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Jimmy Cleveland

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Posts posted by Jimmy Cleveland

  1. She will let me do this in the living room.(55g. 10g. 5g. Aquarium and then a 29 gallon terrarium. Then I have another 29 gallon 20 gallon long and a 15 gallon sitting empty there)They just had the so-called dollar a gallon sale so I picked up a few things. But she will not let me bring my motorcycle in the house. So i don't know..lol


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  2. Does yours follow you around the yard? Mine will once they're done rooting around they specially run up to me and lock up when I go to get on my motorcycle like they want to ride on it with me. They are pretty stubborn but when they're not being stubborn they actually listen to me pretty good I'll tell him to get out of the garage and they will and 8 times out of 10 when I tell them to go to their Coop they will. I think it's because I won over the leader which is the biggest one by having her come around the yard with me and showing her the few spots I had set up with patio pavers and flip them over and show her the worms and things that live under there. They haven't laid their first eggs yet but I believe they will soon because when I yell at them to get in a Cooper out of the garage they will squat down like they're going to poop but they don't so I think their eggs are starting to develop.

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  3. I'm working on my own three dimensional Rock background for a 20 long I completely built the foam from pieces and detailed it. I'll be doing that in the next few days. But for larger tanks I've seen people use the foam insulation board and then do like I'm doing with my 3D background and shape it but knives Hot Irons and or power tools. Then you will add a water down mix of hydraulic cement let that dry then come back and hit it with a normal mixture painting it on with a paintbrush then let it cure. The next step would be to soak it or keep it submerged in the tank with no fish or plants because for a few weeks the concrete will cause a spike in pH but then it will go back down to normal and become inert and completely waterproof. Do you want to over exaggerate your details because you will be going over it twice with the concrete it will diminish some of your detail. Next song background to cut it shape it and have it where it is took me about two to three hours. And that was trying to get it done fast but I had to build layers and I used glue and toothpicks to keep it all together the water down hydraulic cement full feeling all the small cracks and bond it a regular mixed Set It all solid


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  4. How much time did you spend watching them before you noticed a problem. That's the best way to know if they are breathing excessively. Another indicator if you are unaware of their normal breathing patterns is try to monitor them at night and see if it has slowed down any from the day when they are awake.

  5. Now this is more like a heavy duty tablecloth or say a flag but real heavy-duty almost like a flimsy tarp here I added photos it looks better in person and would probably look even better if I clean the algae off the back glass but I'm not until all the baby snails have grown




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  6. I just got a photo backdrop it's 5 foot long by 3 ft tall. (For my 55g) vinyl photo backdrops? Right now I'm just running a solid piece of cardboard as my background I plan on putting the vinyl over that and then reattaching to my tank. It's a great-looking forest scene was only $9 I don't think I could beat it the normal aquarium backgrounds are pretty expensive. Was just wondering if anybody else has tried this and how it turned out I'm getting ready to do it here in a little bit so I'll try to and some photos to this later tonight or tomorrow

  7. @Cory first off I have to say easy green is some good( I've never used a fertilizer. LOL probably won't use any other one now) stuff. Doesn't change my water parameters that I can notice and I basically been underdosing and have seen growth rates of about 30 to 40% more. And for the water Sprite I think it will make a rebound. Probably around 4 months or so I should be able to grow out for plants the same size as the one you sold me



  8. These are light Brahma chickens I called them the boys just because. even though they are all hen's I've had them since they've been a few weeks old. When I got them last year it was originally too cold at night for them to be outside so they ended up staying almost 3 weeks in my house in the tub here I had actually trained one of my cats to sit and guard them. My cats don't go outside so I don't know how they would interact now



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  9. 55g with 3 guppies 2 African dwarf frogs 2 mystery snails a nerite snail 1 ghost shrimp some detritus worms and probably a ton of other microscopic organisms. About 12 younger plants four five different species and some algae. The male is already ramming into the two females and going after their poop thinking it's a fry. Evacuation part of the females is already starting to look triangular and enlarged my guesstimate is a few weeks but I am unsure they are still young so I believe the spawn will not be too large

  10. You have many options one could be move the Sponge Filter to the center. You can get a large air stone on the other side and the uplift can create a rotating current for you you can add something like a small pond filter or even powerhead some people even use larger top dwelling fish me personally I would add a smaller inexpensive hang on the back and then maybe you can stack it with water hardener water softener media or even a fine particle media it will give you a little extra control on what you want for your tank that's my personal opinion but your preference is king of your tank

    • Thanks 1
  11. So I guess you can only add so many reactions a day here? Please forgive me I've read many forums collecting information throughout my Journeys in life but I've never been a part of a forum this is the very first time I've posted on a forum is aquarium Co-op forum so I'm still learning the way this particular site runs

  12. Thank you I appreciate that. No I just recently added some freeze dried bloodworms and the way my tank is set up the corners it gets stuck so they know to look there for food so I'll drop in some pellets for the Guppies and then feed heavily on freeze dried bloodworms and they know where to find them every two days or maybe three I will feed Frozen bloodworms I just don't like how their bellies get so swole because they pig out

  13. Yes just using the clippings as fertilizer. Any decaying matter or waste will cause a slight Spike in ammonia and nitrates and so forth. The reason I say this as I recently had a 10 gallon test tank did I only had plants in mainly some duckweed and I have low light on it and I would take clippings from my large tank that either I didn't like the way it was growing or maybe it started developing hair algae and I would just toss it in there it was an uncycled tank and I had huge spikes on everything then within a week the tank stabilized and I believe it's my most stable tank I have now because it went through such a harsh cycle and I did get some growth I probably would have gotten more with better lighting but the nitrate and nitrite was reduced to almost nothing after a week the whole experiment was probably two weeks a week of adding the clippings and such and feeding the tank fish food

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  14. Are you going to set up other tanks differently and use this as a Baseline? Or are you going to periodically change the way you condition and treat the tank to get results? If you are going to set up other tanks I would recommend using clippings from the tank to fertilize the tank versus no fertilization versus using fertilizer like easy green

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