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Posts posted by Jdogtrainer

  1. On 7/12/2022 at 11:53 AM, Stephen Zawacki said:

    Thanks for your input, I have a few questions tho I watched deans fish room video about angelfish and said you can do 3 angels in a 29, I’m 11 gallons bigger and longer, it is heavily planted, and 40 is the max size I can goin my apartment my intent was never to breed anything if it happens it happens, I wanted to make a South American tank, so was dean wrong? 

    The issue with the 40 gal is not volume, the issue is height of the tank. Angels get very big vertical size with high dorsal fins and fins that grow long under their body. 

    29 gals are tall tanks. Hope this helps

  2. On 7/9/2022 at 2:31 PM, tolstoy21 said:

    @Jdogtrainer  The eggs have been in the little flower pot a few days now, so I'm beginning to question whether or not they will  they will hatch.

    The only thing I've done differently recently is I started feeding cut up earth worms that I get out of my garden. Also, I started putting my Orange Rili culls in there with them and they snack on some of the slower, less cautious ones. That could have triggered them, or that all could just be coincidence. 

    Those are possibly some good tips. I'm currently doing a ton of gardening and come across earth worms daily.

    Also my big beautiful male came to eat some crickets when I fed today 😄 so he's obviously ok. Don't know where he's been hiding out.

  3. On 7/8/2022 at 4:48 AM, tolstoy21 said:

    Just an update on this thread. My pair has finally laid some eggs. I noticed them a day ago and the female is still guarding them. I'll keep you all posted if I get some fry.

    Thanks so neat! My pair didn't lay again. And as of yesterday I have not seen the dominant male for several days. I think he may have died.

  4. On 6/8/2022 at 3:56 AM, tolstoy21 said:

    Ivanacara Adoketa. I think most of us probably assumed the species based on the photo.

    That's correct Adoketa is the species I have. And captive bred v wild caught *can* impact the conditions under which the eggs will be viable. Many species of fish can be bred in previously unsuitable water parameters due to being tank bred for several generations from wild caught.

  5. Hello Forum,

    My Ivanacara bred for the first time about 36 hours ago. The dominant pair had 20 to 30 eggs in their cave. Mom stayed inside the cave with eggs. Dad was posted outside (at a safe distance from wifey!) chasing off all other fish.

    Over the course of yesterday their eggs were disappearing. Last night I counted fewer than 10 left and this morning zero and the pair are not guarding their cave like they were.

    Are they like Angels where they have to learn to take care of their eggs? Anyone know if this species is known for egg eating? Any other advice?

    I'm really not upset that their eggs are gone in that I am not really in a place to care for fry at the moment.





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  6. Oh my goodness everyone. Please learn from my nearly fatal mistake.

    I bought new driftwood to scape my 75 gallon and was using my established 29 gallon to get a head start on soaking the wood.

    Put two wood sections in last night. I only rinsed them lightly before adding them. This morning I noticed the water was very cloudy but didn't put too much thought into it. Wood has weird reaction in water sometimes, but I really never saw this before. Still didn't alarm me.

    Tonight after a super busy day working and doing a bunch of housework I looked at my 29 gallon and ALL MY FISH WERE FLOATING/GASPING at the top of the tank. 😱😱

    I checked my filter and it was NOT RUNNING and their was a bacterial bloom so thick it was coating the "arms" of my Pearl Gourami. 😱🤢 My filter had been gunked up with it completely. (Granted I did really need to clean my prefilter sponge but it was running last night!!)

    I immediately removed the new wood, prefilter sponge, and filter floss to increase flow. I drained out 10 gallons and replaced it with fresh water. It took about 15 minutes to see the fish begin to recover. But they look normal now. 😐😔

    I'm still worried as heck that there's been too much lack of oxygen for a few of them. 

    This was my first experience with such a thing. Please be careful of sudden clarity issues when you add new wood to your tank and make sure you negate issues by being sure your filter is running well😬😬😬



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  7. I've been suspecting my new Diamond Tetras (purchase last weekend from the CO-OP) might be displaying some breeding behaviors. Chasing and a male (assumed sex by fin characteristics) corralling a female (again assumed), and the males displaying and sparring, as well as rubbing on plants.


    So tonight I saw a male with a female in a corner next to the subwassertang and he was displaying to her and he began vibrating his body violently. It made me laugh! He did this over and over. So is this breeding behaviors or just some weird social thing?

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  8. Yep that's what I have. Mine are not mature yet but my two largest are showing that gorgeous dark and dramatic coloration. They truly are stunning in person! 

    I adore their behaviors too, super interesting to see their boldness coming out as they get older. Even half grown they are terrors! Voracious predators. They ate all my snails, and even half grown guppies. 

    Today I put an earthworm in the tank and I was astonished at how they dispatched a 4 inch worm.

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  9. Hi everyone!

    I bought 6 Ivanacara juveniles when I went to Fishtober in Portland this fall. All 6 are doing well and 3 are maturing beautifully. I think they are very underrated.

    They get a bit larger than apistos at about 4.5 to 5" for males at maturity. My largest is bigger than my borelli was at his maturity already.

    my plan is to have them in my 75 gallon with some angelfish, Costello tetras, and some catfish. 

    sorry for the poor quality pictures. It's the best I could do lol 😆









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  10. 12 hours ago, Michael G said:

    I wanted a hang on back filter that i could plant terrestrial plants in aquaponics style. So i made one using a rectangular flower planter and many trips to home depot. 

    Really wished there was one commercially available. I think i spent 150$ on supplies. 

    It's been running for the past year and it might be time to modify the design to make cleaning the pre-filters easier and maybe put a space for the heater. 


    Pictures? 😌

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