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Picking the hive mind here. My first planted tank, three days old.

my scarlet temple from the co-op is growing some white fuzz. Is this melt or are the stems rotting and should be removed?

they came in pretty sparse on leaves but looked pretty healthy to me other wise. Figured it was due to transit in winter and acclimation. But today they grew a fuz.

any advice for a novice would help. 
thank you all 😊



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The spiderwood in the tank has a few spots of fuzzy stuff too. I was expecting it to happen on the wood but didn’t know if that was normal on the stems. If its something abnormal I didn’t want it to spread to the other plants.

thank you for the insite 😊

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I emailed the co-op and they got back to me in less than a half hour. told me to pull it and gave a refund. I might be new to the hobby but I can recognize good customer support and knowledgeable staff. Sending a thank you out to Candi for helping a first timer!

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