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Everything posted by Scaperoot

  1. Are we allowed to ask about a specific vendor? I found a vendor that seems to have some plants not currently available through ACO, but I wanted to ask if anyone has bought from them before. Not sure if that's allowed in the forum.
  2. I do. So, it may actually be higher than 7.4?
  3. I set this up on Saturday with some Fritz 7 and used filter media from a seasoned tank. I have not done any water changes. I did add a pinch of food last night. These were my results this morning. Will the PH come down on its own?
  4. I ended up setting up an aqua clear HOB filter, and I ordered a baffle that should fit perfectly when it arrives. Thanks again!
  5. I'll definitely post a pic when it's set up. Thanks for the ideas🙂 I'll definitely check out what Aqueon has. We have false Julii corydoras in another tank, and they're thriving. They even bred earlier this year, so I'm definitely considering using them again. That's definitely worth looking into. I always use HOB, but with a longer tank you need a little boost. This could be exactly what I need. Thank you!
  6. I am in the process of setting up a 20 long for a male Betta and some Corydoras. We have 3 other tanks with Bettas, but those have HOB filters. I would like to try an internal filter, since I'm not satisfied with the lack of flow in those tanks. I'm considering the SICCE Shark Adv 400 internal filter, and was wondering if anyone who has had one could share their experience, or steer me towards a different one. Thanks
  7. That's impressive. How long does it take them to fully mature?
  8. These look even more amazing. I didn't watch the whole video, but I wonder if it's possible to get that color without CO2. I recently ordered some Pink Swords and Echinodorus Horemanii Red Swords, but I'd love to know if anyone sells these crypts.
  9. Anyone know what kind of Crypt this is? I asked the owner of the tank and he had no idea. It's incredible.
  10. That's awesome! I got a 20 long for less than $30. If only I had room for more...😋
  11. Not sure if this is allowed, but just wanted to share that aquariums are on sale at Petco. Since ACO doesn't sell aquariums online so I hope it's ok to share. I've been waiting on this for weeks.
  12. I can't complain about the driftwood I found, because no LFS near me ever have this particular type (Manzanita/Ghostwood). As for the Corys, I have only seen the bronze in person prior to this weekend. The fish farm I visit sells albinos, pandas, venezuelans, etc., for about $6-$8 each. I'm not sure if the skunk Corys are hard to find. That's concerning. The cherry shrimp I buy are $5 each. Plants are tricky, because availability is the issue in our area. You can find almost anything online, but once you factor shipping it makes you really consider the value. There's a company (ACO competitor) I get plants from about 2-3 times a year. They offer great deals and free shipping once you pass a certain spending threshlod. If I just need one or two plants, I don't even consider ordering online. At that point, I'm at the mercy of the LFS.
  13. I went to my first fish expo recently, and was a bit stunned by the prices of certain fish, hardscape, etc. For example; $10-13 for a single Corydora, $15 for a small piece of driftwood (even though it was marked with a lower price in Sharpie on the wood itself), etc. Are markups normal at these shows? I got great deals on plants, but that had more to do with me being a long time customer of the vendor and being recognized. I'm concerned because I'll be attending Aquashella this weekend and now I'm wondering if I'll be able to get any fish. I was hoping to get more Corydoras. I know that they're not all the same, and some are harder to find. I saw 3 types while at the show; gold laser, skunk, and Bronze.
  14. lol! My lingering theory is that there is a lizard hiding amongst the plants who helped himself to our endlers. We have tons in the yard, and they do get in sometimes, even with our cat on the prowl. Nothing else makes sense.
  15. We checked the plants, no sign. All 9 were males. This is wild. There's about an inch from the top of the water line to the edge of the tank, but I have no idea how far an endler can jump.
  16. I have a 5 gallon shallow tank that I recently stocked with 9 endler guppies. Started with 3 then added 6 more yesterday. The last time I checked, at around 9 last night, all seemed fine. This morning, there were only 5 guppies left. I checked for bodies, nothing. I checked the filter media covering the filter intake, nothing. I checked behind and around the tank, nothing. I have 3 Nerites and about 6-7 cherry shrimp as well. Is it possible that their bodies were consumed in less than 9 hours?? I'm so confused. I even moved stones around. Nothing. Wouldn't I see some bones at least?
  17. I finally found the right HOB filter. Hopefully it holds up.
  18. I ended up trying some filter media around the intake with a rubber band. It looks awful but it will have to do until I figure something out. I'm leaning towards trying out a small canister filter.
  19. I recently purchased my first rimless tank, a UNS 45S (5 gallon, shallow) at a ACO partner store. The filter which the owner recommended seems to be a bad fit. It may be because of the layout of the scape, but there are a couple areas where the water seems stagnant. The wood is already glued to the stones, so I'm limited on placement options. I've tried moving the outflow to just below the surface, but it's not strong enough. I then decided to purchase a Marina S10 HOB filter, but the intake tube is too long. Would the ACO Nano filter be a better option? FYI: This tank will be home to a make Betta once it has been cycled.
  20. I like to torture myself by watching videos like these: I hope to spend many years collecting most of these. There's something about my Corydoras that always puts a smile on my face. I currently have Albinos, Pandas, Pigmy, and a lone Emerald.
  21. I asked him on IG and he said yes. I'm not sure about Matt, but meeting MD will be amazing. He got me into planted tanks. Can't wait!
  22. I was watching a pea puffer species profile, and the person mentioned that he deworms his tank monthly for his carnivores. Is that a known practice? It's my first time hearing this. I have Pea Puffers. What should I be using?
  23. I'll definitely be there. Yesterday I confirmed that MD of MD Fish Tanks will be there😀 I'm very excited for my first Aquashella, but I wish they had gone back to the Orlando venue.
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