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Everything posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. I would start putting a dash or two of the first bites in. Seriously, a little goes a long way!! Gotta remember that some fry will grow faster than others. The ones that don’t have a yolk sac anymore and are ready to eat will thank you!
  2. I hatch for 36 hours before harvest. I did 24 hours for a while, and then decided to try 36 and I’ll never go back. Same set up. Ziss hatchery, 2 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon eggs, a desk lamp (instead of a heater), usb nano air pump, and 36 hours.
  3. I had “troubles” with Platy’s when I first got into the hobby. Not so much trouble as I expected way more fry from what I read. As soon as I was feeding baby brine shrimp daily that’s when I really got into trouble!
  4. Agreed with @anewbie. There is still a visible yolk sac so no need to feed. As soon as that’s gone I use first bites for the first couple of days. Morning and night. I dip a cut off straw into the pouch, and then just a couple of taps is all you need. The nice thing about Angels is they can almost immediately take baby brine shrimp. I just usually wait a couple of days to ensure they can eat it and it doesn’t go to waste. If you have questions hit me up!
  5. Both a 5.5 gallon and already having a betta really limits what you should do. What you SHOULD do and what you COULD do are often two different things, though. Maybe some dwarf rasboras could work. My advice would be that if it starts to not work out, have another plan for either the betta or the rasboras.
  6. @Colu always with the rescue! Another thought that just popped into my head is that if you’re worried about it you could run some carbon in the tank.
  7. I have a 55 Angelfish tank. Had 6 Angels, but I removed the pair of Pandas to their own tank. Currently growing out 2 of their kids to add back to the tank. Also has Albino Cory’s (that I hatched and raised), Cardinal Tetras, and a couple Dwarf Rainbows. I had some Bristlenose in the tank, but their constant rasping on the plants was destroying them, so they got moved to a different tank. Just know that possibility going into it. Know that if you get a group, you’ll most likely end up with at least one pair, and they can get pretty aggressive when they’re breeding. If you can handle that, then you should be good to go. They may be called “Angelfish”, but the name is deceiving. At the end of the day they’re cichlids and definitely display cichlid behavior when spawning. Reach out if you have any questions! I’m always happy to help.
  8. I’d say it depends on the LFS. The LFS that takes basically everything I breed most definitely QT’s their fish. I know because they’ve allowed me back there a couple of times to take a look. Even though they do their own quarantine, I still do mine on top of it. My other LFS, I have no clue. Their stock is healthy and they have other fun things the first mentioned LFS doesn’t, but I’ve never seen their QT space. It’s entirely possible they have it and I’ve just never seen it. My best advice is to build relationships with your LFS and ask questions. I went to LFS #2 this past week to walk the floor and pick up a filter, and as soon as I came in the manager asked me, “where’s the boss today?” Normally my girlfriend is with me, but this time she wasn’t, and this let me know that not only do they recognize me, but they recognize my significant other as well. Get to know them, let them know you, and it typically works better for everyone.
  9. Yesterday I noticed the male Pleco was sitting on some eggs. Today, the Panda Angels spawned! That part of the 55 that’s sectioned off is overflowing with life! I haven’t pulled either of the spawns. Honestly, I’m kind of curious what happens if I let nature take her course. Will I regret it? Perhaps. Will I learn something? Absolutely! We’ll give it a few days and see what happens. Also received the sponge intake filters for the Fluval 107, and I made a grave mistake. Everything I looked up online says the opening for the intake is .5”. I bought sponges that are .6” thinking that would give me enough clearance. Well, turns out the tubing might be .5”, but the strainer is definitely bigger. No worries, we’ll just rip that strainer off and hook a sponge directly to the intake pipe. Feels like a massive oversight, but at the same time, I’m not really sure I wanted the intake as deep into the tank as the strainer goes. All’s well that ends well. The quest for knowledge and understanding is never ending. I hope you’re having fun with your tanks, Nerms!
