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Everything posted by Colette

  1. @Colu hi there! My goldfish are doing well in the big tank. Still giving oral Metroplex in food. Question- do I feed the medicated food exclusively, twice daily in a small amount OR do I feed unmedicated food with a small amount of Metroplex food? Thanks! colette
  2. Ammonia strip this morning after a 20% water change. Colette
  3. @Whitecloud09 Thank you!! I am going to put these clowns back in the big tank tomorrow. My day off, so I can monitor them. Still doing great! I am quite happy to see the improvement. Have a great day! Colette
  4. @Whitecloud09 @Colu here is the ammonia result after work. Fish are active and happy. Ate their Metroplex. good night and thank you for the help as always. Colette
  5. I can do that. Paracleanse in the water for all 3 fish. Correct? Colette
  6. @Whitecloud09 yes i am working today but happy to share ammonia strip results. I think these fish can tolerate 25% water change daily and replace salt then too. The salt ratio is now 1T:5 gall. Feeding small amount of Metroplex to both fish in QT tank original tank got a 50% water change last night. Pleco left in there, he seems fine. This is tough. But the goldfish seem to care not! I love these 2. thank you!! It has been a rough few says of fish care. Colette
  7. @Colu yes both are eating. Fish not thin. Hanging near surface one day . Twitching noted one day duration. These symptoms in the other goldfish all started yesterday. While I was working. By night, swimming oddly, twitching with clamped fins. But not down and out. colette
  8. @Colu @Whitecloud09 You guys are right on the money. Added a large new bristlenose to the 55 gallon goldfish tank a few weeks back. The goldfish do eat medicated food. The pleco will not. Should I then: 1. treat the whole tank 55 gallon,with lower dose salt ? I can start with 1T/5 gall to be extra safe for my bristle. 2. Do I Return the goldfish to that original tank ? For safety with this ammonia rise in QT 5 gall? 3. Is salt enough to treat possible parasites at this point? I will continue oral Metroplex with the goldfish, they have a good appetite and energy yet. No pinecones, so a plus there. I added Fritz ACCR remover to QT tank this morning to be safe, 20% water change done in there at 1am. 50% water change done too in large 55 gall tank with bristle. It is a challenge but I want these goofs to live. I love them so. Little dogs in the water. So hungry and happy. You all are just wonderful! Thank you! Colette Here is my bristle
  9. These are the 2 goldfish in a 5 gallon. I will check water parameters daily until the 20 gallon is ready for their continued treatment. Sound ok? Colette
  10. @Colu @Whitecloud09 Hi! My other goldfish now has stringy white feces, hiding, stressed. Not obvious bloat and no pinecone. Can bristle pleco’s handle aquarium salt? I am down to 1 - 5 gall QT for these 2 goldfish. My 20 gallon QT. is not clean yet from my sick Angel. Only salt in the 5 gall. Oral metroplex being given in food. Aerator going. Tank Has small filter too. how long can these 2 stay in here? 20% water change daily to keep Ammonia down? I am desperate for help yet again! Thanks, Colette
  11. @Colu and @Whitecloud09 I have been changed the water 2 gall yesterday and 3/4 gallon this morning. My fish is acting totally normal, breathing well. I added carbon filter because he us not pine coning anymore, so I stopped the Maracyn 2.
  12. @Colu @Whitecloud09 yes the strips say safe to caution shade for Ammonia.
  13. @Colu Deal! I also bought the Fritz ACCR ammonia remover. Thoughts on that in a small tank? I can add carbon now too, since indeed the Pineconing is resolved. And Mertoplex is oral. I do not know how I could have saved this fish without all of this sites help. Maybe one day I can visit your store and thank you all in person. PS. My neurologic Angelfish with possible HITH, did not live. You all helped with her too. But truly, her quality of life , ability to navigate a tank and find food, was of much much concern to me. her appetite and stress level seemed just not fair to such a sweet fish.
  14. @Colu Hello there!! My goldfish is doing quite well and looking more like his normal body shape. I am monitoring the water parameters twice daily. 50% water change every 3 days replacing the salt for what was removed. Maracyn 2 in the tank, Metroplex mix in pellets. In the Metroplex directions- Should I only feed the Metroplex food small amount twice daily? Or feed other Non- medication laced food with medicated food? Next ? If this goldfish is doing Well after 2 weeks in salt and Maracyn 2- Do I return him to his tank ? And if so, Feed a Sorry- @Colu If I return fish to tank- continue to feed all fish Metroplex for 3 weeks? Or discontinue once fish is in original tank and “cured.” much thanks as always! Colette
  15. He is a nice fish. Obtained from some drunk girls at a city street fair. Still my bud and his friend in the big tank misses him. You guys really have helped me out. Thank you a million times over. colette
  16. @Colu @Whitecloud09 Goldfish holding steady!! Starting Round 2 Maracyn in tank, started to feed Metroplex in food. He loves garlic guard. Stools normal. Water parameters, normal. Doing well!! Much thanks for ALL the advice! Colette
  17. @Colu @Whitecloud09 You guys are the best! I ordered the Focus and Metroplex. Arrives today. Had to use Amazon. Last day of Maracyn 2 then water change and then restart Maracyn2 with oral Metroplex. Good news!! Goldfish scales seem to be going down. Salt is at 1T/2 gall. Fish is happy, eating but feeding very small meals. I am so grateful for your replies and solid advice! Chat later! Kindly, Colette
  18. Oh ok, I can hold off. My LFS person thought it should be ok, but I , as usual wanted to double check. Thank you @Whitecloud09 As you can see, I need guidance. I appreciate and respect your input. Kindly, Colette
  19. @Colu can Gen Cure and Maracyn 2 go together? I do not have Metroplex. Thanks, Colette
  20. @Colu Thank you for replying and confirming. I am so grateful for all the advice! Fish keeping is tough for a beginner. I want to be good at it and enjoy it. Right now, it is like a fish hospital at our home. Ok staying the course. have a great afternoon! Colette
  21. @Whitecloud09 Hey, thank you so much. I am just worried and I know time is important here with this disease. This discussion board has been so very helpful. I will be patient. Thank you all so much. My neurologic Angel is hangin in there. Working on stress relief, tank navigation and finding her food. Really, thank you thank you! colette
  22. @Colu when is the appropriate time to increase Aquarium salt in tank? 48 hrs at 1T/2 gall with no improvement in fluid decrease. Pinecone scales starting to show, but not many. Still wait 7 days at this salt ratio 1T/2 gall? I saw on the Aq coop Salt Youtube video- you mention specifically Epsom Salt for dropsy. Should I try that? Or stick with Aq Salt as you suggested? The fish is not constipated. Pooping normally. Fairly energetic. Breathing well. Thank you very much! Colette
  23. @Colu @Whitecloud09 thank you both very much! I have done a water change, increased the Aq salt to 1 T/ 2 galls. I have to buy Metroplex. But will fast fish 3 days first. He is already very mad about that. I hope he hangs in! A free carnival fish and I am all in. 3 weeks of care, I can handle it. I am an ER vet tech so this may explain my need for a treatment protocol and some good luck. @Colu how long to salt fish at this higher concentration? 5 days? thanks! Colette
  24. @Whitecloud09 this is helpful! I can easily fast the fish. His stool is normal. He is happy and active. I will do a water change since I have Auarium salt in the QT currently. Then add epsom salt, continue Maracyn. Does that sound like a good plan? thanks!
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