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Everything posted by Colette

  1. @Colu @Whitecloud09 You guys are the best! I ordered the Focus and Metroplex. Arrives today. Had to use Amazon. Last day of Maracyn 2 then water change and then restart Maracyn2 with oral Metroplex. Good news!! Goldfish scales seem to be going down. Salt is at 1T/2 gall. Fish is happy, eating but feeding very small meals. I am so grateful for your replies and solid advice! Chat later! Kindly, Colette
  2. Oh ok, I can hold off. My LFS person thought it should be ok, but I , as usual wanted to double check. Thank you @Whitecloud09 As you can see, I need guidance. I appreciate and respect your input. Kindly, Colette
  3. @Colu can Gen Cure and Maracyn 2 go together? I do not have Metroplex. Thanks, Colette
  4. @Colu Thank you for replying and confirming. I am so grateful for all the advice! Fish keeping is tough for a beginner. I want to be good at it and enjoy it. Right now, it is like a fish hospital at our home. Ok staying the course. have a great afternoon! Colette
  5. @Whitecloud09 Hey, thank you so much. I am just worried and I know time is important here with this disease. This discussion board has been so very helpful. I will be patient. Thank you all so much. My neurologic Angel is hangin in there. Working on stress relief, tank navigation and finding her food. Really, thank you thank you! colette
  6. @Colu when is the appropriate time to increase Aquarium salt in tank? 48 hrs at 1T/2 gall with no improvement in fluid decrease. Pinecone scales starting to show, but not many. Still wait 7 days at this salt ratio 1T/2 gall? I saw on the Aq coop Salt Youtube video- you mention specifically Epsom Salt for dropsy. Should I try that? Or stick with Aq Salt as you suggested? The fish is not constipated. Pooping normally. Fairly energetic. Breathing well. Thank you very much! Colette
  7. @Colu @Whitecloud09 thank you both very much! I have done a water change, increased the Aq salt to 1 T/ 2 galls. I have to buy Metroplex. But will fast fish 3 days first. He is already very mad about that. I hope he hangs in! A free carnival fish and I am all in. 3 weeks of care, I can handle it. I am an ER vet tech so this may explain my need for a treatment protocol and some good luck. @Colu how long to salt fish at this higher concentration? 5 days? thanks! Colette
  8. @Whitecloud09 this is helpful! I can easily fast the fish. His stool is normal. He is happy and active. I will do a water change since I have Auarium salt in the QT currently. Then add epsom salt, continue Maracyn. Does that sound like a good plan? thanks!
  9. @Colu @Whitecloud09 Any dosing reccs on Epsom salt for dropsy in the tank ? Tips in Epsom Salt use too? Anyone have Dropsy success / survival? My LFS person has not used Epsom salt, so they said to fast fish 3 days. Maracyn 2 is on board. Thank you!! Colette
  10. @Colu @Whitecloud09 My angel is finally slowly improving neurologically. Swimming normally last 36 hrs. Eating very small amounts. Gen cure and Aq salt in the tank for a few more days. I will continue to keep her separated. Thank you all so very much for the advice and support! Colette
  11. Hi, my common goldfish has early stage dropsy. Eating, active, stools normal now- were stringy. He was lethargic, better today. Still swollen with bulging eyes. Few pine cone scales observed today. QT is 5 gall, with bubbler/ filter no carbon. QT Has Aq salt in it and Maracyn 2, currently. My question is- are epsom salt dips at 1 Tablespoon/ gall for 15 min preferred for dropsy? OR should I change the QT water out and add lower dose Epsom to QT tank for 5 days? I could really use epsom salt dosages, and duration. I hope to save him. He is so cute and social. Here is how he looks.
