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I'm curious about how my planting will turn out. I got a good carpet of this stuff but was grown into some kinda mat made of straw or something and when I tried to take it apart a lot of roots ripped off and ended up with a lot of tiny stems. I planted these all over my tank. I'm curious if these will recover and grow roots or if I just killed them all. I use r/o water and fluval stratum as substrate


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As long as you have healthy looking strands they will grow. I got some and almost all the roots rotted out because they came in a rubber band and I had to plant tiny bits and pieces and it came back. I'd suggest getting as much of the plant into the substrate and leave like just a little bit of the leaf sticking out so that it has its best chance to grab the substrate.

Heres a picture kinda showing how I plant the strands although it has grown a bit. The glosso can either grow straight up or sideways and just keeping cutting if you want the carpet effect.


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1 minute ago, Koi said:

As long as you have healthy looking strands they will grow. I got some and almost all the roots rotted out because they came in a rubber band and I had to plant tiny bits and pieces and it came back. I'd suggest getting as much of the plant into the substrate and leave like just a little bit of the leaf sticking out so that it has its best chance to grab the substrate.

Heres a picture kinda showing how I plant the strands although it has grown a bit. The glosso can either grow straight up or sideways and just keeping cutting if you want the carpet effect.


That's really good info, your not using c02 are you? They all looked really healthy and green no dead leave came 

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Oh you should be fine then, I found glosso to be resilient in my tank. Even the really rotted out pieces still grew back. I forgot to mention be sure to really get the glosso in the substrate the first time and try not to disturb that area for a while so it doesn't uproot. I always have had trouble planting things into stratum, sometimes I would accidentally pour some water into my carpet and knock everything out in it. I like to stick 3-4 strands together in one plug (if that makes sense what im saying) I find that it grips a little better.

I do use co2 in the tank for that picture, but I have another tank without co2 and it grows fine just not as densely.

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4 minutes ago, Koi said:

Oh you should be fine then, I found glosso to be resilient in my tank. Even the really rotted out pieces still grew back. I forgot to mention be sure to really get the glosso in the substrate the first time and try not to disturb that area for a while so it doesn't uproot. I always have had trouble planting things into stratum, sometimes I would accidentally pour some water into my carpet and knock everything out in it. I like to stick 3-4 strands together in one plug (if that makes sense what im saying) I find that it grips a little better.

I do use co2 in the tank for that picture, but I have another tank without co2 and it grows fine just not as densely.

Okay I could probably put some more of the pieces into the substrate. It is kind of tricky planting in this because it's so light. The deeper spots it's pretty nice and easy too. I'm thinking of doing some kind of passive c02 because I won't be able to afford a c02 injection system 

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Thats cool you should try it, Im pretty sure you'll like it. The only thing is you might like it too much and end up buying co2 tank anyways haha. Ive never done a passive co2 system myself but I think getting a co2 bell system is really nice option to get your feet wet with. It has a relatively clean look or atleast better than a floating cup (unless you don't mind a more DIY look). Take a look into that if you haven't already.

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7 hours ago, Koi said:

Thats cool you should try it, Im pretty sure you'll like it. The only thing is you might like it too much and end up buying co2 tank anyways haha. Ive never done a passive co2 system myself but I think getting a co2 bell system is really nice option to get your feet wet with. It has a relatively clean look or atleast better than a floating cup (unless you don't mind a more DIY look). Take a look into that if you haven't already.

I didn't know they had c02 bells I was going to use a glass bottle. Better than plastic but I will look into those. I definitely would like an actual injector at some point but my stimulus check is already gone lol spent most of it getting this tank set up 

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I think this is a good video that has some good information. I would definitely recommend looking at co2 cartridges used for bike pumps to save some money just do a little research and make sure its compatible with the fluval kit.



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I saw this and saw so many negative reviews on how it emptied out in two days when these people clearly had no idea how to use this and I never having it also had no idea lol 

5 hours ago, Koi said:

I think this is a good video that has some good information. I would definitely recommend looking at co2 cartridges used for bike pumps to save some money just do a little research and make sure its compatible with the fluval kit.




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