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Posts posted by AllFishNoBrakes

  1. On 5/25/2024 at 9:39 AM, VanDogh said:

    Is black water and dark substrate necessary for them to color up so intensively?

    To the best of my knowledge, no, it isn’t necessary at all! 

    This tank started as a shrimp only tank. After a couple of years of that, I was ready for a change. I had seen Blackwater tanks and had been looking at botanicals. It sounded super fun, so I decided I wanted to try a Blackwater tank. 

    From there, I wanted some fish that you might find in Blackwater environments, so I decided on Chili Rasboras and Green Neon Tetras. I’ll probably never do a full on biotope, but I thought the Chili’s and Green Neons would really pop against the dark water. And they do!

  2. Sounds like a stressful situation for everyone involved, including yourself, and it sounds like you’ve tried everything to get it to work. 

    Sometimes, things simply don’t work and you can’t force it. If it was me, I would be taking the Gourami back to the LFS. It might not be what you want to do, but it should alleviate the stress for both you and the fish. 

  3. Comin’ in hella late with the update this week. Do the kids still say “hella”? Definitely showing my age a bit. 

    This week was a weird one. My girl had her appointment with her specialist on Tuesday morning at 8am, and it’s a 2 hour drive both directions. Took Tuesday off so I could be with her, and then worked on Wednesday when I normally do the tanks. 

    I had every intention of doing the full maintenance routine on Thursday. We had our appointment at the Post Office for our passports at 11:30, and on the way home a maintenance tech said he was here to fix our A/C. I figured once he was done I would drag out the hoses and get to work, but I made the decision to just… not. Life has been crazy, work has been crazy, and I took the opportunity to just rest for a minute. 

    I filled up a single 5 gallon bucket, and just  topped off some tanks. It felt good to just do 15 minutes of maintenance instead of the 4 hours it probably would’ve been. I probably needed to squeeze a couple of sponges, but that can wait until next week when we get back on track. The boss will be back from vacation, and I should have my (mostly) uninterrupted day to just play with the tanks. 

    On a different note, I hit 10 years with my company (don’t remember if I noted that or not) and the love I received from my team was honestly overwhelming. One store got me a couple of cards, one team member made me a custom company logo out of a piece of metal on a plasma cutter CNC machine, and they got me a money tree to add to the collection of house plants. Another team got me a custom work shirt with our logo mixed with the Blink 182 smiley face logo, and a hoodie to match. The management team all pitched in and got me a gift card to pick a date to swim with the sharks at the Aquarium, and a gift card towards dinner afterwards. And I’m fairly confident the owner of the company is going to gift me and my girl a trip to Mexico (hence the passport appointment yesterday). 

    I’m overwhelmed with appreciation from my teams. Truly at a loss for words for their generosity and thanks for the work that I do. 

    I hope you’re taking care of yourselves, friends. I know I need to more often than I do. 

    Here’s a pic of my Chili’s I snapped for someone else in a different thread. Thought this one turned out pretty well:


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  4. On 5/24/2024 at 1:23 PM, VanDogh said:

    Chili rasboras seem to be more vibrant than dwarf rasboras or maybe the pictures on google are photoshopped/color enhanced 😉

    My Chili’s look fantastic in their Blackwater tank. They just take time to grow and color up. 

    I currently have 15 in my Blackwater tank, and they look awesome. Super vibrant in that darker environment. I recently bought another 10 to beef up the school, and they’re tiiiiiiny, and basically with no color. When you see them in the fish store you go “there’s no way that’s the same fish”. The photos you’ve seen probably aren’t enhanced, they’re just fully grown and fully colored up. 

    Here’s a picture I just snapped of mine:


    And their friends in quarantine who are younger and not colored up yet:


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  5. Nitrite at 10ppm is a little wild, but assuming you have no inhabitants it’s nothing to worry about. Nitrite SHOULD skyrocket as the ammonia comes down, because ammonia is converted to nitrite,  but 10ppm is still a little wild. Over time, that nitrite will become nitrate. Assuming you don’t have any inhabitants I would just let the tank do its thing and give it time. 

    Definitely biofilm growing on the wood. It’s harmless, although unsightly in my personal opinion. If you water change due to the high nitrite, you can suck it off the wood with the siphon or the tubing. You can also take the wood out and rinse/lightly scrub it off. 

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  6. Yup, discontinued. 

    I didn’t go as fancy as @Pepere and I’m happy with the performance. All just comes down to what you need vs. what you’re willing to pay. In my case, I just need it to work well and not drift, so I didn’t feel the need to spend more than what I did. 

  7. Ya, I have a tank of murder beans. Here we go:

    1. I have 6 in a 29. In a 10, I’d do one. Or maybe start with 2 and see if you get lucky. 
    2. Mine get bloodworms and snails. Snails are the only “live culture” I have. 
    3. I’ve never seen mine burrow 

    4. I’ve never seen mine jump. All my tanks have lids. 
    5. My tank is scaped and heavily planted. No caves. I’m sure they would explore it if I gave them one, though. 
    6. I have a sponge with easy flow kit, and an internal filter for the CO2. 
    7. I’m sure Blackwater would be fine, but mine is just straight fresh with no botinicals. I already have 2 other Blackwater tanks, and don’t want to maintain a third. 
    8. They are small. Smaller freshwater puffer in the world. About 1.25” full grown. 
    9. Don’t overthink it. I was super nervous about getting them before I did. Now having them for a couple years they’re mostly like any other fish. Bloodworms are easy for me as I use 1 cube per day and split it between like 5 different tank. Snails are good snacks. My Pea Puffer tank requires the most manual cleaning as snails are snacks, but the Nerites in that tank have helped, as well as the plants being as dense as they are now. 

