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Posts posted by Jdogtrainer

  1. 10 minutes ago, Wisnasky-tank said:

    Forgive me but the little boy looks like my nephew Jayden and that german shepherd is beautiful 

    No problem lol that's my 5 year old son. 🙂 and thanks, Sabre thinks he's pretty handsome too

  2. 2 minutes ago, Alison said:

    😞 super bummer in general but especially when it's something you have wanted for awhile and were really looking forward to. 

    Thanks so much for understanding. Yep it's been a crappy situation and hard on my bank account lol. I am in love with the tinwini and plan to get more to fill out my school (if these 4 live). I'm on the hunt for another source now.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Alison said:

    Is there any chance they could have some kind of internal parasite? Did you treat them for anything? I see that you did put them into your quarantine tank but it's not clear if you added any kind of treatment.

    Hi Alison,

    Thanks for the reply! Yes I added both salt and Prazipro doses. I thought parasite as well!

  4. 7 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    Welcome, so glad to have you here! Are you a dog trainer?

    Hi Daniel,

    Yes, I'm a trainer. Not currently working as such, however. Between Covid and and a move to a poor location I've had to shut down business operations. But, I'm happy to be out from under the burden of running a small business for now 🙂

  5. Hello everyone,

    I'm Jamie and I live in Bremerton, WA. Between my boyfriend and I we have 4 tanks and counting. We have 4 empty tanks, a 65, a 75, and two 10 gals. 

    I've had tropical fish off and on since I was 5. My Grandmother kept fish and tanks going for 55+ years and my comfort around the idea of fish keeping began with her and my Mom. "My" first fish were 3 Angels in a big tank when I was 5. My first true venture with the responsibility of a tank was a 20 gallon when I was 11. I had that tank for about 18 months, then my next venture was when I was 23 and accidentally bred my giant Danios. Saved 7 fry, one survived to nearly 2" then moved and gave them back to my LFS.

    I gave myself a Christmas present almost two years ago of 29 gallon kit and did a year of obsessive research on YouTube (how I found out about the Co-Op) before setting it up in December of last year.

    Thanks for letting me join and learn!

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  6. I'm looking for some help with my new D. Tinwini juvinile. Here's my story.

    Two weeks ago I received my very first mail delivered fish. 12 danio tinwini - I've wanted this species for a long time. Only one online vendor had them in stock for the past 5 months so I got them from that source.

    My fish arrived (only 11 though) live and in good condition over all. I drip acclimated them to my established quarantine tank and they seemed good - except after 3 days they would not eat anything. I tried krill flakes, frozen brine, frozen community blend, bug bites...etc, etc.

    They seemed to smell the food and looked for it but didn't recognize the food as edible. I began suspecting that 1) these fish had only had live foods, and/or 2) they were babies who had only eaten live foods. They are pretty small at .5 inch or smaller.

    I sought help from a trusted source, who also identified them as Tinwini for me as I had my doubts. He helped me find a local who gave me a vinegar eel culture.

    My fish seemed to eat some but not as enthusiastically as I expected. By this time they were 5 days in my care and most had a varying degree of sunken belly and swollen gills.

    Between day 5 and 8 three of the fish died, so I added salt and the next day added Prazipro at the correct dosage for the 10 gallon tank.

    I tried frozen BBS and they seemed to take to those best. I also added live microworms to their diet with some success. 

    Trying to make this a bit shorter: I have 4 viable fish of my original 11. Two of them look normal, two have sunken tummy but are eating. 

    What else can I do for the? What should I have done differently?

    Water parameters: temp 77, ph 7.6, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 5 to 0, I have quite hard water but not sure the numbers.


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