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  1. I purchased the Penn-Plax Bubbler Filter. I had been looking at it on Amazon yesterday. Think I’ll move the fluidized bed to my 36 gallon bow front aquarium. My Shrimp tank will have 2 sponge filters ( one on each side ), and the penn plax bubbler filled with filter floss, carbon, etc.. I have Hygger adjustable flow air pumps that have media trays on the bottoms, filled with bio balls. Thank you for all your help and advice!!
  2. Sorry to get back to you all so late! The Sicce Shark Pro and the ADV are $40 and up, don’t think I want to waste that money! Thank you for the offer of giving me one, but I’m not in your area. Thanks again! I think you are absolutely right! 😄 Thanks!!! What kind of box filter do you recommend! Do you know of a good one? Thanks for the advice!
  3. I have always used sponge filters in my shrimp tank. I think you are right. I really bought this to put other media in it, I wasn’t really interested in the media that came with it. Using sponge filters I can’t put carbon or purigen, etc. in the tank. I bought Dr Tim’s NP Pearls, to remove high nitrate-phosphate, but I can’t use it with sponge filters. This is a planted tank 5 1/2 years old. I bought 5 gallons of r/o water and Salty Shrimp + GH/KH. I have a 5 gallon jug I bought years ago to mix it when I first started the tank. I may have to use a small hob filter to hold other media! Thanks for your advice!!
  4. I’m using a Hygger 5w adjustable air flow, air pump, as the company suggested. I think 5w is too strong for a 10 gallon shrimp tank. I also have a Hygger sponge filter in the tank. Running the filter at max air flow might be too much water circulation for the shrimp! I have a 3w hygger air pump, I’m going to switch to that for the fluidized bed filter. Don’t understand the water pump idea! Thanks for your advice!
  5. My problem is with high nitrate and phosphate in 10 gallon all shrimp tank. My township replaced a water tower and now the nitrate reading from the tap is 10-20 ppm. The phosphate reading is 0.5-0.7. Nitrate in shrimp tank is 40 ppm and phosphate is 2.0. I thought the fluidized bed would help! I looked up the Sicce Filter, not sure if it will work either in a shrimp tank. I have to read more about it! Thanks for your input!!
  6. Hi everyone! I need some advice. I just bought a moving bed filter. Aqqa Aquarium Fluidized Moving Bed Filter. It is nice and I really like it, but the bubbles make a lot of noise! Loud!!! I want to try drilling holes in the top cap, but I don’t know how many holes to drill, or where to drill them. Should I drill them in the middle or around the sides where the slits are? I have tried putting foam in the top, very small plant basket in the bottom and still nothing works! I have heard you can use netting over the slits. I don’t know what kind of netting, or how much to use. It comes with a flat round airstone on the bottom. If anybody has any ideas on how to quiet this thing down, I would really appreciate it! Thanks for your help!!
  7. Be careful with the test strips! I would use API test for Nitrate. I’m not using the test strips anymore, not worth it! API gives me an accurate test. Be sure your test strips are not bad, even if the date is current! Going back to Excel, etc. I am still having a bad problem with bba and this black gunky, sticky stuff on the top of my plants and especially on the substrate ( it does not vacuum off). Can’t seem to get rid of it! It gets worse when using Easy Green and Easy Carbon doesn’t seem to work at all! I have tried H2O2 treatments in and out of the aquarium, plant hair turns red for a day or two, and then back to the way it was. I have had great advice from people on this site but, I guess nobody has what I have! I have tried everything and nothing seems to be working! There is an imbalance of something in this tank, and I am going crazy trying to find it! I never had problems like this, I have had 7+ years Salt water tanks and 13+ years Freshwater tanks. This is beyond my expertise!
  8. Thanks for all your help and advice! I appreciate it!!
  9. The h2o2 treatment cleared some of the algae. Aquarium looks better, but I will have to do another treatment. I tested the parameters today, and got a big surprise! Aquarium co op test strips were not wrong. There is no Nitrate in the tank! The API test kit shows the same results. API Test Kit - PH - 7.6, PH-H - 7.3, Ammonia - 0, Nitrite - 0, Nitrate - 5-10, GH - 17, KH - 4, Phosphorus - 0-0.15, TDS - 580 ( meter won’t calibrate right), I have a new one coming in. Aquarium Co Op Test - Nitrate - 0, Nitrite - 0, GH - 300, KH - 40, PH - 68. Couldn’t do a water change today, so I did a full dose of Easy Green ( because it brings nitrates up ) and put a bag of Peat in the filter. Since I will be doing the h2o2 treatment again, I might as well put in my new plants first. My fish have no hiding places anymore. Tomorrow I will be doing a 50% water change, deep gravel vacuum, and adding the new plants. Should I do another full dose of Easy Green tomorrow, and when should I do the h2o2 treatment again? Here are pics of the tank now, you can still see some algae!
  10. I couldn’t use the sprayer method, as my sprayer decided not to work! I used the info from a video I was sent. Mark’s shrimp tanks method, using some aquarium water mixed with the peroxide. You leave it 1 hour and then turn the filter back on and the light. I did take all the sponges out. I’m going to wait until tomorrow (if that’s not too long) and do a 50% water change for clean up! I can check for tough spots tomorrow, put my new plants in, and my mopani wood back! Thanks! I’ll wait and see what the tank looks like tomorrow! My timer just went off, so I will turn everything back on!
  11. Ok! I should wait until tomorrow and then do a 50% water change to clean the debris? I did follow the video and mixed with aquarium water ( my sprayer doesn’t want to work ). My timer is set for 1 hour. There is no mention of a water change in the video.
  12. Should I do a water change right after the treatment, like an hour after?
  13. Ok! I’ll use the spray bottle under water. I have used Alum for years on all my new plants, and never had a problem! It’s the only thing I use. Getting started with the peroxide treatment right now!
  14. Ok! I have a few of those. I have one that size, I use it to water mist my succulents. Too late for the plants, I trashed them. The rest of new ones arrived this morning, and my shrimp tank is over grown with plants I can transfer over. The new plants will go in an Alum soak for now. 3 1/2 tbsp. of peroxide is not a lot, should I mix it with a little tank water in order to spray it? Will this get rid of BBA as well?
  15. Thanks! I will do that. I have the wood in a bucket of water right now. I was going to trash it! I have new sponges. That’s a beautiful tank!
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