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  1. Just wanted to let Cory know (per our previous conversation) I went ahead and switched to Easy Green fertilizer. I'm happy to report not only did my Parva crypts perk up and sending off new shoots, ALL my crypts are now sending off new shoots. It's been less than two weeks. There must be some really good stuff in there! I also wanted to thank him and the entire staff at Aquarium Coop for all the videos, forums and information that have helped me with starting and maintaining planted tanks. I'm a long time fish keeper but new to planted tanks. Thank you, Vicki
  2. ok thanks. You're right I wouldn't want to drop it in the tank. I would really rather have both glass panels the same size. I have sections of both the plastic that contects the two panes and the back flapper. I think I'll take these back and have glass cut at the hardware store.
  3. I saw that video. Doesn't help but thanks anyway. On mine the two panes of glass are different sizes. Doesn't make any sense. Maybe why they were on sale for half price. You get what you pay for. I think I'll return them and either order custom glass from Binswanger or figure something else out. Don't think I'll ever purchase tanks from Petsmart for this reason. I do appreciate your attention though.
  4. I bought a 55g aquarium from Petsmart a couple of years ago for my office. It came with some plastic lids with lights built in and I wanted to replace them. I found Top Fin glass hinged lids today half price so I bought a couple. The back glass panel fits but the front panel is smaller size for some reason. I don't get it. They also came with these weird plastic side pieces. I put them on the smaller front panel but the instructions show to put them on the back larger glass. The back strips came with pre cutouts for tubes and cords which is nice but in the wrong place for my Eheim spray bar so it doesn't work for me. I'll have to cut more openings anyway. Does anyone know what the side pieces are for? The instruction manual doesn't really say.
  5. I just wanted to be sure. I'll probably go ahead and switch over to Easy Green now. Thanks for the quick response!
  6. I understand its very common for crypts to melt. The Wendtii green and Wendtii red are doing fine. Only the crypt parvas are steadily melting. Should I cut off the melted leaves and just leave them alone? I'm using aquarium coop root tabs and Seachem Flourish. I also have aquarium coop Easy Green when the other runs out.
  7. I discovered several Microdevario Kubotai, Green neon rasbora fry in my 10g quarantine tank yesterday by accident while looking at some newly hatched RCS shimplets with a magnifying glass. I bought a group of 8 which have since been moved to the main tank. They spawned while in quarantine. I have been feeding them powdered flake food and Daphnia. Nothing else in the tank except Java moss, Java Fern and algae and things growing on spider wood. If I stay the course, what are the survival chances if I do regular water changes? Can't get good images, they are microscopic at this point. Some clinging to the glass eating algae or biofilm I suppose.
  8. I tried plastic cross stitch canvas to close the gap on the back of the lid but can't figure out how to fasten to the aquarium lid other than tape. Hot glue didn't work. Plastic egg crate won't work for me to keep tiny shrimp, snails and tiny fish from escaping. 20g long 29 1/8" x 12" planted tank The hinged glass lid I have is approx. 1.5" too short even with 2 inch plastic piece on the back to cut holes for electrical cords. I've scoured the internet but none have the measurements needed. Does anyone with this same problem have any other suggestions?
  9. Here's an example of the sandstone rocks before and after in the tank for a few years (dry). All the rocks and decor and covered with this grey stuff. Peroxide didn't take it off.
  10. I have been unable to remove gray film on sandstone rocks in my Mbuna tanks. I understand porous rocks are not ideal but they were sourced from my property and I love the color. I also have some Texas holey rock other decor that also have this gray film. Not Black Beard algae, this is different. I can't scrub it off with a stiff brush and water. Tried soaking them in bleach water but only turned them white. Film still won't come off. I could start over with a new batch of rock but these have natural holes, caves crevices and neat depressions nice for Mbuna so I'd like to keep them if I can figure out how to clean them. Any suggestions?
  11. 20g long heavily planted tank with 2-3 amano shrimp left, only 2 cherry shrimp left, 9 neon tetras and 6 white clouds doing great, two nerite snails. nitrites 0 nitrates 20-40 ammonia 0 Ph 8.2 (plan to add peat to canister filter, already have driftwood) temp 77
  12. I'm looking for ideas for sealing aquarium back for escape artists. Irene said in one of her videos Amano shrimp she had escaped and was found across the room under some throw pillows. I have now experienced this. I found one across the room from the aquarium on my tile floor - dead. All others except for 2-3 Amano shrimp have disappeared. I was going to order more but want to fix this first. I have one of those plastic flappers on the back of the glass lid but not flush. Does anyone have any ideas as to the best way to seal the back besides cutting multiple holes in the plastic to prevent further casualties? I have a canister filter intake tube, heater cord, air tube for sponge filter, etc... coming out the back. P.S. I ran into the same problem with another tank with Reticulated Hillstream Loaches. I read they are also known to escape.
  13. I've been drip acclimating shrimp for a few hours now. I placed the container into a tub with aquarium water. Temp is 2 degrees off, adding cups of water from the aquarium every so often to the tub get temps to match. However - the sellers water Ph is 7.6 and mine is 8.0. After a couple of hours of drip Ph in shrimp container is still 7.6. Should I add more aquarium water to the container the shrimp are in or just let the drip continue and keep checked Ph? Need to avoid Ph shock when adding them to the aquarium.
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