  10. I have 2 29’s. One has a medium sponge filter with a Tetra Whisper 10i internal tiny filter. The other has a large sponge filter with a Tetra Whisper 10i internal tiny filter. Cartridges were thrown away and just some sponge shoved in the Tetra’s. Im confident either of them would be perfectly fine with just the sponge. I just like the little surface agitation and flow the little internal filters provide.
  11. For sure. The advantage to the behind the tank option is the lid is already cut there for the existing tiny internal filter. If I move it to the side with either a shelf (nice call) or a 5 gallon bucket “shelf” I’ll have to cut new holes in the lid and that could potentially mess with the light. Maybe behind the tank is making more sense as I think about it. Makes sense.
  12. @nabokovfan87 Thanks for that. I noticed that says the length of the tubing can have an impact. I’m just wondering what the difference would be between say, 15 inches of tubing if I put it on the shelf behind the tank vs. 27 inches of tubing if I put it off to the side with a 5 gallon bucket upside down. My brain yells me that a longer drop would gain more speed due to gravity. Maybe it would just prime a little faster or fill a litter faster 🤷‍♂️. Makes sense though that the pump pushing the water back up is going to be relatively the same. At least that’s what makes sense in my head lol.
  13. @nabokovfan87 I will for sure! Gonna be a few days before I get her started and running, but I’ll loop you in for sure. I know canisters are gravity fed, but does anyone know how far below the tank they HAVE to be? Originally, I was going to put this on the floor, but that would exceed the maximum 4.5’ below the water line by a couple of inches. Then I thought I’d just get (2) 5 gallon buckets. 1 upside down, and then one on top of it as I want the filter in a bucket in case of any leaks. THEN, I was just looking at the tank and thought maybe I could just put it on the shelf behind the tank. I’d need to get a measurement on it, but it would definitely be below the water line and should therefore be gravity fed, right? It would be nice to hide the filter behind the tank, but I don’t think I could put a 5 gallon bucket behind the tank. Decisions, decisions… Again! Lol
  14. Got her home, and here she is out of the box: Just as described on the website. Definitely removing the phosphate pad and the carbon, which will leave me with an empty tray. I like the idea of a couple pot scrubbers and a little poly fil, though. Probably going to start there and see how I like it. Definitely going to start with a sponge intake. The idea of a surface skimmer is intriguing, but we’ll start with the sponge and upgrade later if I ever want to. Already registered the canister for the additional 2 year warranty. That was a nice touch. When the sponge pre filter gets here we’re off to the races! Definitely need to wait for that as the tank has too many shrimp and I don’t want to chance it.
  15. Dwarf crayfish are essentially just bigger shrimp with claws. I was stoked on them when I first got them, but at this point they’re just big shrimp, lol.
  16. I also breed a fair amount of Angels. They’re my bread and butter when it comes to selling to the LFS for store credit. I do first bites for a few days in the morning and night after they’ve absorbed their yolk sac. Then, first bites in the morning and baby brine shrimp at night. I hatch a tablespoon of eggs and freeze the majority of the hatch to use the following week. Live is great, but frozen works awesome too, in my opinion. Then, I switch to crushed flake in the morning and baby brine shrimp at night. Then, Xtreme Nano in the morning and baby brine shrimp at night. Hit me up if you have any questions! I also put together a pretty extensive thread of how I raise angels at one point on here. Seriously, send me a message if you need any help!! Happy to assist! I found the link to the post I made!
  17. Agreed! Platies were some of the first fish I ever had, and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t getting fry. Then, it finally happened and I was so stoked! Then, I got a different color, and was feeding baby brine shrimp daily and then BOOM!! I was very quickly overrun and overwhelmed and had to make some changes, lol. Baby brine shrimp and live bearers can be a dangerous combination.
