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  1. thanks man, I see what you're saying! I used a container that Petco uses for Bettas and maybe I'll switch it to a small plastic tuppaware container thing that has a smooth, curved "edge" on it and less likely to injure the fish. missing scales makes more sense - didn't look fungal and no other fish had any markings. at least I know they're trying to breed!
  2. I think 7 or 8 males to 10-11 females (18 total) do I need to remove some males?
  3. I'm not quite sure on the ratio, honestly. I need to try and take a video and pause or something and figure out exactly how many male/female I have. Recently I put in a small plastic container with plenty of moss in it to try and collect some eggs. Looks like I need to add some more moss in there and figure out exactly how many males I got. I was thinking about moving them to another tank to spawn but I have some mystery fry I'm raising from this tank in a breeder box attached to it so I know one of the fish species at least is capable of spawning in there. Also need to do a water change today, didn't get it done over the weekend.
  4. I don't see any fuzz, the patch looks smooth and slightly raised. I've only noticed one of my fish with this, it appears almost symmetrical/same location on either side. She has not been acting funny or anything, I just noticed this growth and trying to determine if it's bacterial or fungal so I can treat accordingly with meds I already have. I'm probably going to treat the entire tank since I have no clue if any other CPDs or my clown killifish have it. I also have a few tiny fry growing out in an attached breeder box. unheated/cold tank temp 71.8 pH 6.4 gH 4-5 kH 1-2 TDS 140
  5. keep it up! it's OK, I have had a few fish die early on in the hobby as well and felt very discouraged and almost quit! this was about a year and half ago, now I just finished building a canopy for a 100 gallon tank - which I think is my 16th or 17th tank? lol assuming your tank has been fully cycled, my suggestion would be to maybe do a weekly water change of about 15-20% of water instead of going every 2 weeks 25-50%. if your schedule only lets you do this every other week then I understand why you do 25-50%.
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