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White spot on neon tetra...


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Hey all!  Was feeding the tetras and noticed a white spot on the side of one of them.  Behavior seems normal.  Parameters are:

pH: 6.8, NO2: 0, NO3: 0 to 10, dKH: 1.1, dGH: 6.8, temp: 73.

On a side note, being my first scaped/planted tank, how the heck do you guys catch the fish to quarantine without wrecking your scape!?



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Thanks @Colu!  Hmm... so it sounds like I should quarantine the little guy then.  Are there antibiotics you would recommend that can help me tease out one versus the other?

EDIT: Forgot to ask, I read that tetras that have NTD should be "isolated".  Does this mean they need to be taken out of the tank entirely or is it okay to have it in one of those little floating breeder/injury cubes that stay within the tank?

Edited by Martin
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Regarding maracyn and other antibiotics... are they safe to use in a planted tank?  I thought I read in the past that it's not a great thing, but I can't remember the details.  I've quarantined the tetra into its own 5-gallon tank, but that tank still has some susswassertang in it.

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