  18. @nabokovfan87 I swear I’m psychic sometimes in that I had a feeling someone was going to mention the 207, and I had a strong feeling it would be you, lol. I would’ve absolutely NAILED it had you mentioned it in my journal lol. In all honesty, I think the 207 just isn’t necessary. I know it’s only a few more bucks, but I just really don’t see a need for it. The tank currently runs on an ACO medium sponge, and then this bad boy with more ACO sponge cut out and put in there. I simply took out the lame cartridges and put in some sponge. The tank has been nothing but stable for 3+ years with the little amount of filtration it has. It has all the biological filtration it needs, I just need more mechanical. I simply want to clear up this water with all the botanicals and the Cory’s constantly kicking it up, and I want a new toy to play with if I’m completely honest. Also helps that a LFS sells Fluval products below MAP (sells, not advertises) so I can take advantage of that to save some money and achieve all the goals. Flow doesn’t really have much to do with the equation, I simply want the mechanical filtration and a new toy. I’m confident the 107 will be more than I ever need how it comes out of the box. Looking at the Fluval site, and the picture you provided, where it says “Biological Here” is where I feel like I would end up with an empty tray. Just not sure if it’s worth it to really put anything in there. Maybe I’ll end up buying the ACO water polishing pad. That’s really the only thing that comes to mind after pondering it for a few days that might be worth it.
  19. Rad. Love to hear that. My only other advice moving forward is to allow your next c02 tank to sit inside for at least 24 hours before hooking up the regulator. Metal expands and contracts as it heats and cools, so ensuring it’s at room temperature before hooking up and opening the tank helps ensure there are no leaks. Glad they got you squared away and everything is functioning as it should!
  20. Fish will typically eat anything that will fit in their mouths. As long as it won’t fit, they probably won’t try to eat it. Obviously not a scientific and specific answer, but that’s the best one I can give. If I was you, I’d leave the fry in the breeder box and watch the ones in the community tank. If the ones already in the tank are surviving the ones in the breeder box should be fine. Making sure everyone is well fed should help curb them from needing to try to take on a big meal from being hungry.
  21. I wouldn’t do anything but follow the directions on the box of meds. Meds tend to make my water cloudy.
  22. What up everyone? Hope you’re doing well. I know canisters tend to have a bad reputation at times, but I’m pretty much set on getting a Fluval 107 for my 29 gallon blackwater setup. The tank has been established for over 3 years. It used to be pretty heavily planted, but I’ve removed all the plants besides some Anubius as it’s been converted to a blackwater setup. That tank has never had the clearest water ever, but the plants used to hide it pretty well and honestly I just never really cared. Since converting it to a blackwater tank, and having Cory’s in the tank, they are kicking up more stuff into the water column. Botanicals are constantly breaking down, and the Cory’s are constantly kicking it up into the water column, and the current filtration just can’t take care of it. I’ve stuffed some Poly Fil into the Tetra Whisper 10 HOB and that definitely does the trick, but the Poly Fil clogs in a day or two, rendering the filter useless, and I simply don’t want to replace the Poly Fil every other day to reach the clarity I want. I want my tank to be dark from tannins, but not dark from tannins and then cloudy from organics. I plan to get a Fluval 107 to replace the mini HOB and plan to use it ALMOST out of the box. I’m DEFINITELY removing the carbon, which leaves me with an empty media tray. An empty tray seems like a wasted opportunity. I’ve planned to either A) add extra Poly Fil on top of the already existing polishing pad in a different tray or B) add additional media, but that really doesn’t seem necessary and feels like just a waste of money. I also plan to add an intake filter sponge, so with that and the other foams already in the canister it’s more than I will EVER need. What would you do with that empty tray? Add some Poly Fil? Add a different/additional polishing pad to the already existing one in a different tray? Add additional media that’s not needed? Leave it empty? Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts and what you do! Cheers to new toys, Nerms!
  23. The best answer I can give probably won’t be the answer you want to hear, and you’ve already kind of mentioned it in your original post, but as long as they don’t fit in the mouths of the other fish you should be fine. If there are other fry in the community tank surviving, and the fry you’re worried about are bigger than those, then you’re probably okay. Make sure everyone is well fed and you should be fine.
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