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Everything posted by Scaperoot

  1. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on transferring all your fish/plants/scape to a new tank. The main reason is to use a different substrate (I hate Eco complete). What should I transfer first and how long would it take to make sure the new tank is ready for fish? The tank would be the same size. I currently have Nano fish and Cherry shrimp and I'm concerned about whether the move itself would harm them. Would the filter, plants, wood, and stone have enough beneficial bacteria (9 months) to make this a smooth transition?
  2. Which vegetables do your fish and snails love most? I added raw cucumber to two of our tanks. In the 10 gallon, I was trying to draw snails out since we're overrun atm. I have snails, shrimp, Otos, various nano fish in that tank. Aside from a couple snails, the cucumber was completely ignored. I had to remove it two days later. In our community tank, it was completely ignored by Corydoras, shrimp, and various fish for a day, and then our large mystery snail (Nacho Libre) devoured every bit of the slice. What would the bottom dwellers prefer?
  3. Thank you for all the info! I’m so excited to add some of these plants in the near future. I’m very grateful 🙏
  4. We found our first Cory fry last week, and last night I spotted a second!!
  5. I recently saw a video where someone placed a Peace Lilly in their substrate, with the leaves above the water line. Is this safe for fish? MD fish tanks had a setup where he used a bowl to hold the roots. I haven't seen a follow up to either setup, so I'm wondering if anyone here has tried it.
  6. Our female guppies have been beating fry for a few weeks. We have dozens at the moment. For the last few days, I’ve noticed that one female in particular seems to be having a hard time giving birth. She spends quite a bit of time upside down, sometimes twirling. Are her fry stuck? I’ve never witnessed this before. I thought she was dead at first. Anything I can do?
  7. Has Cory mentioned if someone will be taking over Jimmy's responsibilities with filming? I'm watching older vids with Jimmy hanging out with Cory and Dean, and they're my favorites. I know he's with Fritz now, and just wondered if they will continue to produce that type of content.
  8. When I got home yesterday, there were some special little surprises waiting for me; Molly fry! I couldn’t believe it. We’ve had a black female Molly for about 3 months. I’m wondering if it’s possible for a female to hold sperm for that long. We have a male golden sailfin Molly that was added about 2 months ago. He chases her around quite often. I’ve included a (bad) screenshot of him chasing her around. If he’s the male that inseminated, wouldn’t there be some variation in their color?
  9. Looks like my local fish farm has good prices (3 for $18) in comparison. I fell in love with them from vids and pics, but I've lost most of the 24 I bought last year. I had them in separate tanks, but I'm only left with about 5 total now😕. On the other hand, my white cloud mountain minnows and golden minnows have thrived during that time. I recently added golden tetras instead of replacing the CPDs. They're (CPDs) beautiful, but I won't be getting more. When I want to look at a tank where CPDs are thriving, I go to Dean's channel😁
  10. I was wondering how long it took for the price of CPDs to become what it is today. From my understanding, they were introduced around 2006. Today, they're very common and pretty affordable. Does anyone remember how much they cost back then? The reason I ask is because I recently found out about the Cenepa Super Red Pencilfish. If I read correctly, they were introduced about a year or two ago. How long would it typically take for prices ($30 each) to drop? I'm guessing this all depends on how well they sell once introduced.
  11. Thank you to everyone for helping me 'see the light' on this. I'm grateful.
  12. I've got a 10 gallon planted tank with a Betta, 4 pygmy Corydoras, and an adult Mystery snail. Due to the way the rack is set up, it's very hard to access the bottom of the tank with a vacuum and hose. I'm wondering if topping up every couple weeks, instead of vacuuming the bottom, creates a bad environment for the fish and snail. I test weekly, and so far (6 months) haven't found any traces of ammonia or nitrites. Nitrates are always pretty low (<20 ppm). The tank has a few Anubias, a couple swords, a banana plant, a Lotus, and is usually full of floaters (duckweed, frogbit). This was originally a quarantine tank for plants and fish, until we fell in love with a Betta and brought him home. Is there anything I need to look out for that the strips won't tell me?
  13. Does anyone know what could be causing round holes in water lily leaves? The holes are small and round. No pic, sorry. The Lilies are set up in a small outdoor pond. New leaves are not growing as big as older ones. A friend asked me to look into it and I thought I'd try here first. I can get any other info needed. Thanks!
  14. I'll keep them away from our Bettas, thank you👍
  15. I'm wondering if anyone has had consistent success with keeping Shrimp and Bettas together. We have two Bettas, a female who shares a 20 long with Golden Minnows, and a male who shares a 10 gallon with 4 Pigmy Corydoras. We had a couple shrimp in the 10, but I haven't seen them in weeks. I have not tried adding any to the 20 long. We have another 10 gallon with Nano fish and Shrimp. The 10 Cherry Shrimp we've had there are now about 25-30 shrimp, and I'm wondering where we can move some. Not sure what I can do if the Bettas become aggressive towards them.
  16. I just posted about this yesterday, but haven't received any replies I just posted a similar question about a couple banana plants I received this past weekend, but no one has replied. Were you able to figure out what it was? I've never had this happen with other plants or bulbs.
  17. I just got a few banana plants in this weekend. I placed two in one tank and a third in another. This plant has this white fuzz on it tonight. I also found some of the same material on some tiger lotus leaves. Should I be concerned?
  18. I had no idea you could separate them😃 You learn something new every day! I'll definitely rotate the ones that haven't sprouted. Thank you🙏
  19. About 6 weeks ago, I ordered Tiger lotus bulbs from 2 vendors. There was a really nice sale, PLUS a buy 2, get 1 offer. I ended up with about a dozen bulbs. So far, only 4 have sprouted leaves. Is it possible that all the rest are duds, or do I give them more time? The 12 were spread out over 5 tanks. The main difference in water parameters between the tanks would be temperature. Our 2 tanks with Bettas run at 76-77ƒ. Each of those has at least one bulb that is doing well. The strange thing is, I have a gorgeous Lotus in a 10 gallon that has been growing for nearly a year, and the temp in that tank is 72ƒ. I was previously told the temp was the issue in the tanks with no growth, but that doesn't explain the Lotus that's grown beautifully for months. Any ideas?
  20. How do you go about cleaning a plastic quarantine tub after use?
  21. I'm concerned about the ratio. Do I need more females?
  22. I currently have 13 Cherry barbs in our 40g breeder community tank. There are 7 males, 6 females. I'm wondering if having more males than females will be a problem. Will the female be constantly chased or harassed? I didn't buy them to breed, but now I'm liking the idea. It's a pretty heavily planted tank, with several Platies who are successfully having fry. I currently have about 8 or 9 Platy fry swimming around. I have a Tiger Barb that scoops up a few from time to time, but with more live plants in the tank, I'm seeing more fry survive than ever.
  23. I contacted a LFS yesterday to ask whether they sold Purple Pencilfish or Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish. I was so happy to learn that they had both. I've never owned these, so I have no idea how much they normally sell for. The Rainbowfish were $13, and the Pencilfish were $12. Does that sound about right? I don't think I've paid that much for Nano fish before, not even for CPDs. I did find both available online for about half off, but I can't speak to the quality.
  24. I hadn't even thought of the gravel vac! I'm doing water changes daily on tanks that have meds and have just been rinsing the hose and vac out with hot water and Hydrogen Peroxide.
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