours comes back strong!

    Thank you Maggie! I've really struggled with plants too. I changed out my gravel substrate for some Seachem Flourite, applied co-op root tabs and all my plants are doing much better. Even my bulbitis is growing fast.

  5. This topic made me laugh.😂😪

    I think water sprite is so beautiful. I bought a nice plant from the Co-op about 5 months ago. It didn't do too well planted in my gravel, I dose easy green lightly at 2/3 full dose and only occasionally used root tabs. It does back to where it was nearly dead. 

    A month ago I pulled it up, trimmed off the unhealthy portions and potted the very small amount left in a 4" terra cotta pot with organic soil and a coarse sand cap. It's finally growing!


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  6. 58 minutes ago, StaceyTNBCkicker said:

    Approximately 6 weeks before fish. I started with fish two weeks ago today. 

    My corys and several,other types of fish I've had seem to go through and adjustment period for a week to 2 weeks after putting them in a tank. I've even had shrimp glass surf for several hours after they are introduced. If your water is clean May be it's just they are getting used to the new tank.

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  7. 1 minute ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

    celestial pearl danio

    This is what I thought I received from the moment I opened the shipping package. I ordered 12 D tinwini. Received 11 of these guys, 2 left of my order. I paid $144++ (plus is for the emergency purchase of live foods attempting to save them).

    They are beautiful,and surprisingly feisty holding their own against my male apisto and running off my badis.

  8. Hello 😏

    I need help, again. I had a thread about my issues with my D. Tinwini order. I had thought that I had a positive I.D. on them but I moved the last two healthy fish into my community tank last night. Under much better light I am again questioning the species.

    These two little guys are beautiful, one is much darker coloration and has rich orange beginning on the fins. 

    So, what do I have?






  9. 1 hour ago, Paul said:

    She’s still hiding. If you have the extra cash and can find them I think you should get one or two more females. You’ll be surprised how fast the aggression goes down. I originally got a trio of nijsseni on AquaBid but one of the females died in transit. While I was waiting for her replacement the male’s aggression was off the charts. When I added the replacement fish (I bought another trio) the aggression  basically disappeared. Just my experience.

    This sounds very reasonable! I'll try and get another female and see how it goes. Thanks so much!

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  10. Hi everyone!

    I have a question with a story lol 😆

    I have a "pair" of youngish Apistos I got from my LFS. Did my normal quarantine time of 3 weeks in my 10 gallon before introducing them to my community.

    The female was/is very shy and sensitive to anything she sees as scary, while the male is super confident and social and is never, ever, a bully - with the one exception of his "mate" the female apisto.

    I took her out of my community tank after about a week as she wouldn't eat anything but frozen brine and was starving and super stressed.

    I had her in my quarantine tank for the past 3 weeks and her condition improved. But I reintroduced her to the community tank hoping her counterpart would have improved attitude but sadly he's even worse.

    Is there anything I can,do to fix this or do I need to return her? I was hoping to breed them in the future 😞




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