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  1. I have two Japanese trapdoor snails. I’ve had them since they crawled out of their moms shell earlier this year, and they haven’t reached maturity yet but they’re a good size.
  2. No, sorry. I didn’t save them when the google image search didn’t work
  3. It didn’t look much like any of the above but it could be some type of planaria. One of the plants I got was one I’ve never had before and it didn’t specify if it was wild farmed or not so it could’ve come from that. I get plants from this store often without any issue so I only bleach dip if I feel like the plant will have unwanted hitchhikers. The leeches I had in the past looked similar to the above but not the thing I found. It was probably as thick as a finger nail. I used tweezers to get it and it was hard to bend.
  4. No it looked something like this, the lines looked like little openings
  5. Probably about 1 cm, but I’ve already thrown it out
  6. So I just found some sort of leaf like creature in my tank? I tried taking pictures but my camera won’t focus on it, but it’s shaped like a leaf. Two pointy ends and fat in the middle, not planaria or leeches as I’ve had those before and know what they look like. I noticed it last night when I went to bed but from afar it looked like a bit of melting plant so I left it for the morning because I planned to clean the tank then anyway. I woke up to it in the same spot today, however it’s obviously some sort of bug. It’s somewhere between clear and milky white in color and hadn’t moved at all. I’m not sure where it came from or if it’s been there for awhile but it’s the only one I’ve seen. This tank normally has two filters going but during cleaning last week I moved the second one up a bit and as a result my fish that swam in that section of the tank started getting sucked in. It hadn’t happened before so it took me awhile to realize they weren’t going back there voluntarily and getting stuck. After that I temporarily removed the filter so that I could find something to cover the intake. I imagine this has caused the oxygen level to drop some and could’ve caused it to come to the top. I also got new plants that I put in over a week ago so it could be from that. I’m not really sure. So, white-ish leaf shaped bug that stuck to the front glass, was really hard to pull off (like it had suction cups), but didn’t move the entire night or when I went to pull it off. Does anyone know what it might be?
  7. Does anyone have experience with mother pots? More specifically, anubias mother pots? I have some anubias in my tank but they’re all small, so I’m thinking of getting a mother pot for my betta. Has anyone had problems with them melting back?
  8. Thank you all for the suggestions! Unfortunately, my sword melted as I expected, but the stem plants mostly survived and are thriving. I went with you guys’ suggestion of Val and got some Vallisneria Spiralis Leopard for a bit of color and it’s doing great and giving off runners. I’m currently looking into some bulb plants to fill in a few gaps. Last week I got a Barclaya Longifolia bulb that has just started putting off roots and have a Crinum Thaianum on the way. I’m just testing these out since I haven’t tried bulb plants before and they were in stock when I went to look around. As for GH and KH I’m honestly not sure since I don’t really know how to test these, but I know its hard water in my area (152 PPM). As for moss, there is Java moss and newly added subwassertang in the tank already. I do have some extra rocks laying around, but for the hard scape already in the tank, most of its already covered with various plants.
  9. Hello, I’m looking for some plant suggestions for a 29 gal. It has some fluval stratum in it that I pushed to the back with some dividers I found on Etsy and I’m going to put some sand in front and maybe over the fluval, haven’t decided yet. For this tank I have 5 pots of different anubias, 5 pots of 3 types of Java ferns, two different stem plants and a fancy twist sword. I’ve honestly had terrible luck with stem plants (none have ever survived me lol) and I’m not sure they’ll survive. I do have a better light on this tank so I’m hoping for the best. I’d like to add in some more root feeders, preferably those that look good in the background or on the sides of the mid ground. I have some random crypts from another tank that I added in, some buce and Java moss on the seiryu stone that are all already in the tank. I also plan on taking the plantlets off a fourth type of Java fern and putting them in this tank. The plants above are being delivered tomorrow but I’m pretty sure they won’t fill in the empty space well (going for a more densely planted look) so I’m going to order more plants soon. As for stocking, this tank will have some neos and amanos along with some snails. Haven’t really decided what else to put in. More specific plant list below for anyone curious Java Fern Sunrise Java Fern Gold Sparkle Java Fern x3 Hygrophila Angustifolia Nomaphila Stricta (Siamensis) Echinodorus Fancy Twist Anubias Congensis Anubias Nana Anubias Lanceolata Anubias Barteri 'Coffeefolia' Anubias Heterophylla Sagittaria Subulata Nymphaea Tiger Lotus Extras: Java fern windelov plantlets crypt wendtti green, brown, and tropica Red Scorpio and arrogant blue buce
  10. Oh okay, that’s a relief. Thank you very much!
  11. Hello and thank you. I only have these trapdoor snails and what I think are ramshorns that came on some plants. The pics below show the white spots I’m talking about, as well as two other babies that are around the same size and doing fine.
  12. As the header says, I have a bunch of baby snails and a few of them are covered in white spots. They are Japanese trapdoor snails, and I initially bought two adult snails. The female came pregnant and began releasing babies not long after she was put in my 29 gal. About two weeks after that I decided to redo the 29 gal and moved the snails over to my 20 gal. There are only a few blue dream shrimp (about 8 ) in the 20 gal and they are all fine. A few days ago I was checking on my shrimp and noticed one of the babies covered in white spots. It’s all over the foot and the shell, and doesn’t seem to be cause by deficiencies. I tried looking it up but all the articles I found didn’t match. I left it in there overnight hoping it was just dust from an algae wafer but it was still there in the morning so I removed the snail. After I got back from work I noticed another snail covered as well. Both these snails are babies and some of the earliest ones as they are bigger than the rest. Most of the others and the adults don’t have this and I’m not sure if they are sick or I’m just being paranoid. I already culled one baby and I don’t want to do another, but I’m planning on moving the snails back to the 29 gal when it’s finished and it’ll be a community tank so I want to be sure.
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