    Here’s the most recent pic of my Pea Puffer tank:


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  8. On 5/19/2024 at 11:16 PM, Airborne 82nd said:

    But I see a lot of photos like yours where the water looks very cloudy.

    Probably a bacteria bloom, or, more likely in my opinion, dust from the aquasoil. Most of my tanks are planted in some fashion, and I’ve only ever really dealt with cloudy water from green water, or my blackwater tanks before I had internal filtration/water polishing filters. 

    I bet over time, the dust will literally settle, and it shouldn’t be cloudy. Plants themselves should not make your water cloudy 

  9. I second the 20 Pygmies. My 10 hide all the time, but that tank is also in my bedroom so I see them hovering around and doing their Pygmy thing when they think I’m not looking.


    Every once in a while I see a fry or two in there. I’m hoping I eventually get to around 20 by passively breeding them so they hide less. I could totally pull eggs and go through the motions to hatch and raise more, but life is too busy right now and I like the surprise Pygmy fry every once in a while. 

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  10. Definitely a broken or worn away shell. To the best of my knowledge, nerites are wild caught, and they often get damaged in shipping around the world. That, or the shell was worn away. Sorry the store you bought it from led you astray. 

    As the others have said, your pH and gH will be important to ensuring the shell doesn’t continue to erode, and instead you can help strengthen it. 

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  11. How far away is the LFS? I’m assuming a couple hours, or a couple hours in the bag total between catching and bagging all of them and then transport from the wording in your post  

    Don't overthink it. I’ve taken 100 at a time to the LFS with 25-33 in each bag with a little chunk of moss in the bag. The shrimp appreciate something to hold on to during transport. 

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  12. Agreed with @lefty o. You want a well established tank for your shrimp to thrive. You want algae and biofilm. 

    My other biggest recommendation is get shrimp bred locally, if you can. Those shrimp will be used to your tap water, and will do much better much faster. I’ve bought local shrimp that thrived immediately, and I’ve also bought shrimp from the LFS that I’ve had to work super hard to get the colony established. 

    Locally bred and a well-established tank and you’ll be off to the races. 

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  13. I’ve raised a few Cory species, but nothing in big numbers. I’ve also done livebearers, Bristlenose, and TONS of Angels. 

    In my experience, regardless of species, you’ll always have the ones that dominate the food and grow faster. And then you have the runts. 

    When I do Angels, I take the biggest 15 at a time to the LFS. Then I continue to grow out the rest. Another 15 to the store, continue to grow out. Then another 15 to the store. Rinse and repeat. 

    I gotta say it’s pretty shocking that the first picture is of fish hatched in January. I also gotta say that the ones you sold are smaller than any Cory I’ve ever seen in a fish store. In 6 months I would expect them to be bigger, for sure. 

    In general, does it take at least 6 months, in my experience, yes. Especially Cory’s in my experience. They’re much slower than say, my Angels that are pretty quick. 

    I focus less on time and more on health. I just keep feeding them well, keep them in a stable environment, and when they’re ready I hit up the LFS and see if they’re ready for more, and typically they are. It’s a good cycle for both of us. 

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  14. I like the Hikari non-jumbo bloodworms. They’re much smaller, so smaller fish can easily swallow them. I specifically will not buy jumbo bloodworms of any brand. 

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  15. To the best of my knowledge, those are all pretty low light plants. While I don’t know the par of the aquasky, I would bet that it gives more than enough par for any of those plants. 

    If you’re worried about it, get ACO lights and take out all the guess work with their par testing they did. 

    I will say that I run Aquaneats on 13 of my 14 tanks, and I don’t really have any issues. That being said, I stick with plants that do well in my water and with those lights. 

    Personally, I would worry less about par, and more about “what plants thrive in my water”, especially with a goldfish. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. What up?

    It was an easy maintenance sesh today. Just water in and out. Didn’t clean any filters, but I did clean out one air collar that wasn’t functioning as intended, and I clipped off some Amazon Sword leaves that were impeding flow. Pretty simple and quick this week. 

    New sponge filter came in, and what do ya know, no glugging. Fingers crossed that issue is now long behind me. 

    Chili Rasboras and Green Neons are doing well in QT. Did another 50% water change today, and it’ll be 20-30% from here on out. They still have another 2-4 weeks until they make it to the display. 

    An Anubius in the 29 gallon Blackwater tank is flowering!


    What caused it to flower? No clue. Only the second time I’ve ever seen it happen. First time for this specific plant. 


    Looks like we have a second flower popping up, too! 

    Photos both taken of the same tank. Just at different levels of the tank/different angles so one looks clear and one looks super tinted. 

    Cheers, homies. 

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  17. On 5/15/2024 at 2:54 PM, Tony s said:

    I end up making water anyway.

    If it was either not make water and not have fish, or make water and have fish, I would definitely be making water to have fish!

    I decided early on to work with fish that like my water. Hasn’t stopped me from playing with Platy’s, Guppies, and Endlers. It’s just a struggle for a while until that first or second generation. Then I’m begging them to stop 😂

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