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  1. I purchased 5 Vals about 2 months ago. Four of them disappeared completely within a few days. The only one I have left is about 3" when I planted it and it's still the same, with no new growth at all. I use root tab fertilize and use medium to high light on for 9 hrs. a day. Tank is 65 gal planted tank. Co2 injection. All my other plants including Swards and Anubias etc. They are all growing just fine. Can someone give me some advise.
  2. I've been fertilizing my recently purchased Vals with root tabs and liquid fertilizer. My light is set from low to high through out the day. All my plants are thriving and doing quite well. However the Vals are just doing nothing. Three months now and have some growth but on 2" tall. I just don't know how to get these guys to grow taller. I tried everything. They are planted in my 65 gal tank. Setup over 18 years. Any suggestion would be grateful.
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