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Everything posted by Sartor

  1. Yeah!! I found this moss in my tanks and think it may look cool! Is it Christmas moss?
  2. Yes! I’ve seen that, and buce as leaves. I love how beautiful they are. A tiny bonsai.
  3. I’m going to set up another 5.5 for shrimp, I’m not sure how to scape though.. I just got this drift wood tree!!
  4. Yes it will be! What would you suggest for larger fish stocking?
  5. Yeah I’ve been rethinking that since I posted, I’m researching perimeters and behaviors on all before the tank is even set up. Just listed what I liked, then I’m looking over everything and weeding out won’t work.
  6. Yeah, I thought of cichlid, but honestly I don’t want to deal with the tank aggression I’ve heard of with them. And, generally just haven interested me much. I’ll have to look at the Kh, to see where it’s at. For most other fish though, is it harmful/ stressful to have a high Kh? I’ve been told stable parameters and slow acclimating are most important, most species can adapt to KH.
  7. I had never heard of those, they are beautiful!! Are they peaceful ish? Like nip slower fish fins. Or mostly inner species?
  8. Yeah currently this is a rough idea of a stock list. Tank stock list::: Rummy nose tetra x15 Long fin Bristlenose pleco x2 Kuhili loach x7 Melanotaenia sp. "Kali Tawa" x 6 Honey gourami or pearl gourami Cpd x10 I still need to look into those species before I decide for sure… also need more driftwood for the Pleccos.
  9. I love them!! I love the white fins that highlight. Now I’ll have to see if I can find a place that I could even order/ that’s recommended to order from. Aquahuna doesn’t carry them, unfortunately.
  10. I may end up upgrading the light at some point, but I for sure love Amazon swords!! They get huge and beautiful. I use aquarium co-op root tabs and easy green when needed so it should do good.
  11. Yes!! I do this a lot and always research the species that catch my eye. The problem is my LFS is okay but not great, and gets really common things in usually. The other is a PetSmart usually with sickly fish. I do plan on a fishless cycle, just wanted to get an idea on what I want to go for/ order online or hunt for a local breeder of that species. Thank you for this input! It’s always to keep in mind when building a tank 🙂 Yes!! Something like that would be beautiful! I know I’ve been looking at rice fish too recently, I’d have to look into detailed care just they come from (I believe?) Japan, and are hardy. I picked the tank up today and it ended up being 65 gallons! Little more room lol, and tons of extras.
  12. Possibly I guess! I’m researching on the species that fit that category! Do you have any suggestions?
  13. Probably a peaceful community for now. the Ph around here sits at 7.6 usually with the stratum buffering. I don’t mind adding some tannins, but wouldn’t want it too dark! I like a more natural tank, or landscape. So far I’ve been using spider wood and dragon stone. Probably more of a River vibe? I’m not great at aqua scraping so I’m open to new ideas as well. I love schools, and centerpiece fish! I like an active tank with some color.
  14. Hello, I’m just now getting a bigger tank after a few years with my 20! I found someone with a loaded 55 gallon with stand for cheap. Comes with aqua sky light, fluval 407 canister filters and all the extras. I’m super excited, but am not even sure what I’d like to have other than a community tank. I love pearl gouramis so maybe a few of those? Kuhili loaches or something interesting? Any tips on canister filters are appreciated too, I’ve never had one! I’m planning on using fluval stratum for substrate, hopefully heavy planted tank when it grows in. I’ve attached a picture of the tank, and would love suggestions! Thank you!
  15. Thank you! I’m going to try to look up videos on my day off to set an idea, mostly I’m just having problems figuring out how to arrange the plants! No matter which way I put them they don’t seem to look good. I’d be able to try different plants to if I can get an idea of what would go good.
  16. Hello all! I’m new to keeping bigger tanks, and am looking for some aquascaping advice! I’m going for a heavily planted, no CO2 in a 20 gallon. My substrate is Fluval stratum, and I’m planning on using easy green. It’ll have blue neocardina, and I’m thinking 2 honey gourami, some ember tetras or chili rasbora. Maybe cories or a nerite or two. I’m Getting flamingo crypt and have some of ludwegia repens, anubias nana, hygrophila difformis, elodea anacharis, pogostemon stellatus, and sagittaria subulata. Also have one that stays smaller I can’t remember the name of, but it’s up front to the left lol.
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