  12. @ColuThank you! I can try that. Have you ever seen an Angelfish go from slow circling to the right, to slow backward/ Backflip circles? Here are some still photos of how she moves. I cannot upload videos. Again she can hold herself steady at times, just not for long. Have a great day and thank you for all the advice. I do appreciate it. Colette
  13. @Colu much thanks- epsom salt. I can try that. Epsom salt and Aquarium salt in same tank is not too much? colette
  14. @Colu Hi and thank you!! Nothing definative. She was declining, then much improved Thursday, swimming better, eating better off food clips. Friday, overnight, stuck in the driftwood, bolted out somehow, then lateral on the bottom for 1 hour. Recovered Friday. By Saturday, circling, slowly whirling backwards as if she is on a Slow motion roller coaster. Vet thinks neuro or swim bladder. Not clear. I just put the fish in this tank today, with the salt. Is a water change safe? I am just desperate at this point. Fish has been unwell for 2-3 weeks thanks so much, colette
  15. @Colu @Whitecloud09 Hello, My angel is not well. Had a few promising days with better stability and appetite. Went to fish vet. Angel’s fecal negative. Water tested normal. All videos of her symptoms were reviewed. As of yesterday, Saturday, she is slowly spinning, rolling backwards with little evidence of the ability to stop herself for long. She is in a hospital tank with aqur. Salt 1 Tbspn/5 gall. Also has Gen Cure in there, just in case. Vet said to try it. In terms of salt ratio for swim bladder- do I stick with the API product reccs or try your 1:2 or 1:3 salt to gall ratio, as in your article? much thanks! Colette
  16. Update! Angel is slowly adapting to eating from a fish food clip. Black area of suspect HITH lesion is smaller yet visible, above left eye. Seems less nervous but still pensive. Vision suspect. Fish Vet consult Friday. Angel staying home. Just bringing videos. Tank divider has helped give angel time to find food. She refused to forage from substrate. But doing ok so far! 1st picture- current lesion status 2nd picture- maybe 10 days ago thank you all for the advice and support! colette
  17. Hi, update on my Angelfish. She spits out food if she even grabs a bit at all. Swims in slow circles to the right, but controlled. She has been doing this for a week. The fish can stop herself. I thought her circling was stress related. Water parameters normal. Nitrates are 10. I am continuing Gen Cure for suspect HITH. I am unable to attach a video of her circling behavior for some reason. I bought fish food clips to keep her food stable in one spot in the tank. This fish does not come to the surface of tank anymore. Her vision might be affected. current left eye gash status. Divider placed so she can get food without other fish bombarding it. I plan to call a fish vet for a consult. I hope she recovers. Thank you so much for your advice so far. I really am grateful. Colette
  18. Thanks everyone! I have aquarium co op test strips and ammonia strips. Test water daily. Gen cure in tank. I am hoping my Angel recovers. I love her so
  19. I can do that. The other day Nitrates at 25. Did small water change 2 days ago. Today Nitrates at 10. thanks!! Colette Thank you, I was afraid it may be. Here is a picture in December- no black gash. The other 2 photos are progression of left eye gash. I was trying not to over think her wound, hoping it was a scrape, that healed with black pigment. I tend to over think and worry about these fish too much. But now…. I am not sure I did the right thing. Thank you for any advice. I really need it at this point. Colette Thank you all for the info. I have Gen cure in the tank. I will get Entice tomorrow. Try it. I appreciate the help!! Colette
  20. Thank you, I was afraid it may be. Here is a picture in December- no black gash. The other 2 photos are progression of left eye gash. I was trying not to over think her wound, hoping it was a scrape, that healed with black pigment. I tend to over think and worry about these fish too much. But now…. I am not sure I did the right thing. Thank you for any advice. I really need it at this point. Colette
  21. Hello, does this gash above left eye of Angel look like hole in head? Been there 2 months. No other holes observed. Asymptomatic until Last week- angel is now not eating, nervous, staying away from me, thin. Stays in one area of tank. Anyone have any thoughts? Can HITH be on a fish that long sans symptoms? I have started Gen Cure in 75 gall tank to be safe per my LFS. I am fairly new to fish keeping and it has been a bumpy road so far. Tank-75 gall water parameters- normal temp 78 weekly water changes 20% Oase 600 filter Much thanks, I am trying to save her. Colette
  22. No eyes are not cloudy. No injury to eyes or body. Has anyone heard of fish eating root tabs? Or anything toxic that can cause blindness? A root tab was exposed on the sand surface. I have no evidence or observation of this fish eating anything odd.
  23. Hello, my Angel appears to be unable to see, follow or grab food. She stays in one area. Not obviously running into decor. Fish is not obviously stressed. But, Not greeting me, not attacking cleaning siphon, and not chasing or eating platy fry, which is completely unlike her. Eyes are clear. No trauma noted. anyone have experience with something like this? Acute blindness? my plan is to add a tank divider ( coming tomorrow). and keep the other tank mates separate so she has time to find and eat food. She is hungry. Angel lives in a 75 gallon tank. Guppies, neons, platys, 1 vampire shrimp, 1 pleco. No other angels. water test- normal parameters for planted tank. Weekly water changes. I offered a brine shrimp block today, stuck it to the wall of aquarium right in front of her. She took a bite, was happy but the block floated away, eaten by other fish. I cannot add video. File too large. any advice on blind fish, I thank you in advance! Colette
  24. Great!! Same advice my local store gave me. Did 1 treatment of expel p with lights off and a good vacuum 24 hr later. Will do. I hope these girls pull through. I just love them so. Much thanks!! Colette and fin friends
  25. no rapid breathing, water parameters stated above and report normal /stable for this tank. sunken belly yes, spitting out food, yes. The gouramis Still want to see me but one does stay solitary most of the day. I was going to buy fresh flake food just in case it is stale but the other fish have been eating it. Angel fish did spit out flakes today so I will buy fresh tonight for sure. I am also in close communication with the local fish store I purchased all my fish from. They have the same advice you all do. Which I appreciate! IF ever in Chicago, Check out Ocean Design Aquarium. Local mom and pop with a delightful array of salt and fresh water fish. I really love these gouramis and hope they recover here soon. They are too thin. Thank you for your help!!
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