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Parasite Nightmare


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I started needing Japanese Trap Door snails. I love them to pieces. But it never occurred to me that they would have grown up in outside breeding ponds. Birds poop outside. Black spot disease can be transmitted through those droppings. Well, it did. Five tanks were affected. Used salt and Paracleanse with some results but not enough. Treating with PraziPro, salt and light blocking. The black spot may have improved. But a few days later those tanks got hit with Velvet. Most fish have improved. But I still have two very golden betta, in two tanks (one with corydora). The corys appear okay. I don’t know what else to do. Does Belvet get to a point where you just can’t save a fish!

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unfortunately velvet does tend to kill fish. it can be treated relatively easy when caught early but is much harder to treat once it has set in since it becomes pretty resistant to meds. high temps (83-85ish) and salt are very beneficial. for meds you want to treat the entire tank with malachite green and possibly copper. you want to medicate for a few days past the point of not seeing any velvet on the fish since it is likely still in the tank. 

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