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Everything posted by Liddojunior

  1. I have pygmy cories (9) in a large shallow community tank. But have one pygmy cory that is extremely and I mean extremely skittish and lost on how to help him be comfortable. This pygmy cory gets so frightened if I'm in view of the tank that it goes into extreme fight or flight, flies in and out of hiding spots making laps around the tank. This causes the majority of pygmys and kuhli loaches into a frenzied panic, prior to his addition all the pygmy corys would chill on top of plant leaves and munch on food with the shrimps. I got this pygmy cory from someone who was local who needed to rehome him. Given that husbandry in my opinion has been great, I think would like to get your thoughts on how to handle making this poor little guy feel safe. Tank: Fine sand substrate Epiphyte galore Rocks and driftwood cover Surface coated in floating plants Diet: varied diet of live/frozen/dried foods baby brine, frozen brine/bloodworms, hikari crab cuisine, NLS pellet Water Param: Water changes every few weeks. (NO2: 0PPM; NO3 ~10PPM) Evap: RO top off TDS ~180 Tankmates: An army of neocardinas M/F pair of Scarlet Badis 3 Kuhli loaches Horned nerite Mystery snail Filter: Zoomed 501 filter
  2. I use baby brine shrimps for live foods. And have a bit of nostalgia and wonder if anyone has tips for making a nice stable colony of adult brine shrimps going? I was thinking some live sand and rock and adding hatched brine shrimps to grow up. But not sure how to maintain water quality for the long term and wondering if anyone has been able to keep a display brine shrimp (“sea monkey”) tank?
  3. Angelfish? They spend their time just effortlessly gliding in the water peacefully. Their grace and beauty is to hide their true chaotic nature. To me they always look like they swim on autopilot while they spend energy plotting how they’ll take on every other fish when the time comes.
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